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  1. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You still here supporting genocide you Sweden democratic party supporter. Troll you will never understand these things, maybe if some sincerity entered you, you might have a chance.
  2. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Disgusting animals
  3. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    So who is your role model then? we have seen what athethist and secular leaders have done, the stats below only re-inforce that, over last 2008 years they rank 2 in most kills across humanity. Your so obsessed with Muslims and religion you cant see the wood from the tree's. Most conflicts...
  4. L

    Is it true, the highest ratio of officers down during ongoing operations in Pak army

    I think the scenario was damned if you do and damned if you dont. The US had to leave some day and staying in Afghanistan would have continue to create instability. But the cat was already out of the bag so leaving only made things become less controllable. Paks best strategy in my book is...
  5. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They are your secularist role models. I didnt even get started with secularist US. There are many crimes which are not condemned and continue not to be so your double standards dont work.
  6. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Typical of politicians, they run at the first sign of danger let the populace suffer due to their inept decisions.
  7. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Looked like a highly hostile environment for a jewish guy supporting Palestinian rights, I would not like to imagine how they would be with a Palestinian there.
  8. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Not sure how many tanks and men Israel has lost but imagine if the Palestinians were being armed like Ukraine, conflict would have ended 2 weeks back.
  9. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Your trolling is anoying. Time to school you as you seem to have come out from under your bridge. Netanyahoo describes himself as secular, right now your secular buddy is carrying out a genocide. Lets look at secular Europe. France became secular in 1905 in the 1940-50s they killed over 1...
  10. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I wouldnt waste my breathe with that islamaphobe
  11. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Not trying to divert the topic but these guys seem to be stuck in the 80s when people believed their crap, reminds me abit of the Pakistani establishment with all their fake videos, recording, arrests and narratives. Might be just boomers stuck in their ways.
  12. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The Saudi monarchy fear a religious revolution which topples them more than anything else, so countries like Iran, Egypt with muslim brotherhood and any other muslim country which tries to lead from a religious perspective irks and bothers the Saudi's. Israel has never been seen as a threat...
  13. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This isn't a civil war, one side has been occupied and is seeking freedom. Better analogy would be Algerian independence from the French or india/Pakistan independence from the British.
  14. L

    From " The West Wing " (must watch)

    Don't know why indians keep doing that. When the British arrived there were princely states never as you say a homogeneous India. There were empires before which controlled large land but again never an India. India was formed in 1947 much like Pakistan. The reaction on the west wing program...
  15. L

    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    His using stupid logic. So if someone took over his home is he going to say OK il go live with my cousin now. Or maybe he would being a coward and all.
  16. L

    China said to be negotiating yuan-based arms deals with Saudi Arabia and Egypt

    They should diversify from less politically compromised aircraft.
  17. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Looks like it wasn't an instant kill he managed to flinch move his hand to side of his head.
  18. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This is what I would prefer under a coalition however I was trying to be realistic and saywhat the absolute minimum should be which the OIC has failed to even meet. Its a complete useless body they should just disband it.
  19. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Everyone who is supporting them can't escape the humiliation that will come their way. These career politicians have been recorded supporting genocide, when the winds finally change they will become worthless.
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