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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Have you seen how absolutely no one is there to condemn nor stop these Zionists? Worse they are openly supporting and arming this Zionist monster to kill more Palestinians. These Zionists are genocidal maniacs.
Everyone who is supporting them can't escape the humiliation that will come their way. These career politicians have been recorded supporting genocide, when the winds finally change they will become worthless.
Islamic and Arab countries in a joint Riyadh Statement calls,
• all countries to cease all weapons exports to Israel
• International Criminal Court prosecutor to immediately complete its investigation against Israel for its war crimes
• To get an advisory ruling from International Court of Justice against Israel
• UN to convene a peace conference to remove all weapons of mass destruction including Israeli nuclear weapons if there are any

Why is it so hard to add the following to that list:
  • Recall ambassadors with Israel where they exist
  • Freeze all trade
  • Do not allow airspace and soil to be used for transporting any weapons or troops to the Occupied territories

*will take back all peace treaties with Israel
*Impose economic sanctions
*fully support the Palestinian resistance
*military will enter gaza and West Bank because its Muslim land

Anything less is just a political game. Whats ICC going to do? Whats UN going to do? Nothing
I can’t be the only one who wonders why every IDF casualties being published by IDF ever since the invasion of Gaza are all NCO’S or officers right? They are all either sergeant to Major with colonels and Lt Colonels here and there , where are all the private’s?

Some Western analyst in a video yesterday said Israelis only announce officers' deaths. Hard to believe that.
*will take back all peace treaties with Israel
*Impose economic sanctions
*fully support the Palestinian resistance
*military will enter gaza and West Bank because its Muslim land

Anything less is just a political game. Whats ICC going to do? Whats UN going to do? Nothing
This is what I would prefer under a coalition however I was trying to be realistic and saywhat the absolute minimum should be which the OIC has failed to even meet. Its a complete useless body they should just disband it.
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