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DG ISPR press conference

Late Asmara jehangir correctly characterized them as "DANGEROUS DUFFERS".
I think it was Michel Moore of Fahrenheit 911 who called the the trio of Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz as stupid but dangerous people.

اسے کہتے ہیں بندر کے ہاتھ میں استرا
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If they are true to their words, they should stop meddling in the affairs from TODAY.. and then we will all see how this PDM government falls down.

As per them, thy want to stay out, and i think they are trying to stay out (by=election defeats in Punjab to pdm and many other signs) but if IK keeps accusing them in his every speech, how long would they tolerate before giving their response. And when they respond, they will get accused of being political. So what exactly are they supposed to do, worse, IK has already called the next army chief the choice of chors, so by default, whomsoever gets appointed will have his image tarnished right from his first day in office.

Even in todays PC, Generals said that IK's demand was to put zardari and nawaz behind bars, what childish wishes of IK.

Sir you just cant ignore PTI's last tenure, agreed with you on covid handling, but they way IK managed his team from Buzdars to Ashiq Awans, and his failure to keep his coalition partners intact, we just cant continue to believe whatever Khan sb says.
No it hasn't. Army is being constantly targeted to control it. I've never seen anywhere in the world where ex PM accuse siting army chief as traitor and stuff.

I am just waiting for the day when people will say IK wasn't the saviour we thought he was. Lol
Water boy grow up…
IK is saying call elections and let the people decide. He doesn't say he wants establishment to put him in power but probably knows that they can force PDM to call elections since they run the show behind the scenes.

They wanted to call elections but IK thinks if he forces his wish of date of the elections, it will give him a big victory.

Why cant he wait for elections next year??
Thats the problem. IK can't do shit bcz he himself is corrupt, part of the same system. Army brought him into power, and Army will bring him again in power. Thats it. Look at PTI top leadership everyone is ex PPP or PMLN.
Lol which media cell u work for?

Niazi traitor is targeting our first and second line of defense. I won’t be surprised, if he is involved in AS murder.
They have never defended the Pakistani people they have been in power since Ayub khan decided to continue obeying his western masters instead of serving his countries own interests. They create our problems and then pretend to solve them.. enough of this crap we don’t want unelected officials in charge so their families can enjoy a luxuries life in the west while ordinary Pakistanis can’t even pay their bills
Ullu k pathay generals can't even figure out a coherent strategy in the political arena. When India will attack how will they respond?
چلو بھئی بس بہت ہو گیا صاحب کو جانور نہیں کہنا آج سے انکو پرندہ کہیں گے ۔ یہ گدھ ہیں

Triggered a raw nerve there, hit them at all the right places.

BTW IK never said they are janwar, rather he said neutral tau janwar hota hai, and since they are accepting the facts and restating it, it means deep inside they acknowledges it what IK has said.

Gidh key agay 'Alif' laganey sey Gadha bhi ban jata hai, Chalo both are apt.
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5 gen warfare. It’s all India fault bro. Raw conspiracy bro. Arshad Sharif ran head first into the bullet bro.-signalian
Also add

DG ISPR and ISI did not make any mistake, it was all fault of public to turn on the TV, had their TV sets been off there would have been no stupid press conference.

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