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DefencePoint.gr: Is Turkey secretly developing nuclear and intercontinental weapons?

Erm just no. No way will the P5 security council allow a nation now to develop nukes.
How exactly is Turkey vital to Pakistan's survival?

As far as history discloses, Pakistan's primary survival lays squarely on it preserving it's identity of being a Muslim country. In case of failure to preserve it's Islamic identity, Pakistan will suffer fate similar to that of Iraq, Syria and Libya. An example of a country that fought fiercely to preserve it's Islamic identity and won, is Afghanistan. This is an undisputed fact.

In so far as Pakistan's alliance is concerned, one country's relations with Pakistan supercedes that of any country that is friendly toward it. China is hands down the most closest, the most steadfast ally and brotherly country to Pakistan. The latter's relations with Turkey pales in comparison to that with China.

To understand Pakistan's relations with Turkey, is better explained by Pakistan's doctrine of diversification of military hardware acquisitions. This doctrine traces it's origins back to the 1965 war, where majority of Pakistan's decisive military hardware was of American origin. As war broke out, America imposed sanctions which prohibited military hardware sales to both Pakistan and India. However these sanctions affected Pakistan more than India, as the latter's military hardware comprised mostly of Soviet origins.

Pakistan, post 1965 war, tried to mitigate this by diversifying it's military hardware acquisitions with procurements from France of Mirage llls fighter bomber aircraft. It is important to note that at its time of need, it was China (and not Turkey) who sent scores of F-6 fighter aircraft to Pakistan.

In the 1990s, when Pakistan again faced American sanctions (Pressler Amendment - United States Congress), Pakistan drew closer to it's diversification doctrine. This has become fairly evident from its defense acquisitions from Ukraine - the T-80UD tanks, Sweden - Erieye AEWs, France - Agosta 90B submarines, America - M-109 Howitzer artillery guns, Turkey - Milgem corvettes, Italy - AW-139M helicopters and so on.

Today, Pakistan continues with the same doctrine and it should be noted that this doctrine puts Pakistan's interests as the primary factor in strategic terms. So there is no reason to consider the Turkey to be vital to the survival of Pakistan, at all.
You're still not giving me a rational reply,man. If China was nuked,then Pakistan would be in trouble,because Pakistan is dependent on China. Pakistan's geopolitical and military survival is dependent on China. But Turkey? No.
Who would ever nuke China without any reason? Off course Pakistan would be in trouble if China was ever nuked. It will hurt if your closest ally is nuked. That goes for any country on the planet. Need to be more careful with the words you use bro. Dependent? Last time I checked there were no defence pact between Pakistan and China. Is Israel dependent on USA for its survival? Geopolitical and military? Is Europe dependent on USA? Considering the fact that majority of them have us bases on their soil?
Anyone who tries on Turkey will be checkmated the great khan of Islamabad will make sure of that... Even if they come with an army of orcs
We have vastly interests invested in that country and have close defense cooperation.. Without hesitation because it would trigger our redlines because the peninsula could come under threat if they are not there and enemy was to fill that gap we will take action before it comes to that.. We will act and act quickly
Pai ji, lambi lambi na choro. If Turkey was attacked, Pakistan would not do anything on the military front, and vice verca.
Man,if China is gone...you won't have a superpower right next to you,protecting you and being a counter-weight to Indian aggression. Or any American attempt. How much is Pakistan dependent on China economically,militarily,geopolitically and diplomatically? Think of that and then compare it with Turkey or Azerbaijan.
How exactly is China protecting Pakistan? Any future Indo-Pak war Pakistan would be on its own. It would receive support from China but not direct. Pakistan does not have China on speed dial. Pakistan has enough guts to take on India alone. A country 6x times larger. Unlike certain countries that have the US on speed dial. You know which countries I am talking about. No offence friend.
You are both a counter-weight to each other. But who needs the other the most?
The reailty is that you cant except somebody else to save you. You must be ready to fight on your own.
The reailty is that you cant except somebody else to save you. You must be ready to fight on your own.
That's true,no other country will come to help you if they don't have some profit out of it.
Titanium says Pakistan would get into nuclear war to save Turkey,because Turkey is important to Pakistan. And I'm trying to tell him Pakistan doesn't depend on Turkey.
Tells you about the abundance of knowledge in Sensei Titaniums disposal. In one word : DELUSIONAL. @925boy
Here is the original link: https://www.defence-point.gr/news/e...-ginei-katanoiti-eparkos-i-apeili-stin-athina

In an article, it was stated that Turkey may be developing nuclear and intercontinental weapons beyond the obvious. The article published on the Defense Point news portal, which work in the field of defense media of Greece, contains the following statement: “Turkey has other covert military programs in the pipeline and is developing new capabilities that eliminate any external threat.”

This was expressed by İsmail Demir, head of the defense industry. ‘I can clearly say that we will have weapons that will surprise whoever the opponent is. We have a lot of work to do, and we still have a long way to go, but anyone who sees Turkey as an easy victim will regret it.” statements were included.

In the article, it was stated that Turkey is working to get rid of foreign weapon systems under the leadership of President Erdogan, and that foreign defense dependency has been reduced to 20%.

In the article, ‘Demir’s recent statements are found about missile systems that Turkey can use in case of war.

They acknowledged that Turkey is running a long-range missile program in cooperation with the Franco-Italian Eurosam. However, the questions whether Turkey has weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons.’ were arised.

Reminding that President Erdoğan talked about developing missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads*(there is no statement like that), it was also clearly stated that Turkey does not accept external pressure to acquire nuclear weapons.


The Greek media, which is disturbed by Turkey’s policies in recent years, frequently brings up the agenda that Turkey is working on secret weapons programs.

At Apopseis last week, In another article published by Dr. Konstaniua Apostolu-Katsaru, was claimed that Ankara “could have nuclear weapons”.

Apostolu-Katsaru drew attention to various issues from the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant to the students receiving education on “nuclear technologies” in Russia, and to relations with Pakistan, claiming that Turkey was working in this area and may even have succeeded.

Briefly, Pakistan-Turkey relations are one of the issues that Greek defense circles are focusing on, and conspiracies and panic attacks on this subject are increasing day by day.

Why the heck is everyone obsessed with Pakistan?

Anything happens anywhere, and fingers are pointed towards Pakistan, in one form or another.

Does Pakistan have God-like powers? No.
It's just a developing country, time to forget about Pakistan and let them get on with their lives. It's pathetic.

The Indians, Americans, Armenians, Iranians, Afghans now the Greeks, and so many others, these lot need to grow up.

mess with our brothers, and you better be careful :rofl:
So you'll go to nuclear war with the world,for the sake of Turkey? Even if they don't threaten you at all?

He has absolutely no power outside of this forum to speak for any country.

Nuclear war video game players are a dime a dozen here.

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