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Does India have the capability to conduct a Special Forces Raid into Pakistan?


Dec 7, 2006
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India wants to emulate the Special Forces Raid that USA conducted that killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011.

Aside from Indian Propaganda, realistically speaking, does India have the proper training, equipment, logistics, support and know-how to mount a special forces raid into Pakistan?
India wants to emulate the Special Forces Raid that USA conducted that killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011.

Aside from Indian Propaganda, realistically speaking, does India have the proper training, equipment, logistics, support and know-how to mount a special forces raid into Pakistan?
yes it does
it has the means , men and the required training to conduct such raid inside Pakistan.
the outcome and the aftermath is what that is unpredictable.
so Indian military planners have to realistically war plan the entire scenario including all the possible hurdles and unexpected events since war or skirmish is fluid in nature and doesn't go in a linear path.
another most important element in addition to men material and equipment is the element of surprise

good planners enabled by trained personal and proper equipment ensure that the outcome is as close to the desired result as planned along with the safe and successful exit

conversely. Pakistan or any other country with a professionally trained and equipped military must also have plans in place to foil such raids though advance intelligence, trained and alert personal with all means necessary to counter such raids.
main challenge for Pakistan will be to know what is the target and what is the timing. having such prior knowledge can make the raiders's job really hard.

nationalistic rhetoric aside both countries have professional and able forces their years of training and determination and both can conduct raids against each other and can also counter each other
India wants to emulate the Special Forces Raid that USA conducted that killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011.

Aside from Indian Propaganda, realistically speaking, does India have the proper training, equipment, logistics, support and know-how to mount a special forces raid into Pakistan?

They cannot conduct a raid like that inside Pakistan.
See sending men in won't be difficult if we limit it to places with in 20km of the border , expecting them to come back and the bases where they launched from to stay alive ? Woah buddy got yourself a hard one there I'd say ,
yes it does
it has the means , men and the required training to conduct such raid inside Pakistan.
the outcome and the aftermath is what that is unpredictable.
so Indian military planners have to realistically war plan the entire scenario including all the possible hurdles and unexpected events since war or skirmish is fluid in nature and doesn't go in a linear path.
another most important element in addition to men material and equipment is the element of surprise

good planners enabled by trained personal and proper equipment ensure that the outcome is as close to the desired result as planned along with the safe and successful exit

conversely. Pakistan or any other country with a professionally trained and equipped military must also have plans in place to foil such raids though advance intelligence, trained and alert personal with all means necessary to counter such raids.
main challenge for Pakistan will be to know what is the target and what is the timing. having such prior knowledge can make the raiders's job really hard.

nationalistic rhetoric aside both countries have professional and able forces their years of training and determination and both can conduct raids against each other and can also counter each other
Interesting ..so you think a chopper can fly 100km inside Pakistan ..drop troops remain there for at least half an hour and than go up and back into india...

This is possible if absolute air dominance is achieved ..as even if radars are blinded the ensuring military operations(half an hour) will make the airforce awake ..it takes 5-7 minutes for jet to scrmable and intercept a slow flying chopper

Yes. But unlike the Americans they would not go back home. Either they would end up being flushed down the Ganga for a wash or enjoy Pakistan Chai ....
I will be surprised if the higher up in military were not told about the operation ..deny as much they want but someone knew..now was that hours before or minutes before or during the op..is anyone guess like just minutes before
Possible in asymmetric warfare, which is impossible in case of Pakistan. Otherwise i think, India lack this capability in terms of stealth weapons, training and tactics.
India would need AWECs
Full airforce back up
Long range choppers and refuelers (which its getting from india)
Jammers to jam everything

Doing air strikes yeah thats easy especially with SOW
i think they might not have the capability, means and will to perform such action,
experience is the key here, despite all the technological support, they still might fail and if get caught would cause a massive damage to indian political rulers of the time,
USA has decades of experience of carrying out such raids, all these unnecessary wars have helped US in becoming more and more experienced in relevant fields,
so for india, so far their such adventures have failed, and would not allow the to have confidence in entering their special forces deep inside Pak
Is it surgical strike#3???? I thought it's coming from the sea....

i think they might not have the capability, means and will to perform such action,
experience is the key here, despite all the technological support, they still might fail and if get caught would cause a massive damage to indian political rulers of the time,
USA has decades of experience of carrying out such raids, all these unnecessary wars have helped US in becoming more and more experienced in relevant fields,
so for india, so far their such adventures have failed, and would not allow the to have confidence in entering their special forces deep inside Pak
Yet, they left behind the stealth technology's materials science part (and, it's the most difficult one along with producing the right curvatures in the a/c body), developed over 40 years spending 40b$....
Sneak into Pakistan through Kartarpur corridor, just like Israelis did in Gaza as NGO activists. Pakistan cannot shout/take action and close kartarpur as Indian media will be told to create world cry over closure of Kartarpur as an act of war over sikhs.
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