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Trump’s Nowruz Greeting Slams Iranian Theocracy

Lets all listen to trump he's not a orange buffoon at all!!!
Would you agree with the essence of what he said? I know Trump is a putz and the wrong person to say it - but is the sentiments about how your religious heads are fleecing its citizens not true, or among the younger demographic at least?

It is what Trump didn't say.
Did he tell why Iran is poor?
No, it is not due to the revolution, but it is due to the US supporting of Saddam Hussain during whole 8 years, and afterwards it is due to American sanctions, and now due to the US backed war in the Syria.

He is just like this scumbag who told iraqis he is not against them but against their leader but he bombed and sanctioned iraqis much being not anti iraqi and anti saddam only

This orange scumbag doesn't care about iranians sense they done have shit to put in his mouth like Saudis

This animal have no shame at all even when the iranian protests happened he and his Animals used this opportunity to bash Obama's administration

These animals said they are not going to be quite for the iranian protests while they are quite for the crimes of Saudis in Yemen and haftar in Libya and sisi in Egypt and in Bahrain also

Also another american said when we got riots in the US nobody called for UNSC to intervene
I hate people who politicise cultural things... Fucking despicable. Imagine if Iran used Christmas to criticise the US!

Imagine Iranian president calls entire west nations as infidels and then congratulates Christmas and then criticize them for being Christians. And on top of that slams sanctions after sanctions.
Would you agree with the essence of what he said? I know Trump is a putz and the wrong person to say it - but is the sentiments about how your religious heads are fleecing its citizens not true, or among the younger demographic at least?
I agree wholeheartedly... He may be a buffoon, a KKK, a Islamophobe, a despicable person, but he was on target with his description of IRI.
People make fun of Trump when he makes bs (not in this case though) statements but when Mr. Khamenie does there is no one here to call him on it. He actually has the audacity to tell Iranian people that they have freedom of expression. What a f*cking joke. Someone needs to remind him that in a democratic country democracy is not a top-down directive and does not happen just because you say it "exists". Here's a test for Mr. Khamenie, and IRI: why not have a referendum? Why not have free and fair elections (i.e don't pre-select those that can run)? And stop killing people and call it suicide. Mr. Khamenie and his click may "think" people are stupid, the same mistake that the Shah did, but TBH it's only the despots who think that way.
He doesn't give a **** about Americans either. He is one strange ****! :D

Well , he doesn't give * about Iranians and if he found any opportunity , he will crush Iran but he is right about this part although we already knew this :""Today, the Iranian people face another challenge: and rulers who serve themselves instead of serving the people."

At least those so called reformists , larijani brothers an most of ousol garas are just serving themselves ....
"It is a hostile army that brutalizes and steals from the Iranian people to fund terrorism abroad," he said. "Since 2012, the IRGC has spent more than $16 billion of Iran’s wealth to prop up the Assad regime and support militants and terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.
only 16 billion? Imagine what we could do if we had real money :(
People make fun of Trump when he makes bs (not in this case though) statements but when Mr. Khamenie does there is no one here to call him on it. He actually has the audacity to tell Iranian people that they have freedom of expression. What a f*cking joke. Someone needs to remind him that in a democratic country democracy is not a top-down directive and does not happen just because you say it "exists". Here's a test for Mr. Khamenie, and IRI: why not have a referendum? Why not have free and fair elections (i.e don't pre-select those that can run)? And stop killing people and call it suicide. Mr. Khamenie and his click may "think" people are stupid, the same mistake that the Shah did, but TBH it's only the despots who think that way.
Now why oh why am I not surprised that you are a trumpist....or at least you are when it comes to iran..right?:disagree:
Personally I think the vetting of potential political candidates is a very good idea and perhaps if you`d done it in the us you might just perhaps have avoided both the bush jr years and the far,far worse trumpist /alt right nightmare that you currently find yourselves having.Its bad enough that someone like him was even allowed to be a candidate,but the thing that is utterly damning of the current us democratic system is that he actually won,indeed many non americans would consider the trump election to be a referendum on the entire current american political system.So who do you blame it on?,the red-nek alt right voters [like yourself no doubt] or the apathetics who didnt vote because they simply saw no point in it or were just unable to hold their nose and vote for billary.Also Its kind of funny that you have someone like trump who lovingly licks the arse of people like the saudis,the israelis and putin and yet hes criticizing irans political system[LOL!],if pahlavis arab style dictatorship was still in existence in iran trump would no doubt be licking its arse and praising it as an example of good governance and stability as well.Lastly if irans version of democracy is so undemocratic then how come the voter turnouts are comparable with the turnouts in western elections?,perhaps its because like voters in the west they know that the systems not perfect,but then they also know that its light years ahead of what else is on offer,especially when it comes to whats on offer by the west in the middle east.:agree:
Tell you what why dont you go and hang out with these fine iranian "democrats":usflag: [LOL!] I`m sure they`d be much more to your liking than the mullahs.
Now why oh why am I not surprised that you are a trumpist....or at least you are when it comes to iran..right?:disagree:
Personally I think the vetting of potential political candidates is a very good idea and perhaps if you`d done it in the us you might just perhaps have avoided both the bush jr years and the far,far worse trumpist /alt right nightmare that you currently find yourselves having.Its bad enough that someone like him was even allowed to be a candidate,but the thing that is utterly damning of the current us democratic system is that he actually won,indeed many non americans would consider the trump election to be a referendum on the entire current american political system.So who do you blame it on?,the red-nek alt right voters [like yourself no doubt] or the apathetics who didnt vote because they simply saw no point in it or were just unable to hold their nose and vote for billary.Also Its kind of funny that you have someone like trump who lovingly licks the arse of people like the saudis,the israelis and putin and yet hes criticizing irans political system[LOL!],if pahlavis arab style dictatorship was still in existence in iran trump would no doubt be licking its arse and praising it as an example of good governance and stability as well.Lastly if irans version of democracy is so undemocratic then how come the voter turnouts are comparable with the turnouts in western elections?,perhaps its because like voters in the west they know that the systems not perfect,but then they also know that its light years ahead of what else is on offer,especially when it comes to whats on offer by the west in the middle east.:agree:
Tell you what why dont you go and hang out with these fine iranian "democrats":usflag: [LOL!] I`m sure they`d be much more to your liking than the mullahs.
Interesting that you think I a "trumpist"... I am not. In fact I think he has done more damage to American brand than any other politician in recent memory.

Second, it seems you are advocating vetting. If so, then why even bother with logistics of elections? Why not have the Supreme Leader anoint someone and save a whole bunch of money? But the real reason vetting is bad is because it's done by people: fallible, opinionated, susceptible, and narcissists who put their own interests above the rest. In other words let the people make the choice but not a few old men (not a single women - how laughable is that? - whose greatest achievements have been seminary schools). Why be afraid of people's choice?

Now you fault the American people for their choice of Trump. Tell you what, the American people had plenty of choices, some good, some bad, and some horrible. Never the less they had plenty of choices. And in the end they fell for the "snake oil" salesman. A bad choice (IMO a horrible choice), but still "PLENTY OF F*CKING CHOICES". It will hurt America for a long time to come. The same way the Iraq war is still hurting America.

And for you to belittle Iranian-Americans who wish for a better future, a better way, for their country is so assuming. They love their country as much as any other Iranian. They just don't like to have Agha zadehs, whose only claim to entitlement is being born to IRI's elite, ruin their motherland. Don't believe me just take a look at the sad state of Iran's auto industry that's been "managed" by these people. Take a look at youth unemployment. Look at Iran's standing in the world.

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