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Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped

So, could you able to count those hundreds and thousands killed by Allies in Heroshima and Nagasaki - none of them were innocents?
Hundreds and thousands killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine - none of them was innocent.

Please compare the facts.

You count how many innocents killed in both scenarios and then decide yourself who deserves to be the terrorists and who does not deserve a grain? a dust particle of sympathy.

My friend, word 'innocent' does not only belongs to your part of the world, it is to be used for whole world or humanity.
A 'bodycount' is a bad way to compare, this way, the Chinese could justify killing 9 million Japanese, because in wwII Japan killed 10 million Chinese.
Never defended Usa/NATO killings accross the globe. I really feel for the people in the middle East, they suffered, but as soon you're going to kill innocent people around the world, you indeed deserve not even an atom of respect. Let's not forget that the main victim of terror are muslim people too.
You seem to be defending ISIS in their murderous Jihad, many people in the Usa seemed to advicate agains the war in Iraq as soon as it was clear there were no WMD's. Innocent people cannot be the victim for what their rotten governement did and that goes against everyone.
They'll create more terrorist from these attacks. When will they learn?
ISIS, the illegitimate child of US, was born in Ramadan a couple years ago. When Israel massacred innocent civilians en masse. Later released the videos of horrors and pictures of dying kids to rally the ignorant Muslim youth; their task made easy by the fire band speakers and preachers. ISIS got the maximum manpower due to that. How short sighted and how ignorant Muslims have become

May be ISIS is losing the manpower fast and needed round-2 of enlisting
"chemical weapons" :rolleyes:

What do they call a gun run from a warthog then, a nuclear attack ? :cuckoo:

everyone should be pretty happy about how Trump is brutally eliminating jihadis.
A 'bodycount' is a bad way to compare, this way, the Chinese could justify killing 9 million Japanese, because in wwII Japan killed 10 million Chinese.
Never defended Usa/NATO killings accross the globe. I really feel for the people in the middle East, they suffered, but as soon you're going to kill innocent people around the world, you indeed deserve not even an atom of respect. Let's not forget that the main victim of terror are muslim people too.
You seem to be defending ISIS in their murderous Jihad, many people in the Usa seemed to advicate agains the war in Iraq as soon as it was clear there were no WMD's. Innocent people cannot be the victim for what their rotten governement did and that goes against everyone.

No one here is justifying the killing of human beings. I just told you that when you kill someone's loved one he retaliates in his individual capacity.
If you go buy the body counts the most barbaric nations are in Europe and USA - where the world wars were fought to satisfy egos.
The killing spree of US is going un-halted, abetting by NATO/Europe - they never feel ashamed.
I do not buy your theory of body counts to hide the killing/criminal faces behind it. If the Nazis punished for war crimes then the US/NATO will also to be - or are they better son of ....
Live and let live, ISIS is a brainchild of US, now out of their own control same like General Noriaga of Panama or Saddam of Iraq.
The double standards amazed me when a Christian terrorist is deal as a 'mentally sick' person while on the other hand 'mentally sick and abused' Muslim is advertised as terrorist in US/Europe.
That Europe/US where under freedom of expression, you cannot say and it is prohibited by law that 'Hitler did not commit genocide' but on the other hand you are free to draw cartoons and comment bad words against Islam's last prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Please live and let live.
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"chemical weapons" :rolleyes:

What do they call a gun run from a warthog then, a nuclear attack ? :cuckoo:

everyone should be pretty happy about how Trump is brutally eliminating jihadis.
I am happy that jihadis are falling, I am not so happy about the many innocents falling with them
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Trump is now doing the unthinkable – in his war on terror, he has resulted to the use of chemical weapons.

Multiple reports are confirming that a US-led Coalition used white phosphorus-loaded ammunitions in heavily populated cities of Iraq and Syria. Thousands of civilians are known to be in the areas where the weapons were used according to The Washington Post.

Use of such weapons violates international humanitarian law due to the types of injuries it can cause when other weapons are available to do the job. While white phosphorus isn’t exactly outlawed by the Geneva Convention, it is still illegal to use in densely populated areas. And, here’s why:

“When a white phosphorus shell explodes, the chemical inside reacts with the air, creating a thick white cloud. When it comes in contact with flesh, it can maim and kill by burning to the bone.”

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“As many as 100,000 civilians trapped inside the Islamic State-held city of Raqqa are being given conflicting evacuation instructions according to Coalition statements and local reports, as US-backed ground forces finally assault the city supported by air and artillery strikes.

Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) started their slow encirclement of Raqqa last November. Artillery and airstrikes have rained down since then killing hundreds of civilians in the near region according to monitors, though the final operation to take the city commenced officially only on June 6th. In a press release published that day, the Coalition stressed that “The SDF have encouraged civilians to depart Raqqah so that they do not become trapped, used as human shields or become targets for ISIS snipers.”

Right now it’s unclear how many civilian casualties were incurred but so far the Pentagon has confirmed that the United States has killed at least 500 innocent people since it first started its operations. Many believe that’s a very conservative estimate and that the death toll is far higher. U.K. based Airways claims the death toll has so far reached 3,800 civilians.


I suggest you read up on the Geneva Convention, since You cannot identify fake news.

First of all, "White Phosphorus" is not a Chemical Weapon. Chemical Weapons is what IRAN and/or its allies
are using on innocent Muslims.
Your posting is clearly intending to deflect the worlds opinion on the verified use of Sarin in Northern Syria.

The Geneva Convention has NO OPINION on the use of "White Phosphorus" in any form of warfare.
This includes using "White Phosporus" shells or bombs against densely populated cities.
There is no other International Law which has an opinion on the use of "White Phosphorus".

The Geneva Convention states that attacking targets which are known to be purely civilian is illegal.
It also states that it is forbidden to use INCENDIARY WEAPONS against densely populated targets.
The definition of incendiary weapons in the Geneva Convention EXPLICITLY states that weapons
designed to produce smoke are NOT incendiary weapons.

Your posting is thus TROLLING, and will be reported.

As for killing "Innocent Civilians", the pilots are getting their targets from people on the ground,
and the people that decide to kill/not kill are the Muslim fighters engaging ISIS.
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This war is unending. No matter how many bombs you drop, there is only one outcome. More bloodshed and more misery. Nothing good can ever come out of this.
"Trump dropped chemical weapons" title is very misleading. Trump isn't coordinating what is going on in Syria. he's pretty much giving full control to the generals and commanders on the ground to micromanage the campaign.

and so what if a few hundred civilians have been killed they are living in the so called capital of the IS caliphate. name me a war that doesn't hurt civilians just as bad as the enemy, even in this age of smart weapons.
Never said that, all life is equal, the many useless wars and all the resulting deaths in the Middle East/Asia are not justified if you asked me. The person who I quoted seemed to defend ISIS and other terror groups and it seemed he tried tu justify the many innocent deaths, the main victims of terror groups are also muslims (I mentioned some cities from muslim countries, I wouldn't do that if were to be a white sipremacist).

Those Daesh terrorists killed only a fraction of what uncle sam killed over decades but you are very horrified by the possibility of someone supporting those pesky Daesh terrorists while cleverly downplaying the terrorism committed by terror god fathers. There's only one reason for that and that is in the case of Daesh the perpetrators are Muslims. When you talk about crimes against humanity take off your bigoted glasses then it makes sense.
Those Daesh terrorists killed only a fraction of what uncle sam killed over decades but you are very horrified by the possibility of someone supporting those pesky Daesh terrorists while cleverly downplaying the terrorism committed by terror god fathers.
I am not trying to downplay anything, Usa/NATO are the biggest reason why Middle East is such a mess, only a few wars can be justified. I completely understand the anger and fear of the people living in the middle east, but as soon you take your anger out on innocent people in the west and mainly in the middle east, you're nothing more but a filthy terrorist. This goes for everyone.
There's only one reason for that and that is in the case of Daesh the perpetrators are Muslims.
Lol, really? You're going to play the 'religion card'? I denounce all acts of violence, like Hezbollah, KKK, Al-Qaeda and ANTIFA. I don't care what sexual orientation, race, gender or religion you are, as soon you kill innocent people, I will equally despise anyone who is a murderer.
When you talk about crimes against humanity take off your bigoted glasses then it makes sense.
Perhaps you should starts denouncing all acts of terrorism, be it from 'terror godfathers' or from ISIS, instead of downplaying those 'pesky' Daesh terrorists,maybe you should be the one taking of the 'bigoted glasses'.
I am not trying to downplay anything, Usa/NATO are the biggest reason why Middle East is such a mess, only a few wars can be justified. I completely understand the anger and fear of the people living in the middle east, but as soon you take your anger out on innocent people in the west and mainly in the middle east, you're nothing more but a filthy terrorist. This goes for everyone.

You say that the US is biggest reason why ME is such a mess but cleverly avoid stating the fact as it is. The US is the terror kingpin of the world, say it as it is if you are going play the terror card.

Lol, really? You're going to play the 'religion card'? I denounce all acts of violence, like Hezbollah, KKK, Al-Qaeda and ANTIFA. I don't care what sexual orientation, race, gender or religion you are, as soon you kill innocent people, I will equally despise anyone who is a murderer.

It is you who's always you who is playing the religion card like bush used to do. You denounce terror committed by all but forget or willingly miss to mention israel in that list. Repeatedly this is how show your fairness. So, please get off your war against terror.

Perhaps you should starts denouncing all acts of terrorism, be it from 'terror godfathers' or from ISIS, instead of downplaying those 'pesky' Daesh terrorists,maybe you should be the one taking of the 'bigoted glasses'.

I think I've shown how fair you are in this discussion, so take a hike.
Those Daesh terrorists killed only a fraction of what uncle sam killed over decades but you are very horrified by the possibility of someone supporting those pesky Daesh terrorists while cleverly downplaying the terrorism committed by terror god fathers. There's only one reason for that and that is in the case of Daesh the perpetrators are Muslims. When you talk about crimes against humanity take off your bigoted glasses then it makes sense.

Body Count has nothing to do with legality of Warfare.
The Daesh and their predecessors has killed more Muslims than the US has.

Body Count has nothing to do with legality of Warfare.
The Daesh and their predecessors has killed more Muslims than the US has.

Muslims are not the only victims of the US terrorism. Don't make me give you a lesson on history.
You say that the US is biggest reason why ME is such a mess but cleverly avoid stating the fact as it is. The US is the terror kingpin of the world, say it as it is if you are going play the terror card.
Wasn't avoiding anything, no doubt that Usa has and is supporting terror groups in Syria in their fight against Assad. I said a thousand times that all should be denounced, you are blaming Usa/Israel for everything, how convenient. It is the ISIS terrorist who is wielding the ak-47 and killing everyone, it is the Usa who are bombing Iraq with their F-16's.
It is you who's always you who is playing the religion card like bush used to do. You denounce terror committed by all but forget or willingly miss to mention israel in that list. Repeatedly this is how show your fairness. So, please get off your war against terror.
I just mentioned those groups in top of my head, I can give you a big list of terrorists from all kinds of countries and supported by all kinds of governemnts, be it the Usa, Israel or Saudi Arabia. Maybe you should stop blaming everything ISIS does on America,Israel or the West. Terrorist attack in Paris? I bet America did this. 9/11? Usa must have flown those planes in their own building. Bad weather? Must be the doing of evil Usa. I hate to break it to you, but the world isn't as black/white as you make it out to be.
It is the scumbag who wields the Ak-47, who has been on drugs his entire life and suddenly converted the Jihadism, because he has been going to a Wahhabi mosque, financed by the Gulf states, not the Usa or Israel or the west.
I think I've shown how fair you are in this discussion, so take a hike.
I think I have shown how narrow your point of view is. "terror kingpin Usa", you're basically saying ISIS did nothing wrong and it all the fault of the Usa, I recognize the support America has given to terror groups for their own gain. You should recognize that ISIS is nothing more but a crappy terror group, killing all kinds of people who even remotely disagree with them and that it is somehow not the Usa.

Have a nice day, kind sir.

Body Count has nothing to do with legality of Warfare.
The Daesh and their predecessors has killed more Muslims than the US has.
If we would be comparing the last 5 years between ISIS and Usa and then would ask who killed more innocent people, we would have a clear winner here and it is not the Usa.
Muslims are not the only victims of the US terrorism. Don't make me give you a lesson on history.
When You can show that the US is violating International Law against someone following International Law, I am eager to hear it.

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