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  1. Cell_DbZ

    France offers Belgium Rafale jets and close partnership

    France offers Belgium Rafale jets and close partnership By: Pierre Tran   20:09 Two Rafale fighter jets fly during a mission over Iraq. French jets carried out their first air strike against Islamic State militants in Iraq on September 19, 2014. (Jean-Luc Brunet/AFP/Getty Images) PARIS —...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    EU's top court dismisses Hungary and Slovakia case against taking in refugees

    ECJ rejects Slovakia, Hungary refugee challenge The EU’s refugee relocation scheme is ‘proportionate,’ says the court. By Cynthia Kroet 9/6/17, 10:17 AM CET Migrants queue for food being delivered by volunteers at a...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Belgian pilot falls out of helicopter

    Can't find another explanation than suicide either
  4. Cell_DbZ

    Belgian pilot falls out of helicopter

    Body of missing helicopter pilot found Mon 04/09/2017 - 16:32 MBThe body of the helicopter pilot that fell out of a military helicopter in the skies above Liège province has been found, near to the town of Huy (Liège province). Sunday’s accident happened during a demonstration. The helicopter’s...
  5. Cell_DbZ

    AntiFa: Disecting A Phenomenon

    Good news, Antifa is recognized as domestic terrorists by FBI and DHS http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4844296/Homeland-Security-deem-antifa-domestic-terrorists.html http://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/01/antifa-charlottesville-violence-fbi-242235
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Belgian pilot falls out of helicopter

    No worries! :cheers:
  7. Cell_DbZ

    Belgian pilot falls out of helicopter

    I am having a hard time to see the funny side, the pilot endangered his own co-pilot and could have killed him, luckily the co-pilot was skilled enough to save himself and the helicopter from crashing on potential pedestrians.
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Belgian pilot falls out of helicopter

    Nothing is confirmed, but all sings indicate it is indeed suicide. That would be a bad excuse, considering this is the army and there's also a door that has to be opened...
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Belgian pilot falls out of helicopter

    Pilot falls out of helicopter in Amay Sun 03/09/2017 - 16:52 Michaël Torfs In Amay, in Liège province, a pilot has fallen out of a military helicopter. The accident happened during a demonstration. The victim died, it turned out after a search had been staged. The co-pilot managed to land the...
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Netherlands without government for the last 5 months, parties resume negotiations

    589 days. We had 589 days without a government... We Belgians love taking the p1ss.
  11. Cell_DbZ

    The re-emergence of the German Fourth Reich

    Well, that's kind of how it went :omghaha: But the British already made that joke in 1914, you're late. We poor little Belgians seem to learn from the wrong countries :omghaha:
  12. Cell_DbZ

    The re-emergence of the German Fourth Reich

    Yes, don't forget this :sarcastic: I'm sure we Belgians wont :cheesy:
  13. Cell_DbZ

    Antifa: A Look at the Antifascist Movement Confronting White Supremacists in the Streets

    True, there's a god damn reason why they are designated a domestic extremist anarchist organisation by New Jersey. https://www.njhomelandsecurity.gov/analysis/anarchist-extremists-antifa?rq=ANTIFA
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Van swerves into crowds in Barcelona : 13 reported dead and more than 50 injured

    This is the first suspect named in the Barcelona terror attack KIERAN CORCORAN AUG 18, 2017, 5:49 AM Driss Oubakir Police in Spain have named the first suspect in the Barcelona terror attack. Driss Oukabir rented the van, which slammed into crowds on the tourist hotspot of Las...
  15. Cell_DbZ

    ISIS fanatics given HOUSES and JOBS on Syria return as part of 'hug a jihadi' campaign

    And I was thinking my country was the worst...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

    I Agree. I'm afraid I can't see what you can see.
  17. Cell_DbZ

    Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

    I don't see this ever happening (nor do I want it to happen), there are way too many differences on many levels. What is wrong with just staying an union? I don't see the point of that with NATO, we could just start by trying to spend 2% of our GDP if we are really that scared.
  18. Cell_DbZ

    What makes submarines silent?

    I found an interesting video:
  19. Cell_DbZ

    BREAKING : Car ploughs into and injures soldiers in France

    Merde, mes condoléances.
  20. Cell_DbZ

    Inside French Prisons, A Struggle To Combat Radicalization

    Seems like the french aren't the only struggling with their prisons :ph34r: https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/world/netherlands-belgium-criminals-dont-deserve-inhuman-prisons/
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