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  1. Cell_DbZ

    US and Russia Teetering on the Brink of War: What You’re Not Being Told

    I abslolutely dislike the royal regime of Saudi Arabia, but to call for nuclear attacks on a country where the main victim would be innocent Saudi civilians is just needlessly hateful.
  2. Cell_DbZ

    US and Russia Teetering on the Brink of War: What You’re Not Being Told

    This proxy war has been going on since 2015, nothing really new is happening. I agree, Syria will stay a mess for a long time. Although a proxy war is devestating, a direct conflict would be even worse for the Syrians.
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Russia Halts Cooperation With US Within Deconfliction Channel in Syrian Airspace

    And risk ww3? I don't think so. The worst thing the Russians could do is bombing the SDF a little
  4. Cell_DbZ

    US and Russia Teetering on the Brink of War: What You’re Not Being Told

    I don't see a war between Usa and Russia happening just over Syria, even in the worst days of the Cold War it didn't happen. Russia will never risk a war for Assad and I don't think the Usa is willing to go to war for Syria either. You know why? both nations have nukes, that's why, you may not...
  5. Cell_DbZ

    Car rams into Police van on the Champs-Elysées

    The only one I can think of who might be threatening 'Muslim' rights' is Geert Wilders with his comments that 'all Morrocans have to go', Le Pen never was racist and even if she would be, there would have been many checks and and balances to protect human rights. Equal rights and freedom for all...
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Car rams into Police van on the Champs-Elysées

    I have yet to see anyone (who can be taken seriously) demand that.
  7. Cell_DbZ

    US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

    It is not that easy, when a country has just been bombed to hell and the only thing holding them 'together' is gone, it is quite difficult to just create unity and democracy just like that. I really hate to say it, but a dictator like king Salman is still better than 90+ divided 'moderate'...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

    I am pretty sure the Russians would not shoot down a coalition jet without good reason. The Russians could have striked Turkey when they shot down that su-24, they didn't.
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Lockheed Martin signs pact with Tata to make F-16 planes in India

    You mean the PAK FA? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi/HAL_FGFA If you mean this, it is a twin engined fighter and I though India needed a single engined fighter.
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Lockheed Martin signs pact with Tata to make F-16 planes in India

    I don't think they have much to say, they couldn't offer any single engined fighters, because they simply don't have any. The worst thing they could do is sell some more weapons to Pakistan.
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Car rams into Police van on the Champs-Elysées

    I am really glad there are no casualties, other than that filthy scumbag.
  12. Cell_DbZ

    US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

    The Russians seemed hint to that and apparantly Assad himself would leave office if the timing is right. I can find myself with what Tillerson once said: "Assad must go, it is not the prioity, first ISIS" he also said something in the lines that Assad must go, but the governement behind Assad...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

    I am no fan of Assad, but I am afraid that he and his regime are needed for the future of this country, I just don't see 1 of 93 'moderate' rebel groups taking over, I think if Assad is gone, Syria will become an even bigger hellhole than it already is.
  14. Cell_DbZ

    US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

    I recommend you watch these videos, it is quite clear there are no 'good sides' in the Syrian civil war.
  15. Cell_DbZ

    Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped

    Wasn't avoiding anything, no doubt that Usa has and is supporting terror groups in Syria in their fight against Assad. I said a thousand times that all should be denounced, you are blaming Usa/Israel for everything, how convenient. It is the ISIS terrorist who is wielding the ak-47 and killing...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    Islamophobic terrorist attack: Van hits pedestrians, one killed

    Horrible, no one deserves to be a victim of terror, be it from ISIS or from some white supremacist scumbag.
  17. Cell_DbZ

    Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped

    I am not trying to downplay anything, Usa/NATO are the biggest reason why Middle East is such a mess, only a few wars can be justified. I completely understand the anger and fear of the people living in the middle east, but as soon you take your anger out on innocent people in the west and...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped

    I am happy that jihadis are falling, I am not so happy about the many innocents falling with them
  19. Cell_DbZ

    Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped

    A 'bodycount' is a bad way to compare, this way, the Chinese could justify killing 9 million Japanese, because in wwII Japan killed 10 million Chinese. Never defended Usa/NATO killings accross the globe. I really feel for the people in the middle East, they suffered, but as soon you're going to...
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