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  1. mhosein

    Novak Djokovic Arrested

    The tennis star is not vaccinated, he was given an exemption by the tennis association to play without being vaccinated. Australia, like most Western countries, is going full throttle on its covid rules of being vaccinated and those who aren't get sent to a sort of internment camp to quarantine...
  2. mhosein

    Ahmadi group rocked by rape allegations in UK

    The amadiyyas are not a sect in Islam and they aren't Muslim. To be Muslim, one believes that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is the final Prophet of Allah. As for the rape, it is woefully sinful and a wicked act. The fact that the head of this cult told the victim to stay silent, is...
  3. mhosein

    India urges France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by EU to Pakistan

    Sweden isn't part of Europe, the latter belongs to the region of Scandinavia. In geographical terms, Scandinavian countries considered separate from Europe. None of the Scandinavian countries are in the European Union either. ××× this was an incorrect statement on my part, apologies. Clearly...
  4. mhosein

    Amid global crisis, Pakistan economy shows resilience

    It goes worse before it gets better. Pakistan has endured two decades of the American circus, i.e War on Terror and in these two decades, were governments of thieves that plundered Pakistan for all it's worth. Pakistanis have the golden opportunity to work hard and purge corrupt politicians...
  5. mhosein

    Russian submarine hits UK warship’s sonar during chase in North Atlantic

    It would be interesting to know which submarine was it of the Russian Navy. As I understand, Russia has deployed two new classes of submarines and they are by far one of the most formidable submarines ever built.
  6. mhosein

    Where is the old pakistan when we were respectes by USA. Nawaz sharif

    Nawaz Shareef has given unequivocal evidence that he is incapable of leading Pakistan with dignity, integrity and honor. For he thinks that there was a time when America treated Pakistan with respect at any time in history. America has always treated all countries of the world from a position of...
  7. mhosein

    Pakistan And The SU-35 Saga Continues

    In so far as buying American fighter aircraft is concerned, it would be point blank suicidal for Pakistan. America, by definition is a state that uses it's weapons sales to other countries as a means of holding those countries as political hostage. CAATSA is what is best described in the Italian...
  8. mhosein

    Pakistan And The SU-35 Saga Continues

    I believe Pakistan ought to go for Su-35s from Russia. However it should Pakistan Navy and not Pakistan Air Force that should procure this outstanding fighter aircraft. With Pakistan Navy expanding and new acquisitions such as ASW aircraft being procured, an expanding surface warfare and...
  9. mhosein

    DefencePoint.gr: Is Turkey secretly developing nuclear and intercontinental weapons?

    As far as history discloses, Pakistan's primary survival lays squarely on it preserving it's identity of being a Muslim country. In case of failure to preserve it's Islamic identity, Pakistan will suffer fate similar to that of Iraq, Syria and Libya. An example of a country that fought fiercely...
  10. mhosein

    DefencePoint.gr: Is Turkey secretly developing nuclear and intercontinental weapons?

    For what purpose would Turkey seek to have its own nukes? As it stands, American nukes have been deployed in Turkey in the past, probably still do. Plus Turkey is part of NATO, which also has nukes. It begs the question, does Turkey not trust NATO? If so, then why is Turkey still part of NATO...
  11. mhosein

    Tehran walk in 4K

    Beautiful country, Iran ... masha'Allah
  12. mhosein

    Putin removes slowly Western International NGOs and human activisit from Russia

    Good move by Russia, the West has a history of using NGOs to instigate subversion in countries who are not aligned with Western interests.
  13. mhosein

    Robert Malone explains how Uttar Pradesh crushed COVID,Biden met Modi and a decision was made to not disclose the contents of the treatment

    Did India crush covid the same way it has alien tech for thousands of years? Or did India crushed covid like they have won wars and become the ruling state of the world, as they dream it up in bollywood? Oh I know, India crushed covid like they shot down a Pakistan Air Force F-16 in 2019, right...
  14. mhosein

    [Opinion] Imran Khan has emerged as a capable leader and Pakistan is extremely lucky to have him

    Individuals collectively make up a society, and Pakistani society has been one of the most divided and ignorant in intellect of faith, to date. Especially considering that Pakistan is of two countries on the entire planet, that were created on the basis of religion.
  15. mhosein

    Imran Khan welcome President Putin's statement which reaffirms that insulting Holy Prophet PBUH is not " freedom of expression"

    If you have been to Russia, as you claim. Then you should know that the Soviet mindset and that of Russia, are opposite of each other. Ukraine has historical fraternal connection with Russia and Crimea has been part of Russia from before the time America ever came into existence. Today's...
  16. mhosein

    Imran Khan welcome President Putin's statement which reaffirms that insulting Holy Prophet PBUH is not " freedom of expression"

    The proponents of the West seem to think that the world has slept through the last 30 years. They justify their wickedness by pointing the finger at others. I believe the expression goes as "shift the blame to put the spotlight on others" this is so they can legitimize themselves as being righteous.
  17. mhosein

    Imran Khan welcome President Putin's statement which reaffirms that insulting Holy Prophet PBUH is not " freedom of expression"

    Instead of jumping to conclusions, I would request my colleagues here to study the history behind the animosity between the Slavic nations and Muslims of Turkic ethnicity. Muslim identity is hijacked by those who masquerade as being the defenders of Islam, yet their actions are far from being...
  18. mhosein

    Imran Khan welcome President Putin's statement which reaffirms that insulting Holy Prophet PBUH is not " freedom of expression"

    I have been doing so for many years now. Anything in particular you want to discuss?
  19. mhosein

    Imran Khan welcome President Putin's statement which reaffirms that insulting Holy Prophet PBUH is not " freedom of expression"

    Have you lived in Russia? Where are you from? If you have not lived in Russia, then you have no right to speak of another country of which you have no living experience of. Pakistanis should try to take their country out of the Western sphere of influence, by uniting as one people, working hard...
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