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Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped

US Kills Mosul Civilians w/ White Phosphorus Chemical Weapons (Should Trump Bomb a US Airbase?)

John Laurits
3 days ago


“On Tuesday, Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians […] It was a slow & brutal death for so many… No child of God should ever suffer such horror. Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched”
-Donald Trump
April 7th, 2017, after ordering an airstrike in revenge for an alleged chemical-weapons attack on civilians

On June 13th, Brig. Gen. Hugh McAslan, admitted in an interview with NPR that US-led coalition forces used white phosphorusmunitions in the densely-populated Iraqi city of Mosul during their offensive against ISIS. Of course, the United States has been caught using illegal weapons like this before — in 2005, for example, the Pentagon ( after lying about it for a year ) confirmed US forces had used white phosphorous in Fallujah. At the time, Peter Kaiser — spokesperson for the Chemical Weapons Convention, which the US agreed to — told the BBC that chemical weapons were defined as any chemical whose toxic or caustic properties are used to harm or kill human beings. White phosphorus — which ignites in the presence of oxygen & burns on contact — can cause multi-organ failure when it enters the bloodstream and, because it is highly soluble in human fat, tends to burn a person’s flesh “thermally and chemically, down to the bone.” Breathing in smoke near a white phosphorus shell, as one US soldier describes, blisters the throat & lungs, suffocating a person as it continues “to burn them from the inside.”

Whether or not that matches the CWC spokesperson’s description of “toxic or caustic properties used to harm or kill human beings,the reader may decide…

White Phosphorus:
Definitely Not a “Chemical Weapon”

This is the longer version of Amaq video of White phosphorous used yesterday in Zanjili neighborhood of west Mosul #Iraqpic.twitter.com/9QTQhAlDSw

— Fazel Hawramy (@FazelHawramy) June 4, 2017

In the past, the United States dodged CWC rules making it a war crime to use white phosphorus as a weapon by claiming the chemical was simply being used as a “smokescreen” for troop movements. Or that, at least, is the official US alibi for manufacturing, using, & selling these weapons to Saudi Arabia, Israel, & other human-rights champions. Iraqi, Afghani, Yemeni, & Palestiniancivilians, of course, would disagree with this description of how US weapons are used — but what would they know about it?

Will Trump Order an Airstrike on the US
For Using Chemical Weapons on Civilians?

( Or Does That Rule Only Apply to Muslim or Darker-Skinned Folks? )

US soldiers with white phosphorus munitions
In April, Donald Trump struck a Syrian airfield with 59 tomahawk missiles in what the US says was revenge for civilians allegedly killed by Assad using chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun — just 599km from the Mosul neighborhoods targeted by US white phosphorus munitions. Unlike the accusation that Assad used sarin gas on civilians despite the fact it was a huge & pointless risk to take while he was already winning, it is certain that US-led coalition forces used white phosphorus munitions in Mosul neighborhoods, knowing it would kill non-combatants. Not only was the US the only group in the area who possessed these munitions but there is photographic & video evidence that white phosphorous was used on densely-populated residential areas. And a coalition general admitted it to the press.

Which means that there is only one thing that the US can do — retaliate by striking a US airfield with 59 Raytheon Tomahawk™ cruise-missiles. What choice do we have? As Trump himself said —

“It is in the vital national-security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons. There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons and violated its obligations† under the Chemical Weapons Convention
-Donald Trump

White phosphorus pictured above was reportedly used by US forces in Raqqa, Syria, leaving 45 civilians dead. Respectfully stolen from @maythem956’s twitter page (thanks or sorry or whatever)
There can be no dispute that a number of civilians were killed by the US which illegally used white phosphorus munitions in residential areas of the city of Mosul — exactly as anyone would expect when shelling a residential area with white phosphorus. The US violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and, just as Assad was punished by missiles in April, so justice demands that the US must face the consequences of its actions —

But we all know that will not be happening.Whether it’s the so-called “justice” system on the inside of the US or the effects of American foreign-policy outside of it, taking responsibility for actions is what broke folks, brown folks, & Muslims have to do — not politicians or generals. Consequences are for the poor, not weapons manufacturers.

The most damning thing about all of this is the fact that nobody — even for a moment — expects the US to pay any kind of price for intentionally using chemical weapons in a densely populated neighborhood in Northern Iraq. That is how arrogant the policy-makers in the US have become. But — even if their approval ratings do not fall an inch this month because of it — the actions & inaction of these cowardly politicians cannot stay concealed forever.

And the generations-to-come will know them as the murderers that they are & curse their names — but the martyrs they make of the blameless will be remembered.


Wasn't avoiding anything, no doubt that Usa has and is supporting terror groups in Syria in their fight against Assad. I said a thousand times that all should be denounced, you are blaming Usa/Israel for everything, how convenient. It is the ISIS terrorist who is wielding the ak-47 and killing everyone, it is the Usa who are bombing Iraq with their F-16's.

I just mentioned those groups in top of my head, I can give you a big list of terrorists from all kinds of countries and supported by all kinds of governemnts, be it the Usa, Israel or Saudi Arabia. Maybe you should stop blaming everything ISIS does on America,Israel or the West. Terrorist attack in Paris? I bet America did this. 9/11? Usa must have flown those planes in their own building. Bad weather? Must be the doing of evil Usa. I hate to break it to you, but the world isn't as black/white as you make it out to be.
It is the scumbag who wields the Ak-47, who has been on drugs his entire life and suddenly converted the Jihadism, because he has been going to a Wahhabi mosque, financed by the Gulf states, not the Usa or Israel or the west.

I don't blame the US for the genocide committed by assad against his own people but I do blame the US for creating ISIS an then threatening the security of Turkey in the name of fighting ISIS. Your accusation is false.
The UN Just Accused the US of Killing 300 Civilians Since Last Week in Raqqa
June 15, 2017 at 3:16 am
Written by Darius Shahtahmasebi

According to a U.N. Commission of Inquiry tasked with investigating violations of international war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria, the intensification of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition has led to a “staggering loss of civilian life,” the Guardian reports.

The U.N. war crimes investigators found that since the acceleration of airstrikes in the Syrian city of Raqqa commenced last week, 300 civilians have already died. This statistic arguably makes Bashar al-Assad pale in comparison; Assad’s regime reportedly killsapproximately 20-50 people in any given week.

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“We note in particular that the intensification of air strikes, which have paved the ground for an SDF advance in Raqqa, has resulted not only in staggering loss of civilian life, but has also led to 160,000 civilians fleeing their homes and becoming internally displaced,” Paulo Pinheiro, the chairman of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry told the human rights council in Geneva.

According to Karen Abuzayd, an American commissioner on the independent panel, the figure of 300 is based only on deaths caused by airstrikes. Therefore, the figure of civilian deaths caused by troops on the ground may ultimately higher.

As the Guardian also notes, speculation that the coalition has been using white phosphorous has already drawn strong condemnation.

Not surprisingly, this operation was conducted with full knowledge that there would be mass suffering for the civilian population. At the end of May of this year, Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis announced that the U.S. would be switching to so-called “annihilation tactics” against ISIS, stating:

“Our intention is that the foreign fighters do not survive the fight to return home to North Africa, to Europe, to America, to Asia, to Africa, we are not going to allow them to do so…We are going to stop them there and take apart the caliphate.”

According to Mattis, civilian deaths “are a fact of life in this sort of situation.” However, Mattis did add that the U.S. military would “do everything humanly possible consistent with military necessity, taking many chances to avoid civilian casualties at all costs.”

Mattis’ announcement that the U.S. would annihilate ISIS (and massacre civilians by the hundreds) is still somewhat dubious, considering video footageappears to have emerged of ISIS fighters fleeing the conflict in Raqqa safely despite the hundreds of bombs and white phosphorous loaded munitions U.S.-backed forces have been dropping over the city. It has been speculated that in reality, these ISIS fighters are being granted safe passage to put added pressure on the Syrian government, a longtime adversary of the United States.

Further, using a dangerous element like white phosphorous and burying over 300 civilians after approximately a week of fighting seems, on the face of it, to be nothing short of a blatant war crime. The Commission of Inquiry and the mainstream media may not use the term “war crime” outright, but that is surely an inference one can draw from their calculations.

If anything, it would appear the U.S. is annihilating civilians — and not much else.

The Coalition wouldn't have been bombing areas if Assad wasn't a power-hungry sadistic dictator. The only people to blame for what is happening to Syria and Raqqa is Assad. Had he stepped down instead of slaughtering his own people then maybe Syria would have been like Tunisia or Egypt both of which are safe and improving in stability.
I don't blame the US for the genocide committed by assad against his own people but I do blame the US for creating ISIS an then threatening the security of Turkey in the name of fighting ISIS. Your accusation is false.

That is because You are a Charlatan, twisting history.
ISIS was created by Iraqi Sunnis resisting the US and then the Shia sectarian policies.
There is a lot of old Iraqi Baathists or former Iraqi soldiers in the leadership of ISIS.
That is because You are a Charlatan, twisting history.
ISIS was created by Iraqi Sunnis resisting the US and then the Shia sectarian policies.
There is a lot of old Iraqi Baathists or former Iraqi soldiers in the leadership of ISIS.

Do I need to quote trump Mr. Charlatan as to who created Daesh? Do I need to tell you Mr. Charlatan who makes deal worth hundreds of billions with those who fund Deash?
Do I need to quote trump Mr. Charlatan as to who created Daesh? Do I need to tell you Mr. Charlatan who makes deal worth hundreds of billions with those who fund Deash?
Quoting Trump is almost a guarantee, that you get Fake News so go on.
It is your credibility...

It has been established that there are Money going to the Daesh from people in KSA
and the Gulf states.
There has not been proof that this Money comes from the KSA government.
Another twisted comment.

KSA government is certainly supporting other rebels in Syria.
There are also Muslims all over Europe that collect money
through illegal schemes, sending them to Daesh.
@T-Rex @A.P. Richelieu would be better to use appropriate font size, colour/standard format for discussion.

That is my opinion as well, and many have pointed out to T-REX that his style
is considered shouting. He has never listened and continued to use bold letters.

My use is simply extending this to the level of beeing ridiculous, specifically only
when answering T-Rex shouting.

I suggest that consistent use of bold should be an offense that is reportable,
and render a warning, if not followed.
Use of bold to highlight issues, or in titles should of course still be OK.

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