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Salah Abdeslam trial: Paris attacks suspect lambasts 'anti-Muslim bias'

Actually,as previously thought,Abdeslam didn't 'abort' his 'mission' and changed his mind at the last minute,but it was revealed few days ago that he well planned to "die in martyr",but his explosive belt was faulty.

Salah Abdeslam voulait mourir en martyr mais sa ceinture explosive était défectueuse


Meanwhile,when people have no shame at all ---->
I was aware of that, forgot to mention it, thanks for putting that proof in this thread anyway.
I just didn't want to waste any more time on that guy...

Lawyer for Paris attacks suspect seeks case dismissal over language error


Ah yes, Sven Mary, now the most hated man in Belgium (after Abdeslam) :sarcastic:
He got several hate mails and even death threats (which I do not condone at all), even his family got threatened (that should be completely off limits).
You cannot imagine the sh1tstorm that it caused here.
Ah yes, Sven Mary, now the most hated man in Belgium (after Abdeslam) :sarcastic:
He got several hate mails and even death threats (which I do not condone at all), even his family got threatened (that should be completely off limits).
You cannot imagine the sh1tstorm that it caused here.

I hate to say it,but as disgusting as Abdeslam is,he,like everyone else,irrespective of the crime,has the right for a lawyer and a fair trial. And obviously,someone has to do this dirty job. (and face the negative consequences of it)
I hate to say it,but as disgusting as Abdeslam is,he,like everyone else,irrespective of the crime,has the right for a lawyer and a fair trial. And obviously,someone has to do this dirty job. (and face the negative consequences of it)

Of course. I didn't say he didn't. I got drammed into my head in school more than enough, so I don't want you to school me even more! :sarcastic:

The reason Sven Mary got so much hate was the fact that he asked for that dismissal based on a (percieved) error in language, which is considered a complete cop out, instead of 'properly' defending him; that's why he recieved so much hate, not the fact that he defended Abdeslam in itself.

He knew very well what he was getting himself into, that's the risk of being a lawyer; if it pays off, you'll have one of the biggest names in that world, like Jef Vermassen (famous in Belgium).
Of course. I didn't say he didn't. I got drammed into my head in school more than enough, so I don't want you to school me even more! :sarcastic:

The reason Sven Mary got so much hate was the fact that he asked for that dismissal based on a (percieved) error in language, which is considered a complete cop out, instead of 'properly' defending him; that's why he recieved so much hate, not the fact that he defended Abdeslam in itself.

He knew very well what he was getting himself into, that's the risk of being a lawyer; if it pays off, you'll have one of the biggest names in that world, like Jef Vermassen (famous in Belgium).

As every lawyers,he'll trind to find any flaws in the judicial system to defend his client. Even on the most ridiculous ones. And this proved that a part from this,he found nothing else to exonerate his client. Better give up Sven,you're client is in absolute sh*t. Flee while you still can. :whistle:
As every lawyers,he'll trind to find any flaws in the judicial system to defend his client. Even on the most ridiculous ones. And this proved that a part from this,he found nothing else to exonerate his client. Better give up Sven,you're client is in absolute sh*t. Flee while you still can. :whistle:

MY Friend,

It is these times, such issues that test the Values... France is upholding the Rule of Law... quint essence of a civilised society. Viva la France!

I have no doubt that the French Justice System will act according to the Laws and Precedents of the French State.

Our horrors and emotions not withstanding... I am proud of France, the French, to provide legal aide, council to this terrorist who killed innocent for no reason at all.

If Civilisation is the survive..then the Law needs to be followed. Painful as it might be.


Just kick him in the nuts a few times, He will cooperate.
Don't get me wrong buddy, plenty are indeed in welfare and are a burden, more so than most other ethnicities. I also hate the pc'ness about it all. A problem that needs to be adressed asap. I think that Belgians on welfare also need a good but kicking, there are also a good number of them (they happen to vote fot the scialists way too often).

I still stand by what I said; there are many who are good enough, they pay their taxes and respect the law. If you think that they also need to be cleansed; then you're not much better than the supreme socialist himself; Hitler.

I would 'torture' him with small thing; feeding him pork; letting him see videos ISIS and the 'peaceful rebels' like Al Nursa getting bombed constantly. :sarcastic:
And behind those videos play anthems of ISIS :D
Don't get me wrong buddy, plenty are indeed in welfare and are a burden, more so than most other ethnicities. I also hate the pc'ness about it all. A problem that needs to be adressed asap. I think that Belgians on welfare also need a good but kicking, there are also a good number of them (they happen to vote fot the scialists way too often).

I still stand by what I said; there are many who are good enough, they pay their taxes and respect the law. If you think that they also need to be cleansed; then you're not much better than the supreme socialist himself; Hitler.

I would 'torture' him with small thing; feeding him pork; letting him see videos ISIS and the 'peaceful rebels' like Al Nursa getting bombed constantly. :sarcastic:
Going back to the 5th century already? Doesn't take much for you to start acting like a bunch of animals wanting to slaughter everyone.

Or he actually didn't take part and was unfairly put on trial... ever heard of innocent until proven guilty. Wouldn't be the first time Europeans locked up a Muslim for something he never did.
Are you aware that I and @Vergennes were joking? But even if we weren't, our fellow countrymen got slaughtered by that pig, so an emotional reaction is expected. I even used that 'sarcastic laugh' in one of my posts, how did you miss that?

Lol, p1ss off, plenty of evidence that did in take part in those terror attacks.

- He had known contacts with ISIS even before the terror attacks
- He bought detonators, batteries and peroxide, I guess he was organizing a birthday party.
-He assisted his terror friends heavily by hiring cars, flats,... Thus he was seen with individuals who later blew themselves up/shot at people in the terror attacks in Paris.

If your terror friend had been innocent like you seem to think he is, then why did he run away for months from the police? Hiding in compounds shared by other terrorists?
If he was really innocent, then he should have turned himself in to the police, I guess they would have locked him up 'just because he was a a Muslim', right?

Actually, he just didn't hide, he actively restisted arrest as he and his buddies were opening fire at the police (4 police officers got injured at the raids against Abdeslam), also weapons were found in the flat where Abdesalm was hiding.
I'm pretty sure that an innocent person wouldn't do such things, unless fighting Islamophobia of course.

It also doesn't help his case that his own brother blew himself up in the terror attacks in Paris.

Quite sad that I have to prove his involvement in the terror attacks in Paris, his plans for terror attacks in Brussels and his shooting participation against the Belgian police.

I am no longer going to waste my time on you, you're now on my ignore list.

Let's just cut him in half!
How about that @Vergennes ?

It was abosulte no surprise that he was going to act like that, blaming 'racism' was also the expected excuse, of course he didn't mention his own failure to assimilate, his failure as a person and failure of his weak mind.

I understand that racism is a problem, but no amount of rascism justifies killing innocent people who were most likely not racist.

Sadly, racism not the only problem, failure of assimilation, having the general disrespect for your surroundings, your own discrimination and coming from countries thar are often opressive or even war torn all go hand in hand....

Sad world we live in.
Librals and other garbage are worried about the life and the rights of subhuman who deserve the worst it's ironic they care about his execution and torture until he dies but they are not feeling bad for the lives he took?!

Salah Abdeslam is refusing to co-operate with the court

The sole surviving suspect from the 2015 Paris terror attacks refused to speak any further in a Belgian court, where his trial over the gunfight that led to his arrest began on Monday.

Salah Abdeslam said he would not respond to questions from the judge.

"My silence does not make me a criminal, it's my defence," he said.

Abdeslam, 28, claimed that Muslims were "judged and treated in the worst of ways, mercilessly", and said he was placing his trust in Allah.

"I am not afraid of you, I am not afraid of your allies," he added, without making clear who he meant.

He urged the prosecution to base its case on "forensic and tangible evidence", and not to "swagger about to satisfy public opinion".

The trial in Brussels was adjourned until Thursday.

Abdeslam has refused to speak to investigators since his initial interrogation in March 2016.

What is Abdeslam accused of?

French prosecutors believe Abdeslam played a key role in the Paris attacks, in which gunmen and suicide bombers targeted a concert hall, stadium, restaurants and bars, killing 130 people and injuring hundreds more.

He became Europe's most wanted man after the mass killings, and was captured in Brussels four months later.


The defendant's brother, Brahim, was among the Paris attackers and died in a suicide blast outside a cafe.

Abdeslam is not expected to go on trial in France until 2019 at the earliest.

The charges he faces in Brussels are not related to events in Paris, but to a shootout with police while he was on the run in Belgium.

Abdeslam and his suspected accomplice Sofien Ayari, 24, are accused of possessing illegal weapons and the attempted murder of police officers in a terrorist context.

The men allegedly fought a gun battle with officers who raided the flat where they were holed up, in the Molenbeek district of Brussels.

The Belgian prosecutor, Kathleen Grosjean, said she was seeking the maximum of 20 years' imprisonment for each of them.

n court on Monday, Ayari said he had fought for the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) in Syria, and that both he and Abdeslam were present during the standoff.

The prosecutor has said she does not believe Abdeslam actually fired any weapons.

She explained that two Kalashnikovs had been used during the clash. The first shooter is known to be Algerian national Mohamed Belkaid, who was subsequently shot by special police. The prosecution believes the second shooter is Ayari due to DNA found on the weapon.

However, this would not affect Abdeslam's potential sentence, due to the "indispensable aid" he allegedly gave Ayari and Belkaid.

Who gets Abdeslam, France or Belgium?


Abdeslam is being transported between a French prison and a Belgian court for this trial

Abdeslam, a French citizen born to Moroccan parents in Brussels, has been held at a prison near Paris. He left the facility under armed guard in the early hours of Monday, accompanied by tactical police vehicles.

He will return to France every night during the trial, but will be held at another jail just across the border.

Up to 200 police will be guarding the courthouse for the trial.

Is his silence a major obstacle?

The right to silence is protected by the European Convention on Human Rights, but it is not an absolute right.

European human rights law says a defendant's decision to remain silent can be taken into account when assessing the prosecution's evidence. That is especially so "in situations which clearly call for an explanation from him [the defendant]".

Observers say that given other suspects have spoken and co-operated with the police, Abdeslam's silence won't necessarily hurt the prosecution's case.

But if he remains silent on the Paris attacks too, it would "be horrible for the victims' families", said Guy Van Vlierden, a Belgian journalist specialising in security and terrorism issues.

source bbc.com


If he doesn't like it then he can go back where he comes from. Don't blame the White French for having an inferior IQ that makes him incapable of being successful in Western society. Getting fed up of benefit scroungers regardless of their origins.
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