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  1. Cell_DbZ

    Breaking News: Policeman shot and hostages taken at supermarket in southern France

    Of course, poor Salah is a victim of the evil westerners and their islamophobia! Salah didn't do nuffin! That gendarme is an absolute hero! Something we should aspire to be. I think it's a lone wolf attack i.e. no cell that planned this (perhaps some limited contact). May those people rest in...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Scandal: Belgian f-16's could fly 6 years longer than reported; military withheld critical info

    Did military top brass withhold information about drones too? Fri 23/03/2018 - 10:32 MB In the wake of the controversy surrounding the withholding of information concerning the lifespan of Belgium’s fleet of F-16 fighter jet. It has now emerged that politicians, including the Defence Minister...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Scandal: Belgian f-16's could fly 6 years longer than reported; military withheld critical info

    Lockheed Martin says Belgian F-16s can fly for another 6 years Tue 20/03/2018 - 11:37 MB The shelf life of the Belgian Airforce’s fleet of F-16 fighter jets is longer than the Belgian Government thinks. That’s according to a report by the planes’ constructers Lockheed Martin. Normally an...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    Breaking News: Policeman shot and hostages taken at supermarket in southern France

    According to Belgian MSN, the attacker apparantly is claiming to be avenging ISIS. Edit: now other MSN are reporting the same http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5535755/Shooting-hostage-taking-supermarket-south-France.html
  5. Cell_DbZ

    British Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug's 'Nazi salutes'

    He only said that, because the pug reacted funny to it. I am pretty sure that he actually doesn't want to gas hte jews...
  6. Cell_DbZ

    British Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug's 'Nazi salutes'

    Actually the sad part is that the Jewish comunity barely spoke out against this, actually plenty of Jews voiced support. It are the communists, humourless hags like May and her shitty government in Britain doing this. This is a new trend, back in the good ole days, nobody got pût in jail for...
  7. Cell_DbZ

    British Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug's 'Nazi salutes'

    Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug's 'Nazi salutes' Mark Meechan A man who filmed a pet dog giving Nazi salutes before putting the footage on YouTube has been convicted of committing a hate crime. Mark Meechan, 30, recorded his girlfriend's pug, Buddha, responding to statements such as...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Russia's Vladimir Putin wins by big margin

    They would be proud and admire, I bet! :sarcastic:
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Russia's Vladimir Putin wins by big margin

    True, even with Navalny, Putin would have won, but definitely with a lower percentage. Even Navalny wasn't that serious of a opponent. Russians aren't really too concerned about democracy, rather safety and stability. And those vote cheaters did it quite shamlessly, like it was everyday...
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Anime Opennings, Endings, OSTs and Other Sound Tracks

    I have watched it, it was decent, but nowhere close to being memorable.
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Belgium has revoked Saudis' Grand Mosque concession

    Saudis' Grand Mosque concession revoked The mosque in question Fri 16/03/2018 - 13:54 MB The Federal Government has revoked the Saudi-Arabia’s concession to run the Grand Mosque in Brussels. In future the mosque in the city’s Jubelpark will be run by a not-for-profit organisation made up of...
  12. Cell_DbZ

    France Introduces Tougher Immigration Bill, Raising Outcry

    Good for France, we Belgians are already very strict on immigration, after the fake news attempt of 'torture' were proved to be false, we're sending anyone who isn't a real refugee back home. Anything less than accepting half the world under the mantra of 'refugees' is deemed 'repressive' by...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    At least 20 terrorists neutralized in northern Mali

    Yes but the terrorists haven't, France is obviously an evil western country who occupied a poor African country, I bet they will colonize them again! :cray: :sarcastic:
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Salah Abdeslam trial: Paris attacks suspect lambasts 'anti-Muslim bias'

    Of course. I didn't say he didn't. I got drammed into my head in school more than enough, so I don't want you to school me even more! :sarcastic: The reason Sven Mary got so much hate was the fact that he asked for that dismissal based on a (percieved) error in language, which is considered a...
  15. Cell_DbZ

    Salah Abdeslam trial: Paris attacks suspect lambasts 'anti-Muslim bias'

    I was aware of that, forgot to mention it, thanks for putting that proof in this thread anyway. I just didn't want to waste any more time on that guy... Ah yes, Sven Mary, now the most hated man in Belgium (after Abdeslam) :sarcastic: He got several hate mails and even death threats (which I...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    Salah Abdeslam trial: Paris attacks suspect lambasts 'anti-Muslim bias'

    Are you aware that I and @Vergennes were joking? But even if we weren't, our fellow countrymen got slaughtered by that pig, so an emotional reaction is expected. I even used that 'sarcastic laugh' in one of my posts, how did you miss that? Lol, p1ss off, plenty of evidence that did in take part...
  17. Cell_DbZ

    BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

    If that isn't on the paper, you should report the guy for spreading false information
  18. Cell_DbZ

    Salah Abdeslam trial: Paris attacks suspect lambasts 'anti-Muslim bias'

    Don't get me wrong buddy, plenty are indeed in welfare and are a burden, more so than most other ethnicities. I also hate the pc'ness about it all. A problem that needs to be adressed asap. I think that Belgians on welfare also need a good but kicking, there are also a good number of them (they...
  19. Cell_DbZ

    Salah Abdeslam trial: Paris attacks suspect lambasts 'anti-Muslim bias'

    Because plenty muslims are in fact assimilated (that does not mean giving up their religion), they are equally big contributors to society (working, paying taxes). I don't care if you're muslim or not, just try to be a decent person, if so, your just as much worth as any other person. Kicking...
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