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British Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug's 'Nazi salutes'


Jun 7, 2017
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Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug's 'Nazi salutes'

Mark Meechan

A man who filmed a pet dog giving Nazi salutes before putting the footage on YouTube has been convicted of committing a hate crime.

Mark Meechan, 30, recorded his girlfriend's pug, Buddha, responding to statements such as "gas the Jews" and "Sieg Heil" by raising its paw.

But police were alerted and he was arrested for allegedly committing a hate crime.

The original clip had been viewed more than three million times on YouTube.

Grossly offensive
Meechan, of Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, went on trial at Airdrie Sheriff Court where he denied any wrong doing.

He insisted he made the video, which was posted in April 2016, to annoy his girlfriend Suzanne Kelly, 29.

But Sheriff Derek O'Carroll found him guilty of a charge under the Communications Act that he posted a video on social media and YouTube which was grossly offensive because it was "anti-semitic and racist in nature" and was aggravated by religious prejudice.

Sheriff O'Carroll told the court he did not believe Meechan had made the video only to annoy his girlfriend and ruled it was anti-Semitic.

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He also said he believed Meechan - who was supported at court by Tommy Robinson, former leader of far-right group the English Defence League (EDL) - left the video on YouTube to drive traffic to other material he had on there.

He added: "In my view it is a reasonable conclusion that the video is grossly offensive

"The description of the video as humorous is no magic wand.

"This court has taken the freedom of expression into consideration.

"But the right to freedom of expression also comes with responsibility."

'Intelligent and articulate'
Sheriff O'Carroll said Meehan was "quite obviously an intelligent and articulate man".

But he added: "The accused knew that the material was offensive and knew why it was offensive.

"Despite that the accused made a video containing anti-Semitic content and he would have known it was grossly offensive to many Jewish people."

Ross Brown, defending, said Meechan had only intended the video to be seen by a small group of friends and to annoy his girlfriend.

He said the material had been leaked and gone viral but Police Scotland then wrongly pursued Meechan despite his later videos attempting to "set the record straight".

Mr Brown said: "His girlfriend testified that Mr Meechan had never made known to her any any anti-Semitic views whatsoever.

"The accused possesses both tolerant and liberal views.

"His girlfriend is in no doubt it was an example of his sense of humour."

Famous support
Mr Brown told the court it was wrong to focus on the phrase "gas the Jews" when it had been taken out of context of the whole video.

He claimed Jewish comedian David Baddiel had voiced his support for Meechan and had asked for him to walk free.

He added: "I can see that the video may not be to everyone's taste.

"Others may be able to see the comedic or satirical element to it.

"The court should seek to acquit Mr Meechan for no other reason but to show it is 2018 and not 1984."

Prosecutors had earlier asked for Meechan to be convicted and branded the video "an odious criminal act that was dressed up to look like a joke."

Comedian Ricky Gervais took to Twitter to comment on the case after the verdict.

He tweeted: "A man has been convicted in a UK court of making a joke that was deemed 'grossly offensive'.

"If you don't believe in a person's right to say things that you might find 'grossly offensive', then you don't believe in Freedom of Speech."


@mike2000 is back, what the hell is this?!?
Harsh reality is the jews are untouchable.

You can make jokes (even as trash as they might be) about muslims,hindus,christians,budhists,black,arabs,asians etc,literally insult them if you want,however you will be faced with consequences for making similar things about jews.

Anything will be labelled as "antisemitism" and everything will be done to silence you.
Harsh reality is the jews are untouchable.

You can make jokes (even as trash as they might be) about muslims,hindus,christians,budhists,black,arabs,asians etc,literally insult them if you want,however you will be faced with consequences for making similar things about jews.

Anything will be labelled as "antisemitism" and everything will be done to silence you.

but why they are untouchable ? they own you the own the banks, media, precious metals market/mining, clothes industry, hollywood, food/agriculture and so on.
Harsh reality is the jews are untouchable.

You can make jokes (even as trash as they might be) about muslims,hindus,christians,budhists,black,arabs,asians etc,literally insult them if you want,however you will be faced with consequences for making similar things about jews.

Anything will be labelled as "antisemitism" and everything will be done to silence you.

Actually the sad part is that the Jewish comunity barely spoke out against this, actually plenty of Jews voiced support. It are the communists, humourless hags like May and her shitty government in Britain doing this. This is a new trend, back in the good ole days, nobody got pût in jail for 'offensive humor'. The whole political correct culture shoved down our throats by people like 3rd wave feminists, who are actually regressive, opressive commies, is ruining our free society we fought so hard for.

A skit by Ronnnie Barker
Monty Python (this video got removed, but I don't think they got put in jail; they would have today)

However, Monty Python went way too far when they insulted Belgians, they should have been executed! :sarcastic:

At this point, with the whole cover up of the massive rape scandals and convictions like these in Britain continues like this, I am willing to say that Britain isn't much more free than communist China, I really hope we mainlanders won't sink that low... What the hell is wrong with Britain.

And they wonder why people vote for Trump, Afd and Lega Nord...
Harsh reality is the jews are untouchable.

You can make jokes (even as trash as they might be) about muslims,hindus,christians,budhists,black,arabs,asians etc,literally insult them if you want,however you will be faced with consequences for making similar things about jews.

Anything will be labelled as "antisemitism" and everything will be done to silence you.
I think after thousands of years of persecution they do deserve this special status for a couple of centuries
Does that mean Muslim and Christian Arabs also get to enjoy the same status ?
There is legislation that makes religiously or racially aggravated crime, yes! It falls in criminal law under Public Order Offences and Common/Aggravated/Grievous Assault(or bodily harm).

do UK also has some laws for anti-Christian sentiments?
There is legislation that makes religiously or racially aggravated crime, yes!
There is legislation that makes religiously or racially aggravated crime, yes! It falls in criminal law under Public Order Offences and Common/Aggravated/Grievous Assault(or bodily harm).

There is legislation that makes religiously or racially aggravated crime, yes!
These kinda statutory provisions are common in every other country. I reiterate my query, does Muslim and Christian Arabs also get to enjoy the same status when it comes to antisemitism ?
I don't find sieg heil offensive but why he is saying gas the jews? that if not hate then at least a threat... anyway, jews have special rights...
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