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Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped

if the problem is limirted only to Syria then your point has value but it is spread in all countries invaded by u.s such as afghanistan iraq lybia and is increasing more as u.s carry out more strike which shows u.s is not sincere in stopping terrorism but is supporting and promoting it for their economic and religious objectives.if one is sincere results are always positive which example is Pakistan Army who is the only army in the world who defeated terrorists and now their is peace in the country

I understand your point of view and I am sympathetic towards your sentiments in this regard. I agree that US went too far by invading Iraq and Libya and toppling their regimes. For the sake of argument, those regimes were bad but they were powerful and ensured stability in their respective domains nonetheless. However, US-led interventions in Iraq and Libya have economic underpinnings as well. Check the links below:


US was at war with Iraq since 1990 and Bush (junior) administration decided to finish the job. It started with Iraqi occupation of Kuwait which forced Saudi Arabia to seek American assistance in defeating Saddam Hussein.

What happened in those states cannot be undone but US bears the responsibility of defeating ISIS which is a byproduct of sectarian strife in (post-invasion) Iraq.

ISIS is a threat to our way of life and it must be stopped. Doesn't matters who is pounding them.

And yes - US should be discouraged from seeking 'regime change' in other states. However, what to do about Iran and North Korea? It is really hard to take a stand for these two states due to their ill-advised foreign policy.

Blaming and berating US is not going to help. We need to see the bigger picture in all this.
isis was creation of usa/saudi/israel. by the way afganistan and iraq were nothing to do with 9/11. why isnt israel being investigated for five dancing israelis or larry silverstein. what about uss liberty.

un is just part of usa imperialism no sanction on usa, how come their is no regime change over there usa is very rogue state. it time to throw out rothschild and all foreign corporation.

by the way for iranians see this video this can be you next, worser maybe becuase saudis will have field day creating another isis monster behalf of israel/usa to kill shia leading to ultimate sectarian divide.

iran is needs to get nuked up. eat grass for once.
These are M825 smoke rounds. They are not banned.

On the other hand incendiary ZAB-2.5 used by Assad and Russia are war crime.


isis was creation of usa/saudi/israel.
ISIS was created by Sunni Arab Muslims.
by the way afganistan and iraq were nothing to do with 9/11.
Bin Laden and his organization were in Afghanistan.
The US cooperated with Afghan forces in the fight against the Taliban / Al Qaeda.
Iraq has no connection, the US invaded Iraq because Saddam invaded Kuwait.
why isnt israel being investigated for five dancing israelis or larry silverstein.
WTF is five dancing israelis?
How larry silverstein is related to Israel?

what about uss liberty.
The incident was investigated by Israel, by the United States, and by Israel and the United States together.
There was a mistake mainly by the Americans, but also by Israel.
Israel apologized and paid compensation.
un is just part of usa imperialism no sanction on usa,
The United Nations does not represent American imperialism.
The UN is a corrupt organization regardless of the United States.
The UN is a useless organization.
Most of the UN funding comes from the United States and therefore the UN will not impose sanctions on the US, the owner of the money is the owner of the opinion you know.
how come their is no regime change over there usa is very rogue state.
what?? A moment ago there was a change of government in the United States and a new president in the UN.
usa is very rogue state. it time to throw out rothschild and all foreign corporation.
The United States as a global superpower is likely to be aggressive toward those who oppose it and its interests, you are right.
What is the relationship between Rothschild and the corporations to the wars of the United States?
There is no such!
The US is fighting to defend its global hegemony.
by the way for iranians see this video this can be you next, worser maybe becuase saudis will have field day creating another isis monster behalf of israel/usa to kill shia leading to ultimate sectarian divide.

iran is needs to get nuked up. eat grass for once.
Iran is probably the next one.
The Saudis don't care about the Shiites, they care only about themselves and Wahhabism, they are afraid of the Iranian expansion that threatens them.
The United States doesn't care about Sunni Shiites or penguins, the United States cares about their interests and that's it.
Israel doesn't care either about Shiites or Sunnis, don't forget that Israel is arming Shiite Azerbaijan with advanced weapons against Armenia and Iran.
ISIS was created by Sunni Arab Muslims.

Bin Laden and his organization were in Afghanistan.
The US cooperated with Afghan forces in the fight against the Taliban / Al Qaeda.
Iraq has no connection, the US invaded Iraq because Saddam invaded Kuwait.

WTF is five dancing israelis?
How larry silverstein is related to Israel?

The incident was investigated by Israel, by the United States, and by Israel and the United States together.
There was a mistake mainly by the Americans, but also by Israel.
Israel apologized and paid compensation.

The United Nations does not represent American imperialism.
The UN is a corrupt organization regardless of the United States.
The UN is a useless organization.
Most of the UN funding comes from the United States and therefore the UN will not impose sanctions on the US, the owner of the money is the owner of the opinion you know.

what?? A moment ago there was a change of government in the United States and a new president in the UN.

The United States as a global superpower is likely to be aggressive toward those who oppose it and its interests, you are right.
What is the relationship between Rothschild and the corporations to the wars of the United States?
There is no such!
The US is fighting to defend its global hegemony.

Iran is probably the next one.
The Saudis don't care about the Shiites, they care only about themselves and Wahhabism, they are afraid of the Iranian expansion that threatens them.
The United States doesn't care about Sunni Shiites or penguins, the United States cares about their interests and that's it.
Israel doesn't care either about Shiites or Sunnis, don't forget that Israel is arming Shiite Azerbaijan with advanced weapons against Armenia and Iran.

yeah al bagdady > simon elliot is muslim. by the way saudis are not sunni. nice try.


ahem israel created by rothschild. why islam is target maybe it is becuase of usury.

uss liberty

here proof. israel does false flag, which went wrong.

IMO, terrorist is wrong word, US is compelling/forcing people for revenge or retaliation.
In other words, US is a state inflicting terrorism and those who are seeking revenge/retaliation are doing it in individual capacity or small groups; because there is no justice system in present world to try USA for its atrocities against humanity, no country/government which could pressurise USA.
So the vaccum resulting in creation of such individuals/small pressure groups who have their own ideas to punish/rein such brutal force.
We better called them 'Retaliators'.
As soon you're going to 'retaliate' against innocent people, you're a terrorist, who deserves not a grain of compassion.
As soon you're going to 'retaliate' against innocent people, you're a terrorist, who deserves not a grain of compassion.

You mean like Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Fallujah? Dresden, perhaps? I agree.
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by the way for iranians see this video this can be you next, worser maybe becuase saudis will have field day creating another isis monster behalf of israel/usa to kill shia leading to ultimate sectarian divide.

iran is needs to get nuked up. eat grass for once.
Thank you for your anxiety but don't insult us please.

Saudis urged americans to attack Iran for numerous times in george bush king acdullah time but americans know their limits. They cannot fight against 80 million populated country like Iran. They have gotten humiliated in Persian Gulf by Iranians for numerous times.





yeah al bagdady > simon elliot is muslim. by the way saudis are not sunni. nice try.


ahem israel created by rothschild. why islam is target maybe it is becuase of usury.

uss liberty

here proof. israel does false flag, which went wrong.

yeah al bagdady > simon elliot is muslim. by the way saudis are not sunni. nice try.


ahem israel created by rothschild. why islam is target maybe it is becuase of usury.

uss liberty

here proof. israel does false flag, which went wrong.

Elliot is a very Kosher name.

Or 9/11, Paris, Brussels, London, Nice, Kabul, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Istanbul...

9/11 is still dodgy. But we can talk about numbers. Add those all up and tell me what you come up with. Then add up just the numbers of Iraqis murdered by Western governments on the basis of a lie. After all, wouldn't you agree that all human life is equally valuable? But like I said, I agree with you. I'm just not sure what value you place on non-white lives or more specifically, Muslim lives. Are you a white supremacist? Do you think white peoples' lives are more valuable than non-white lives? Is that what you believe?
I haven't read anything but i can say just by the amount of videos posted here, there's a lot of tension here.

So let me round up.

Its somehow Israel's fault and hmmm women too?

I will check back when the plot deepens at 300 homosexual Spartans vs mighty Persian army post Saudi annihilation by the Farasins.

If the news is true, US is committing crime against humanity and war crimes.
World should take notice.

One veto makes the perpetrators immune to prosecution. This is another glaring reason why the veto power must be abolished. If the rest of the world cannot make this happen then they might as well keep quiet because the perpetrators know that the so called 'international laws' cannot put even a scratch on their skin, the crooks are well protected by their veto power.
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As soon you're going to 'retaliate' against innocent people, you're a terrorist, who deserves not a grain of compassion.
So, could you able to count those hundreds and thousands killed by Allies in Heroshima and Nagasaki - none of them were innocents?
Hundreds and thousands killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine - none of them was innocent.

Please compare the facts.

Or 9/11, Paris, Brussels, London, Nice, Kabul, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Istanbul...
Or 9/11, Paris, Brussels, London, Nice, Kabul, Jerusalem,

You count how many innocents killed in both scenarios and then decide yourself who deserves to be the terrorists and who does not deserve a grain? a dust particle of sympathy.

My friend, word 'innocent' does not only belongs to your part of the world, it is to be used for whole world or humanity.
Elliot is a very Kosher name.

9/11 is still dodgy. But we can talk about numbers. Add those all up and tell me what you come up with. Then add up just the numbers of Iraqis murdered by Western governments on the basis of a lie. After all, wouldn't you agree that all human life is equally valuable? But like I said, I agree with you. I'm just not sure what value you place on non-white lives or more specifically, Muslim lives. Are you a white supremacist? Do you think white peoples' lives are more valuable than non-white lives? Is that what you believe?
Never said that, all life is equal, the many useless wars and all the resulting deaths in the Middle East/Asia are not justified if you asked me. The person who I quoted seemed to defend ISIS and other terror groups and it seemed he tried tu justify the many innocent deaths, the main victims of terror groups are also muslims (I mentioned some cities from muslim countries, I wouldn't do that if were to be a white sipremacist).
The UN Just Accused the US of Killing 300 Civilians Since Last Week in Raqqa
June 15, 2017 at 3:16 am
Written by Darius Shahtahmasebi

According to a U.N. Commission of Inquiry tasked with investigating violations of international war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria, the intensification of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition has led to a “staggering loss of civilian life,” the Guardian reports.

The U.N. war crimes investigators found that since the acceleration of airstrikes in the Syrian city of Raqqa commenced last week, 300 civilians have already died. This statistic arguably makes Bashar al-Assad pale in comparison; Assad’s regime reportedly killsapproximately 20-50 people in any given week.

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“We note in particular that the intensification of air strikes, which have paved the ground for an SDF advance in Raqqa, has resulted not only in staggering loss of civilian life, but has also led to 160,000 civilians fleeing their homes and becoming internally displaced,” Paulo Pinheiro, the chairman of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry told the human rights council in Geneva.

According to Karen Abuzayd, an American commissioner on the independent panel, the figure of 300 is based only on deaths caused by airstrikes. Therefore, the figure of civilian deaths caused by troops on the ground may ultimately higher.

As the Guardian also notes, speculation that the coalition has been using white phosphorous has already drawn strong condemnation.

Not surprisingly, this operation was conducted with full knowledge that there would be mass suffering for the civilian population. At the end of May of this year, Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis announced that the U.S. would be switching to so-called “annihilation tactics” against ISIS, stating:

“Our intention is that the foreign fighters do not survive the fight to return home to North Africa, to Europe, to America, to Asia, to Africa, we are not going to allow them to do so…We are going to stop them there and take apart the caliphate.”

According to Mattis, civilian deaths “are a fact of life in this sort of situation.” However, Mattis did add that the U.S. military would “do everything humanly possible consistent with military necessity, taking many chances to avoid civilian casualties at all costs.”

Mattis’ announcement that the U.S. would annihilate ISIS (and massacre civilians by the hundreds) is still somewhat dubious, considering video footageappears to have emerged of ISIS fighters fleeing the conflict in Raqqa safely despite the hundreds of bombs and white phosphorous loaded munitions U.S.-backed forces have been dropping over the city. It has been speculated that in reality, these ISIS fighters are being granted safe passage to put added pressure on the Syrian government, a longtime adversary of the United States.

Further, using a dangerous element like white phosphorous and burying over 300 civilians after approximately a week of fighting seems, on the face of it, to be nothing short of a blatant war crime. The Commission of Inquiry and the mainstream media may not use the term “war crime” outright, but that is surely an inference one can draw from their calculations.

If anything, it would appear the U.S. is annihilating civilians — and not much else.

This is why Russia is required. Who will stop this man except russia?

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