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Breaking News: Policeman shot and hostages taken at supermarket in southern France


Feb 25, 2014
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The Super U supermarket at Trebbes where there hostage taking took place. Photo Screengrab Google street view

A police operation was underway near the historic town of Carcassonne in southern France on Friday after reports of hostages being taken at a supermarket. A policeman was also shot and wounded near the town.

A policeman was shot and a man took hostages at a supermarket in two separate incidents in the same area of southwest France on Friday, security sources told AFP.

The policeman was shot in the town of Carcassonne, while a gunman fired shots during a hostage-taking Friday morning at a supermarket in the town of Trebes 15 minutes' drive away.

There were unconfirmed reports that one person had died.

Specialist French SWAT police were on the scene at the supermarket and had surrounded the building.

"One witness named Karim, 55, told France info radio: "I heard shots fired around 11:10am. At that moment there were only a few gendarmes (military police) around but now there are between 200 to 300.

"The whole area is in lockdown and we are going to be moved away by the gendarmes."

The man "entered the Super U supermarket at around 11.15 am and shots were heard," a source said of the Trebes incident. Local authorities tweeted that the area was out-of-bounds to the public.

According to reports a company of unarmed CRS police from Marseille who were jogging at the time were targetted by a gunman, who had initially tried to run them over in a vehicle.

"They threw themselves to the floor but one of them was hit in the shoulder," a source told France Info radio.

According to AFP French prosecutors said the hostage taker claimed to be linked to the terror Group Islamic state.

More to follow

Here we go again... Wtf

I will not make quick conclusions before we get more elements, but threat never lowered despite there was no recent terror attack. Dozens of planned attacks were thwarted by security services over the last months.
At least 2 persons were reportedly killed while 3 others were injured.

The hostage taker is a moroccan known for radicalization and is asking Salah Abdeslam to be freed. :disagree: @Cell_DbZ

The hostage taker is now with only one person,a 45 years old Gendarme who exchanged himself for an hostage..... damn,respect to that man who risked his life to save a civilian!
At least 2 persons were reportedly killed while 3 others were injured.

The hostage taker is a moroccan known for radicalization and is asking Salah Abdeslam to be freed. :disagree:

The hostage taker is now with only one person,a 45 years old Gendarme who exchanged himself for an hostage..... damn,respect to that man who risked his life to save a civilian!

Of course, poor Salah is a victim of the evil westerners and their islamophobia!
Salah didn't do nuffin!

That gendarme is an absolute hero! Something we should aspire to be.
I think it's a lone wolf attack i.e. no cell that planned this (perhaps some limited contact).

May those people rest in peace...
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Reports are claiming the special forces raided the supermarket and killed the attacker. May he rest in PISS and go to hell.

The Gendarme who exchanged himself for an hostage is injured. Hope he'll make it and wish him a speed recovery.

The Gendarmerie today showed us an admirable strength,courage,devotion and heroism in face of the abjection. All French are proud of this institution.
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Je salue le courage absolu du gendarme qui s'est substitué à un des hotages.
Mes promptes voeux de rétablissement pour lui et tout mon soutient pour ses proches.

On peut ne pas être d'accord avec la poitique Française, on peut ne pas être d'accord tout court, mais rien , non rien ne justifie la violence.
RIP to all the victims and wish a speed recovery to those injured.

According to La Dépêche du Midi,the lieutenant-colonel Arnaud Beltrame,participated in december 2017 in an exercise simulating a terror attack in Carcassonne...... the scenario was a mass killing in a supermarket....

Azad Kashmir.jpg
Lieutenant-colonel Arnaud Beltrame,the hero who swapped himself to save an innocent civilian. He's in critical condition,between life and death after being shot several times by the terrorists.

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I sincerely hope he makes it.

My prayers for him and his family, I hope he makes a full recovery. What a hero!
RIP, what is with it North Africans in France who are most common culprits of these attacks in France? Are they uneducated people? Of course don't mean to generalize but I really think a lot of these people are uneducated and don't have a good understanding of Islam. The culprits of these attacks are often careless with their views, stubborn and make up what they believe is right and wrong. That is a problem when you don't have supreme authority in a religion, if the person isn't educated and decides to just go with what he feels like.

I notice people confuse radicals as being more religious than others. They are not, and God doesn't measure piousness the way people believe. So they rant/talk a bunch of how they are religious and more strict when really they are narcissistic people who want to feel above everyone else and with mixture of being dumb it is a deadly scenario. So the authorities need to watch out for these narcissist types especially dumb ones who will debate with other Muslims without ever using sources. If you see IS sympathizers on social media arguing with other Muslims about how IS interoperation and ways are correct without using sources to debate so and just by ranting and ignoring everything presented to them to correct them, then flag those individuals and watch them.

Muslim community should take proactive stance and educate those people. And if there are any such individuals that think that way that are reading this, you may not feel Muslims are following the right path and that's fine, and neither is IS or any other radicals. You need to patient and be calm with your life, part of life is dealing with everyday responsibilities and you need to adapt yourself to a normality in life. Best thing you can do for yourself is observe your 5 prayers. Until the truth comes out by God and not by an organization.

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