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Russia's Vladimir Putin wins by big margin

Why? the answer is quite simple...
"What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh."

They did it for so long... decades and decades of Fraud... That is became normal...
And they know about the vids...since they are not "Secret"... they are public, streaming around the globe, and broadcasting even on national TV...

yeah but then claims of vote and lead become hollow as even the Russian people know ...so his legitimacy is somewhat reduced...
yeah but then claims of vote and lead become hollow as even the Russian people know ...so his legitimacy is somewhat reduced...
Yes... That's what Putin feared all along...
But he also had to play" by the rule" therefore those cam... to legitimate his "position"

And this Election, just gave Putin what he feared for so long... Losing a bit of his Legitimacy...
Yes... That's what Putin feared all along...
But he also had to play" by the rule" therefore those cam... to legitimate his "position"

And this Election, just gave Putin what he feared for so long... Losing a bit of his Legitimacy...
Can we dismiss that this might have been done by some elements to undermine his legitimacy....All we see on camera is that votes are being stuffed at some polling stations but we can't say who ordered them to do so? and for who they were stuffing and even if they did for Putin...who told them to do so?
Remember CIA blames Russia of meddling with US elections and help DT to win.
Can we dismiss that this might have been done by some elements to undermine his legitimacy....All we on camera is that votes are being stuffed in some polling stations but we can't say who ordered them to do so? and for who they were stuffing and even if they did for Putin...who told them to do so?
Remember CIA blames Russia of meddling with US elections and help DT to win.

Now I ask you a serious Q...
Deep down do you really believe "Someone" can undermine Putin legitimacy?
Be honest... Do you really think "Something/one, will Fraud in live TV... for the Entirety of the DAy...Without Russian Official/GOv/anyone , to stop it for 18h?"

Just accept the reality... it happened in the past and will keep happening... It's a practice known by everyone... it became normal...

And another truth, is Putin with or without Fraud..;will have been re elected... that's a fact, since the main opposition was barred from this election...for the second or third time now...
But Putin did lose some legitimacy and power with this "low turnout" election... and that will haunt his next 6 years of presidency... if the economy isn't better during it...
Now I ask you a serious Q...
Deep down do you really believe "Someone" can undermine Putin legitimacy?
Be honest... Do you really think "Something/one, will Fraud in live TV... for the Entirety of the DAy...Without Russian Official/GOv/anyone , to stop it for 18h?"

Just accept the reality... it happened in the past and will keep happening... It's a practice known by everyone... it became normal...

And another truth, is Putin with or without Fraud..;will have been re elected... that's a fact, since the main opposition was barred from this election...for the second or third time now...
But Putin did lose some legitimacy and power with this "low turnout" election... and that will haunt his next 6 years of presidency... if the economy isn't better during it...

Well at least from these videos, I can't conclude that it has been done the whole day.. and I don't know it was being live telecasted. However, if it is so wide spread, we will see some reasonable demonstration by Russian people, if nothing happens, it means Putin has the full support of the Russian people.
I think it may have been done on the behest of foreign "friends"... Let's see what happens
Well at least from these videos, I can't conclude that it has been done the whole day.. and I don't know it was being live telecasted. However, if it is so wide spread, we will see some reasonable demonstration by Russian people, if nothing happens, it means Putin has the full support of the Russian people.
I think it may have been done on the behest of foreign "friends"... Let's see what happens
God, if all the Pakistani electorate thought like you Pakistan would be doomed...
Let's phrase what you said another way: "If no one does anything about corruption, that means they fully support their leader." Maybe they can't because they fear the regime? Maybe they're just uneducated and don't know any better?
God, if all the Pakistani electorate thought like you Pakistan would be doomed...
Let's phrase what you said another way: "If no one does anything about corruption, that means they fully support their leader." Maybe they can't because they fear the regime? Maybe they're just uneducated and don't know any better?
They are uneducated...Do you know what are the numbers for Russian education? In Pakistan rigging was done and all the political parties claimed and demonstrated against it.
Putin has the advantage of not having credible opponents,so there's no clear alternative to the Russian voters.

There's no doubt about Putin winning this election,however the doubt will be about the % of votes..... videos are emerging of election officials and "independent monitors" caught cheating with the votes.... so.

True, even with Navalny, Putin would have won, but definitely with a lower percentage. Even Navalny wasn't that serious of a opponent. Russians aren't really too concerned about democracy, rather safety and stability.

And those vote cheaters did it quite shamlessly, like it was everyday bussines... :sarcastic:

I doubt that relations will get better at all..
Russia's Vladimir Putin wins by big margin
  • 6 minutes ago

Exit polls in Russia's presidential election predict the return of Vladimir Putin for another six-year term.

A Russian state exit poll gave him 73.9% of the vote, easily defeating his closest competitor.

The result - which had been widely predicted - is a marked improvement from his victory of 2012.

But some election observers have warned of widespread cases of ballot stuffing and other irregularities.

Oh my my, shouldn't we congratulate Putin for such a memorable victory? Or should we send our condolences to the relatives of those dead rivals who wanted to run against Putin?
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