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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The question remains how are they our role models when they are not even Secularists but dictators?
And please bring up the US crimes too and tell us where have we supported any crimes and not condemned them.

And the worst part is, you have again turned a blind eye to the question about the crimes of your Muslim ancestors and didn't even show the courage to condemn them. These are known as Double Standards.

Unfortunately, religious people claim that religion has a monopoly on morals, while atheists can have no morals. But then we see these double standards of religious people in the name of morality.

So who is your role model then? we have seen what athethist and secular leaders have done, the stats below only re-inforce that, over last 2008 years they rank 2 in most kills across humanity.


Your so obsessed with Muslims and religion you cant see the wood from the tree's. Most conflicts are due to political reasons not religious.

What's happening at key hospitals in northern Gaza?​



As we've been reporting, there has been fighting around several hospitals in the north of Gaza. Here are the key things we know about the main ones:


The World Health Organization (WHO) says Al-Shifa hospital - the Gaza Strip's largest - "is not functioning as a hospital anymore". It says there is "constant gunfire and bombings in the area" around it in Gaza City.

According to hospital staff, three babies are reported to have died, out of 39 that could no longer be given intensive care treatment because of fuel shortages.

Israel has repeatedly denied accusations its forces have attacked the hospital, but has acknowledged clashes with Hamas fighters in the area. It says Hamas has a command centre under the hospital - which the hospital and Hamas both deny.


On Sunday, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said Al-Quds hospital had run out of fuel and was no longer operational.

On Monday, the PCRS said there was "heavy gunfire" and "bombardment" in the area and Israeli tanks and military were stationed near the hospital "from all directions". It said medical staff and patients were trapped without food, water or electricity and a convoy accompanied by the Red Cross to evacuate them halted because of dangerous conditions en route.

Rantisi and Al-Nasr

The Rantisi Specialised Hospital for Children and the adjacent Al-Nasr facility in the north of Gaza City were evacuated on Friday save for a handful of patients and staff. Rantisi had Gaza's only paediatric cancer ward.

An Israeli tank has been filmed operating outside the Rantisi hospital.
Mohammed Zaqout, the director of hospitals in Gaza, said yesterday the evacuations "left dozens of sick children on the streets without any medical care" and the fate of five children left in intensive care was unknown.

On Saturday, Israel accused a Hamas commander of preventing about 1,000 people from leaving the hospital before it was evacuated.

On Friday, an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman said Israel did not fire on hospitals - but would "do what we need to" if Hamas fired from hospital grounds.
They took all the hospitals in northern Gaza and kicked the refugees and patients out. Dozens of patients were killed. There is no command centers or nonsense under the hospitals. They want to make northern Gaza unfit for life. Genocide.

How anyone can try to sell their propaganda is beyond me. You have to be extremely evil to. How there is no sanctions or arms embargo on this terror state is even more shocking.
other day i was thinking

let israel have gaza and west bank but give everyone citizenship and full voting rights

then palestinians can have 8 kids each and win through suffrage and cross marriage
That is the simplest of solutions. But Israel wants to maintain their "Jewish" identity. In short they want the land but not the natives.... So much for the only democracy in the middle east.

They do like to bring up 20% Israeli population is arab with equal rights. Ask them how many of those were issued building permits in Jerusalem?

What a example of bravery is to put the bomb in terriost Israeli tank barrel.

Not Israeli tank. T series, most probably Syria
Turkey to set up field hospitals on the Egyptian side of Rafah crossing.


A Turkish ship carrying materials for field hospitals has arrived in an Egyptian port near the Rafah border crossing.

The vessel brought generators, ambulances and other medical supplies to the port of Al Arish, with the aim of establishing eight field hospitals, according to AFP.

It is the first such aid vessel to arrive in Egypt since war broke out on 7 October when Hamas launched a series of attacks on Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 200 hostage.

The World Health Organization says Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City "is not functioning as a hospital anymore". Other facilities are reporting similar situations - a lack of supplies and power, and an ever-present threat to life due to fighting.

A Turkish health official told AFP that Ankara had been given green light by the Egyptian authorities to build the field hospitals in Al Arish, which lies about 40 kilometres (25 miles) from the Rafah border.

They took all the hospitals in northern Gaza and kicked the refugees and patients out. Dozens of patients were killed. There is no command centers or nonsense under the hospitals. They want to make northern Gaza unfit for life. Genocide.

How anyone can try to sell their propaganda is beyond me. You have to be extremely evil to. How there is no sanctions or arms embargo on this terror state is even more shocking.
Fucking Genocidal jokers
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