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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

”Exile back” means at least half goes ”back” to Muslim countries in the Middle East from where they were ethnically cleansed after 1948.
Hah.. ethnically cleansed. They left of their own volition. They can go back to living safely in Muslim countries like they did for 1400 years while avoiding European pogroms.
How much do you think you should absorb before retaliating ? The Palestinians have been occupied for 7 decades
White people and countries have never even waited 1 year under any kind of occupation before "erupting" violently to depose their oppressors, but the moment the erupt-or or resistor isn't white....

Minute's silence for more than 100 UN workers killed in Gaza​

United Nations workers observed a minute's silence to honour the more than 100 employees killed in Gaza.

UN flags flew at half mast as the staff in Geneva and bowed their heads as a candle was lit in memory of the 101 employees of UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) killed since the war broke out.

"This is the highest number of aid workers killed in the history of our organisation in such a short time," said Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General of the UN in Geneva.

Established in 1949 following the first Arab-Israeli war, UNRWA provides public services including schools, healthcare and aid. Many of UNRWA's 5,000 staff working in Gaza are Palestinian refugees themselves.
ethnically cleansed or betrayed these countries like the jews of egypt who blew up infrastracture?
You mean that Egypt added collective punishment on top?

Hah.. ethnically cleansed. They left of their own volition. They can go back to living safely in Muslim countries like they did for 1400 years while avoiding European pogroms.
As second rate citizens that were occasionally slaughtered.
That is a new meaning of the word ”safe”…
Sad !! 😢😢

I love it.... they should send the badri 313 brigade under un banner.... Problem solved
Will that Badri 3134 brigade use US weapons that were Left for it to use to fight Iran to fight Israel ? Hm....that won't work. Iran won't let Badri 313 out of land locked Afghanistan either, because it doesnt know how to behave- look at its stupid attempted invasion of Iran. Iran will keep Badri 313 in Afghanistan so it can finish off ISIS-K, thats a better and more rewarding military task for Badri 313 to do.
You mean that Egypt added collective punishment on top?

As second rate citizens that were occasionally slaughtered.
That is a new meaning of the word ”safe”…
You still here supporting genocide you Sweden democratic party supporter.

He is asking a good question tho. Where is Allah and prophet Muhammad to save them???? Quran states that Allah helps the righteous

Why are Muslims begging the people they call Kaffirs to save them from the Jews?

Why not ask Allah or the ummah????
Troll you will never understand these things, maybe if some sincerity entered you, you might have a chance.
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