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  1. On the Edge

    PAF & Turkish Pilots Sporting Indian ''Kill'' Patches

    india should live upto her reputation and run crying to some international body in protest
  2. On the Edge

    Pakistan Day Parade 2019

    so were there j-10s?
  3. On the Edge

    India should learn cleanliness from Africa...

    correct there, i dont know why our fellow pakistanis point fingers at india, we are not much behind when it comes to cleanliness
  4. On the Edge

    Indian Helicopter Was Most Likely Also Shot Down by PAF

    makes sense, i think this is one of the main reasons that their skinny behinds are so much on fire, they know what happened to that chopper and yet they cant come out accusing us as it will be another political setback for the animals... these events have totally demoralised their military, so...
  5. On the Edge

    Girl, 12, is 'gang-raped by her uncle and brothers before being strangled by her aunt' and then behe

    animals also have some protocol or etiquette, this nation is just baigharat and buzdil
  6. On the Edge

    International Experts/Satellite Images debunk Indian claim of Surgical Strike in Balakot, Pakistan.

    i am sorry but indians have to be the most baigharat and buzdil qaum of this world, period. you tried and lost, take it head on and move on you idiots
  7. On the Edge

    2nd pilot

    i think, if there ever was a 2nd pilot, he died and fell at a place where no one might have reached
  8. On the Edge

    Ethiopian Airlines flight to Nairobi crashes, killing all 157 passengers and crew members

    RIP, i thought Ethiopian was one of the better ones out there in that part of the world,
  9. On the Edge

    Why are the custom duties so high for importing a car?

    any idea on glock prices in pak ,both used and new?
  10. On the Edge

    According to IAF SU-30 shot down the AIM-120 AMRAAM which fired by F16 at SU-30.

    so now this, they keep hiding behind unofficial statements,
  11. On the Edge

    Does India have the capability to conduct a Special Forces Raid into Pakistan?

    and then made Pakistan to return those parts....
  12. On the Edge

    Does India have the capability to conduct a Special Forces Raid into Pakistan?

    i think they might not have the capability, means and will to perform such action, experience is the key here, despite all the technological support, they still might fail and if get caught would cause a massive damage to indian political rulers of the time, USA has decades of experience of...
  13. On the Edge

    A picture worth a Thousand words.

    Yep they look down and out, so much in the jealousy and hate. That green looking bottle, it’s jus a bit odd and funny for a kind of room its in Maybe it has some “special drink” in it,
  14. On the Edge

    Video of the two pilots that ejected

    Someone from that area can trace this baba g and do another interview, maybe that might add something
  15. On the Edge

    How do we make PDF better?

    Hi, the shout box feature is very good, May I suggest that the posts appearing in spout box should open in a new window, I am sure we all mostly use the “open on new tab” thing
  16. On the Edge

    PM Imran Khan Complete Speech At Defense Day Event GHQ Islamabad

    **cking hell, how could ppl eat that sh*t, its really bad hygiene and nasty , and an educated celebrity doing that , that too in such a prestigious ceremony, what a dumb guy he is, embarrassed us enough during his cricketing days, eating ball and getting out on crucial stages, he is still on it
  17. On the Edge

    PM Imran Khan Complete Speech At Defense Day Event GHQ Islamabad

    i think he has to come out of 'main main' we all know enough about his personal stories, I am a PTi voter, but today he very conveniently changes his stance on war on terror,
  18. On the Edge

    Are You Happy With the Work Culture in Pakistan?

    when I joined my first job after graduation, I was scolded by seniors that I was not calling them "Bhae" and was calling them by their names,
  19. On the Edge

    World's highest fencing of International border. Pakistan has begun fencing the Hindu Kush Mountains

    will it hold in harsh winter storms? and what about snow leopards, how will they cross
  20. On the Edge

    Zardari 'visibly agitated' during FIA interrogation

    enough with the interrogations, when will the looted money be recovered/
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