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Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

Current EU has no future and needs to be reformed to its roots. However,we are on the path towards more integration and we could see emerge in the future an EU superstate,an united federation.
Current EU has no future and needs to be reformed to its roots. However,we are on the path towards more integration and we could see emerge in the future an EU superstate,an united federation.

ha ha yeah sure. I would rather cut my hands off than being in one nation with the french.
Yes.give it 10-15 years.

You'll start your own nation on a remote island ....Queerlandia.

Look Flamer, your middle eastern culture actually is something unacceptable for me. The weakness you represent is something i dont want be connected with. Im a european. I stand for european values. In my chest beats a roman heart.

There wont be a european superstate for exactly that reason. You are not european and you are not accepted from europeans.
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Says the romanian who begs in the streets.

Look Flamer, your middle eastern culture actually is something unacceptable for me. The weakness you represent is something i dont want be connected with. Im a european. I stand for european values. In my chest beats a roman heart.

There wont be a european superstate for exactly that reason. You are not european and you are not accepted from europeans.

Your rantings are worthless. Romanians are Europeans,their country is part of the EU and they are EU citizens. Sorry to say,'amigo'but Romanians (I am talking about real Romanian people,not Roma gypsies impostors) look more European than you do.
Your rantings are worthless. Romanians are Europeans,their country is part of the EU and they are EU citizens. Sorry to say,'amigo'but Romanians (I am talking about real Romanian people,not Roma gypsies impostors) look more European than you do.

They are not. Their culture is more asian / oriental. They dont look european and are in no way accepted by most europeans.

Your personal insult aside, you are just butthurt that i called out your support for Macron as laughable and this obviously still bites you.

Beside that, there is no such thing as EU citizen. I have an italian citizenship.

@waz could you please take care for the personal insult he throw against me? Thank you.
They are not. Their culture is more asian / oriental. They dont look european and are in no way accepted by most europeans.

Your personal insult aside, you are just butthurt that i called out your support for Macron as laughable and this obviously still bites you.

You are the only one ridiculing yourself with your cheap personal attacks and crappy toilet selfies you are posting all over a defence forum,I thought Italians were more classy than that.
You are the only one ridiculing yourself with your cheap personal attacks and crappy toilet selfies you are posting all over a defence forum,I thought Italians were more classy than that.

Again i advice you to stop ad hominem attacks and concentrate on the topic. You dont know what class means.

That said, there never will be an european superstate. We are differete nations and this will always be that way. Right now the powers push the nations even further apart. The countries are rivals and this wont change.

Macron is best example for that. He is an enemy of Italy and showed that openly with several anti italian actions he did.
They are not. Their culture is more asian / oriental. They dont look european and are in no way accepted by most europeans.

Your personal insult aside, you are just butthurt that i called out your support for Macron as laughable and this obviously still bites you.

Beside that, there is no such thing as EU citizen. I have an italian citizenship.

@waz could you please take care for the personal insult he throw against me? Thank you.
It doesn't matter what you think nor are your ramblings of any significance.

You are the only one ridiculing yourself with your cheap personal attacks and crappy toilet selfies you are posting all over a defence forum,I thought Italians were more classy than that.
He's just a clown not a representative of Italy. I stopped taking him seriously (like most members of this forum ) a long time ago.
I stopped taking you seriously when i noticed you are romanian, that people we order their huts to be demolished and send them with bus out of Italy.

Those are Romanian citizens of gypsie ethnicity just like Western Europe has citizens of different ethnicities who migrated there from Africa,Caraibe, etc.If you can't tell the difference, then there's really not much I can do for you.
Those are Romanian citizens of gypsie ethnicity just like Western Europe has citizens of different ethnicities who migrated there from Africa,Caraibe, etc.If you can't tell the difference, then there's really not much I can do for you.

Oh really? In our media they are just called romanians.

You really need to push up your PR then, because over here Gypsie and Romanian are used as same word.
Oh really? In our media they are just called romanians.

You really need to push up your PR then, because over here Gypsie and Romanian are used as same word.
That's because you are stupid and like you, there are many fools out there.It doesn't take a stellar iq to work out the differences, just like an Asian African Arab with German,Belgian,Dutch or French citizenship.
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