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BREAKING : Car ploughs into and injures soldiers in France


Feb 25, 2014
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  • Six soldiers injured when car drive into their unit in Paris suburb
  • Incident took place on Wednesday morning and the driver fled the scene
  • Soldiers were part of anti-terrorism operation deployed after 2015 attacks
  • Local mayor slammed attack as a 'deliberate, odious act of aggression'
  • Mayor claimed driver of the BMW had 'parked up in wait' before incident

Six French soldiers have been injured after a car rammed an anti-terrorism patrol outside their barracks in Paris this morning.

Police are now hunting for the driver, who fled the scene after the suspected terror attack, in Levallois-Perret, a northwestern suburb of the French capital.

Two soldiers are reported to have been seriously injured in the incident, which took place at about 8am local time.


Emergency operation: Paramedics and security services gather at the scene after the attack, which took place at around 8am this morning local time


Deliberate: Six soldiers suffered injuries when a BMW slammed into them outside their barracks in a northwestern suburb of Paris, with two of them seriously hurt

The vehicle, a dark BMW, drove into the group as they were leaving their barracks, before speeding off, Paris police have said.

The mayor of Levallois-Perret, Patrick Balkany, said the incident had 'without any doubt' been deliberate.

Mr Balkany claimed that the driver of the BMW had been 'parked up in wait close to the barracks' before speeding into the soldiers.

'It's an odious act of aggression,' Balkany told BFM TV.

The soldiers are part of Opération Sentinelle, an anti-terrorism operation deployed following the 2015 attacks in Paris.


Attack: Police work near the scene where French soldiers were hit in what the local mayor has branded a 'deliberate, odious act of aggression'


Incident: The car was allegedly purposely driven into the group of soldiers as they left their barracks in Levallois-Perret, a suburb of the French capital


The area outside the barracks can be seen cordoned off as security services patrol the scene

Horrific. This has become a regular thing for them. How does one even protect against this?
How does one even protect against this?

Kill switches in the cars / vehicles ........... sensors that can detect if vehicle is going to hit anyone or anything and immediately override the manual control of the vehicle. One of those raw ideas ...........

If this idea is ever adopted please don't forget to wire me share of royalty or whatever it is.
Of course, mec! One has to form a correct idea of humanity
and it includes a serious portion of very variably dangerous
maniacs whether we like it or not.

This magnet effect is utterly unavoidable and when you keep
a long term state of emergency, one sees the "quality" of the
attackers shift into every _frustrated by life _recently divorced
_unhappy at work _etc
nobody that cannot control themselves.

If we left Sentinelle running for years, we'd need to give each
patrol in a sensitive spot an ISR asset, a guy dressed as a local
spotting the weirdos roaming around and identifying them?

Better yet : Take the least mentally "aware" pandore /CRS and
give them a Tazer to protect the milis. I guarantee a dangerous
moron under lock for every 3 regrettable mistakes.

The mother of idiots is always pregnant.

*Sigh* Tay out.
Investigations are ongoing and manhunt is still underway to identify and arrest the suspect.

6 soldiers from the 35th Infantry Regiment of Belfort have been injured,2 are in serious condition,but not critical. The others were lightly wounded. They have been transfered to the military hospitals of Bégin and Percy.
France needs to take more aggressive means to deal with nonsense like this which has become a new norm of terrorists and radicalised lunatics.

My sincere condolences to the families of the soldiers who are critically injured.
  • Six soldiers injured when car drive into their unit in Paris suburb
  • Incident took place on Wednesday morning and the driver fled the scene
  • Soldiers were part of anti-terrorism operation deployed after 2015 attacks
  • Local mayor slammed attack as a 'deliberate, odious act of aggression'
  • Mayor claimed driver of the BMW had 'parked up in wait' before inciden
Do they know if it's an act of terrorism or not, yet? It could also be some disgruntled person with an ax to grind.
Do they know if it's an act of terrorism or not, yet? It could also be some disgruntled person with an ax to grind.

It is said that it's a deliberate act with aim of killing and that the driver waited for the soldiers. Anti terror services are probing the attack. Investigations and manhunt are ongoing,we should have more details later.

These kind of incidents are taken seriously as Daesh has openly called to target French soldiers,Police Officers and Gendarmes.
Only way to solve this problem is to start deporting these people and anyone who is in anyway party to these attacks. Every time someone is convicted of terrorist offences, they should be deported to a penal colony for the rest of their lives.
It is said that it's a deliberate act with aim of killing and that the driver waited for the soldiers. Anti terror services are probing the attack. Investigations and manhunt are ongoing,we should have more details later.

These kind of incidents are taken seriously as Daesh has openly called to target French soldiers,Police Officers and Gendarmes.

They'll catch him. French police and Gendarmes are excellent, despite Paris being incredibly large and full of places to hide for a while, they'll find him. Even if he leaves the city like the other two scum did, they eventually nailed them.

I always fear the worst when these things go into this hunting mode.

Odds are it is because of recent events.

Such as? Sorry I haven't been keeping up with events in France, beside Trump's visit.

CNN reporting Paris police have just arrested the guy.

They say the suspect was arrested on the A16 highway,in direction of Calais. (Northern France)

According to some sources ,the car was caught and the suspect tried to flee.
There was an exchange of fire between the driver of the BMW and the Police officers. The suspect was struck by 5 bullets and taken to hospital. One officer was lightly wounded.
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Let's hope there are no casualties,wish them a speedy recovery ,Indian member's Will fully condemn this terror attack. @The_Showstopper won't we bro ..??
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