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Russia's Vladimir Putin wins by big margin

Oh my my, shouldn't we congratulate Putin for such a memorable victory? Or should we send our condolences to the relatives of those dead rivals who wanted to run against Putin?
Depends on you.
Looks like fat Western hippos are in mourning today cause they know that Putin will probably put a bamboo up their A* in the coming months and years. Like what he has done in Syria is an indication of what will happen next.

So folks, get some pop corn and enjoy the upcoming mega show.
Yes brother in the end we have only ourselves as keepers of our brothers. I'm sure Erdogan knows what I mean. It's an ugly world we live in.
We have many who wants to divide and rule and tbh we let them do that and by their crap so we are not free from the sin and guilt. However, IMHO, Putin is a better leader and our interests align with his so without going into nitty gritty, I totally support him and congratulate the Russians on overwhelmingly voting for it. Do not buy the crap by western double faced media about the elections and rigging because with or without it, he would have won as Russians love him and I have experienced it personally.
They are uneducated...Do you know what are the numbers for Russian education? In Pakistan rigging was done and all the political parties claimed and demonstrated against it.
Are you arguing against or with me? From what I can decipher from your post, you're proving me correct.
Prime Minister's Office
19-March, 2018 19:22 IST
Prime Minister’s congratulatory call to President Putin on latter’s victory in the Presidential elections

The Prime Minister had a telephone call with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to congratulate him on his victory in the Presidential elections held in Russia yesterday. Conveying his compliments on Mr. Putin's success, the Prime Minister expressed the hope that under Mr. Putin's leadership, the 'Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership' between India and the Russian Federation will continue to grow from strength to strength. The Prime Minister also stated that he looked forward to welcoming President Putin in India for the Annual Summit later thisyear.

President Putin thanked the Prime Minister for the phone call. He conveyed his commitment to further strengthen India-Russia relations in all spheres, and also his good wishes for the continued progress of India and her people.

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