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  1. mhosein

    Australia urges China to denounce Russia over Ukraine

    The audacity of this anglophile state, first it hurriedly jumps aboard the American-British bandwagon of zealots against China. Now they are telling China on foreign policy? This is one of mounting evidences which proves why the Anglo Axis should be boycotted, abandoned and completely shut off...
  2. mhosein

    BREAKING: Turkey claims that it has received assurances from Russia and Belarus that there will no invasion of Ukraine

    You do realize that Russian military has stationed it's troops on its own territory, right? India has 700000 troops stationed in Kashmir, do you see the Brit navy circling around the peninsula of India? Every country has the right to station it's troops on its own territory, no one can dictate...
  3. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    So for starters, the American support for Mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviets (not Russia) was in itself a revenge against the Soviets. As the Soviet Union had been Viet Cong's primary supplier of armaments, which at the time was one of the main factor America bleeding to death in the...
  4. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    The Anglo Axis, i.e America and Britain, are deliberately driving the hysteria about an imminent invasion of Ukraine. It is their attempt to reinvigorate the viability of NATO for themselves at the helm. The hysteria is to target Europe, to try and gain legitimacy of NATO's existence. As it...
  5. mhosein

    ‘Imran Khan is crushing the poor’: anger rises as inflation grips Pakistan

    If some people actually think that it is Imran Khan crushing the poor, then their level of acumen is more than questionable, more so their credibility is in question. Pakistan has endured corrupt politicians who came to power under the banner of democracy and mercilessly plundered Pakistan's...
  6. mhosein

    Russian aggression towards Ukraine could jeopardise Indo-Pacific stability, says US after Quad meeting

    Wrong!!! It was Russia which proposed that it join NATO, not the other way around. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule
  7. mhosein

    Russian aggression towards Ukraine could jeopardise Indo-Pacific stability, says US after Quad meeting

    The garbage talk coming from Washington DC and London, about a so-called imminent invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation ... is challenge to those who consider themselves intelligent enough, to remember that these (America and Britain) are same ones who have perpetrated lies before the...
  8. mhosein

    All UK troops to withdraw from Ukraine as Russia could invade ‘at no notice’

    This coming from the "highly likely" imbeciles! As likely as the moon playing role of the sun!
  9. mhosein

    US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

    China to America .... "Like it or not, bear with it my beauty"
  10. mhosein

    Pakistan to take US into confidence on PM’s Russia visit

    It's a convergence of those, like Manga fanboys at a convention, is what I equate those who speak of Pakistan and America ties. A fantasy spurred to keep people living in a deluded form of existence, deliberately away from reality. Pakistan should have zero to minimal ties with America, a State...
  11. mhosein

    Pakistan to take US into confidence on PM’s Russia visit

    Oh hope for Pakistan's sake that Pakistan's Foreign Office is up to the task. I hope the reports coming out so far about Pakistan siding with Riyadh-Najd Regime against and now "checking in" with Washington DC, on our Prime Minister's trip to Russia, are all rumors and lies. I truly hope that...
  12. mhosein

    Russian Frigate fires at US Virginia Class Sub near Kuril Ridge

    Well then, as per reports (and Americans are self proclaimed liars), the Russians reported the American submarine to be in Russia's territorial waters when it was detected. So Russia has every right to fire at the American submarine. But guess what, Russia chased off the American sub, as it has...
  13. mhosein

    Pakistan to take US into confidence on PM’s Russia visit

    So long as Pakistan behaves in this manner, there will be no real progress made to become entirely an independent state. Pakistan owes no one, I repeat no one any explanation on its bilateral ties with another state. In particular and especially not Washington DC or London. This behavior by...
  14. mhosein

    Why Pakistan might be about to side with Saudi Arabia against Iran

    Pakistan must remain neutral when it comes to Riyadh-Najd regime or Iran. When it comes to Baluchistan, Pakistan must establish a coordinated effort with Iran and Afghanistan. By creating a committee to resolve outstanding issues with both countries, avenues of mutual benefits can be sought and...
  15. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    The West, i.e America and Britain are in for the shock of their lives, when they trigger (yes, it is America & Britain) who are the actual criminals in this. No other state has played such an intricate role in transforming Western Ukraine into a pro-Western puppet state. The world, for the most...
  16. mhosein

    How Indian media propagated to sabotage Imran Khan's China visit

    I don't whether the People of Pakistan have identified the architects of this campaign against their state. The level of sophistication is a dead give away, the footprints of a Zionist-Hindutva alliance are visible to those who have eyes with which to see. Yet within Pakistan we have the likes...
  17. mhosein

    RED ALERT: Putin Threatens to Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS If Ukraine Joins NATO

    Anyone who has even a grain of sincerity in Imaan, will tell you that it is the West who is the criminal, the deceiver, the liar and one filled with hubris. On the other hand, Russia is the state that actually stands on firm moral grounds. Dare those duplicitous, blind and deceivers of the...
  18. mhosein

    Saudi Interior Minister discussed with Pakistani leadership the possibilities of Pakistan sending a military brigade

    I believe that Pakistan must stop allowing itself to be dictated to by Riyadh-Najd. Pakistan is a sovereign nation and it should act as such. Riyadh-Najd is a puppet regime of Washington DC who obeys their orders. If Pakistan seeks to be a country with an independent foreign policy, then...
  19. mhosein

    RED ALERT: Putin Threatens to Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS If Ukraine Joins NATO

    The article depicts the utterly pathetic state of Western hysteria. This methodology is a typical characteristic of Western psychological warfare to sway public opinion on their side, despite the fact that it is riddled with rotten lies. The Russian President's choice of words were deliberate...
  20. mhosein

    UK is ‘leading European power’ supporting Ukraine

    Russia moving on from long-running policy of just extracting mineral wealth Published: 9 Feb 2022 | 16:50 GMT © Getty Images / vnosoki By Evgeny Tugolukov, a former member of the Russian State Duma and Chairman of the parliamentary committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental...
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