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Car rams into Police van on the Champs-Elysées

Because of the strict gun laws in the UK and the fact that there are limited ways to smuggle weapons in the UK. BTW,the attacker owned guns legally as he had an official authorization for it. He legally declared to the authorities owning three weapons : a 9mm glock,a9mm sig sauer and a kalachnikov.
I see. France can still adopt laws to restrict use of arms by civilians.
Moreover, I heard the guy "was known" to security services AS ALWAYS.lol. So why did they grant him permission to own arms?
I see. France can still adopt laws to restrict use of arms by civilians.

Moreover, I heard the guy "was known" to security services AS ALWAYS.lol. So why did they grant him permission to own arms?

Not going to happen I believe. The attacker was part of a shooting club since 2011 and LEGALLY owned DOZEN of weapons. :lol:
He was known to the authorities since september 2015,but his authorization to own guns was renewed in february 2017,the prefecture said there was no signs of threats or enough proofs,which could have justified the rejection of his authorization.

In 2016 two Gendarmes went to the shooting club and asked several questions to its president about that man,and nothing suspicious here too.
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Just prevent Muslims from having the same rights as others in France. Then the problem will disappear.
Just prevent Muslims from having the same rights as others in France. Then the problem will disappear.
Just prevent Muslims from having the same rights as others in France. Then the problem will disappear.
or there is another way .muslims there could conform with french culture and law instead of stubbornly adhering to their strict version of sharia.
Yes it was. But the powers that be will be pushing for something like this in the publics opinion, I fear.
I have yet to see anyone (who can be taken seriously) demand that.
or there is another way .muslims there could conform with french culture and law instead of stubbornly adhering to their strict version of sharia.
Nope that is not enough. That would sensible. But as long as they hold that the Quran is the Word of the Lord of Abraham and that the Son of Abdullah of Mecca (PBUH) is the Seal of the Prophets, they cannot be considered to be truly accepting French culture.

I have yet to see anyone (who can be taken seriously) demand that.
One ought to read in between the lines. Although I pray that I am wrong.
or there is another way .muslims there could conform with french culture and law instead of stubbornly adhering to their strict version of sharia.
That is the only way to tackle the contradictions between different cultures ,or sooner and later there is gonna be masscres happening just like what has happened in history.
One ought to read in between the lines. Although I pray that I am wrong.
The only one I can think of who might be threatening 'Muslim' rights' is Geert Wilders with his comments that 'all Morrocans have to go', Le Pen never was racist and even if she would be, there would have been many checks and and balances to protect human rights. Equal rights and freedom for all is the foundation of Western civilisation, so I don't think you should worry.

However I do not deny that tension are rising, but you can't blame that only to the western governments, a substantial part of the Muslim community refused to assimilate in to our society. I've seen it several times in my country.
Nope that is not enough. That would sensible. But as long as they hold that the Quran is the Word of the Lord of Abraham and that the Son of Abdullah of Mecca (PBUH) is the Seal of the Prophets, they cannot be considered to be truly accepting French culture.
then wise option for them would be to either leave the french soil or practice their religion in private while living in accordance to french law.

That is the only way to tackle the contradictions between different cultures ,or sooner and later there is gonna be masscres happening just like what has happened in history.
thats what i am afraid of too and unlike jews there won't be a superpower coming to Muslim rescue this time and count won't stop at 6 million.
may that day never come but i think muslim too has to play their part to avert this intolerance crisis
The only one I can think of who might be threatening 'Muslim' rights' is Geert Wilders with his comments that 'all Morrocans have to go', Le Pen never was racist and even if she would be, there would have been many checks and and balances to protect human rights. Equal rights and freedom for all is the foundation of Western civilisation, so I don't think you should worry.

However I do not deny that tension are rising, but you can't blame that only to the western governments, a substantial part of the Muslim community refused to assimilate in to our society. I've seen it several times in my country.
Thank you for you words.

But you forgot, the history of Modern Western Civilization has not always reflected human rights for all.
They who have power are pushing for a dialectical clash...

then wise option for them would be to either leave the french soil or practice their religion in private while living in accordance to french law.

thats what i am afraid of too and unlike jews there won't be a superpower coming to Muslim rescue this time and count won't stop at 6 million.
may that day never come but i think muslim too has to play their part to avert this intolerance crisis
Your words are wise but then France would not be a land where one can profess any faith openly and as such be considered tolerant.

I feel that Muslims in France should heed your advice.
But you forgot, the history of Modern Western Civilization has not always reflected human rights for all.
If you talk about foreign policy, then I agree with you. If you are talking about human rights within western countries, I do not recall that anyone has been opressed in recent history.

Your words are wise but then France would not be a land where one can profess any faith openly and as such be considered tolerant.
As long as you follow the law of the (western) country you live in, you have nothing to fear. As soon you would be spreading beliefs that would be absolutely against western norms (sharia, arranged marriage,...), you deserve to be called out and if one would not be willing to give those things up, then might have to consider leaving said country.
People living in western countries will never be treated against any norms of human rights, if they would be, then our very foundations would mean nothing.

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