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    Trump’s Nowruz Greeting Slams Iranian Theocracy

    Imagine Iranian president calls entire west nations as infidels and then congratulates Christmas and then criticize them for being Christians. And on top of that slams sanctions after sanctions.
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    Happy Nowruz, New Iranian year to all members of defense forum.

    Best wishes and fruitfull year ahead for all of us :-)
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    jesi ti mozda bivsi forumas nelsa?

    jesi ti mozda bivsi forumas nelsa?
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    Iran Moves 35 Years Ahead by Reverse Engineering US RQ-170

    No by his definition these stuff should have been returned to their original owner :lol:
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    don't you just love american foreign policy?!
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    Gut, gut stay well!

    Gut, gut stay well!
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    Man are you alive, you became invisible in this forum... Is everything OK :D

    Man are you alive, you became invisible in this forum... Is everything OK :D
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Fafnir@ what is the missile on the far right hand side of the image? Rapier missile perhaps? One on the bottom is a cruise type missile like tomahawk?
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    That is why we need our own forum that can gather us in one place so we can avoid this bigoted treatment.
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    The air defense systems possessed by Hezboullah party of Lebanon

    And again somewhere I heard variant story from zionist where they said warhead did not explode when it hit the ship and thats why there was such a small damage to the ship.
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    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Maybe that crane at the background of picture had something to do with it by taking it off?
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    In first, U.S. presents its evidence of Iranian weaponry from Yemen

    I bet Haley uses this long item to plunge her zio fanny cause she can't take on the bigger thing, as it is apparent the struggle is too great
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    for me has potential to be highly effective given an extended effective range that is still unknown, especially countering low altitude cruise missiles, drones, fighter jets. they will fall off the skies like dead birds without firing a single missile. frying their electronics and radars will...
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    maybe even increased heat shielding resistance towards high energy directed beam weapons such as lasers, but one thing is still unanswered, EMP based directed beam weapons is still for me an effective way to bring down missiles. Look at the project champ on web, it is very interesting weapon...
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    In first, U.S. presents its evidence of Iranian weaponry from Yemen

    This presentation to me looks like, a presentation how our defence systems patriot failed to intercept missile. it almost looks like it is intact
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    In first, U.S. presents its evidence of Iranian weaponry from Yemen

    Good now Iran has 9 more qiams left and that is it:woot::D
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I dont believe that sayad 2 & 3 are designated by number of canister launchers, it more has to do with the vehicle footprint. In urban environment you can have both systems with two launchers on each just to blend in with other trucks in the city. In cities you can shoot and scoot in civilian...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    @agarrao a las kalandrakas well if you recall what happened in Lebanon with regards to US troops, I might argue that similar scenario can happen with US troops as well.
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    Iran's New Missile Cap Offer Is a Total Sham

    So are humans, and even complying with these demands of cutting missile development and production there is no guarantee that they will ask in future to cut Iranian human production and development because humans are also capable carrying nuclear bombs.
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Look at it falling graciously and burning like a torch
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