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Russian aggression towards Ukraine could jeopardise Indo-Pacific stability, says US after Quad meeting

Let the Americans transgress. Let them make a wrong move. They will see what happens next.
Nope, you are wrong.

Putin just wants to restore the former glory of the USSR, and he just doesn't give a rat a$$ if the US doesn't treat him as the number one contender anymore.

The more intensified rivalry the China and US is better for him, and so he can bring back the Greater Russia caught off guard.

He wants Washington to leave his country alone and to stop blackmailing him into submission, and to force him to jump into the anti-China bandwagon.

Russia doesn't want to be a cannon fodder to nobody.

And to remain neutral is the best solution from the US-China rivalry for them, but the US believes it cannot beat China without Russia's help, but Putin knows Sam Uncle is the least trustworthy person you can rely on as once China goes down, they would surely double cross and go after him.

Putin only cares about the best interests of his own country, and the US regime won't stop harassing him unless he agrees to become their cannon fodder.

Now that the American fascists have decided to focus their full attention on China, other countries around the world will push and demand more against the US regime. This means the US regime will either have to focus less on China and focus in other regions to keep influence or keep full focus on China and give up other regions. An empire needs to control the world, so they can’t give up other regions as China can fill the vacuum left.

The evil empire is being stretched thin as a multipolar world emerges.

The empire’s debt levels have reached almost breaking point. The cost to run the empire have increased and the need to print money have increased. But world is not absorbing all the printed dollars thus causing massive inflation in the US. American working class and middle class are being decimated as a result and is causing crime increase and social unrest.

But the American elites don’t care as preserving the empire is the most important in their mind.

We are witnessing the collapse of the murderous American empire whichever way you look at it. They know it deep down. This is why they are in a panic.

Putin saw the collapse of the Soviet Union, he is determined to get revenge against the Americans. This is the time to turn up the heat into maximum against the empire. Don’t give it any strategic space.
Meaning US does not have capacity to fight on multiple fronts simultaneously
  1. Russia attacks Ukraine
  2. China attacks Taiwan
  3. Pakistan attacks India
I suggest you snack attack a KFC and catch the Americans off guard on every front. Finish their entire stock of chicken and cause them massive and irrecoverable economic loss.
If Russia invades Ukraine, then world has right to put all types of sanctions on Russia, and kickout Russia from U.N. Hope, Russia don't make mistake otherwise it is inviting own destruction.
Its none of our business. We can still do business with local currencies or barter trade.
I have sympathy for putin. He wants the return of a diseased empire. Understandable. But what he wants in Ukraine? Oil? Ukraine has no oil. Gas? No. Any natural resources. Zero. Land? Sorry Russia has more than enough.
Ukraine has nothing. Money? No. She is one of the poorest in Europe. Ukraine only has people. She has nothing.
Ukraine is like us Vietnam an underdog we have nothing to lose thus we will fight until the bitter end.

Ukraine got some of the most arable land in the world, and it once represented 1/4 of the industrial base of the USSR.

It was also pretty much a historical heartland area for the East Slavs.

Even those top think tanks in the US always believes that Russia needs to take back Ukraine in order to restore its former glory.

And now they are using Ukraine as a bargaining chip to force Russia to jump into their anti-China bandwagon.
The garbage talk coming from Washington DC and London, about a so-called imminent invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation ... is challenge to those who consider themselves intelligent enough, to remember that these (America and Britain) are same ones who have perpetrated lies before the whole world ...

America who served as the 70th Secretary of State of America admitted that his country lies, cheats and steals.

Another American, the 65th Secretary of State of America, lied to the world at the United Nations Security Council, that Iraq had WMD.

Yet another American, the 67th Secretary of State, went on a major internationally broadcasting network to declare about the leader of another country.

And there is the Brit prime minister, whose clear evidence of blaming Russia for carrying a black op is based on (drum roll) ....

Finally there was the bumbling British foreign secretary, that couldn't make distinction between the Black Sea and Baltic Sea, couldn't pronounce the Capital of Belarus correctly and hadn't the faintest idea of the basic geography of Russia, considering the circumstances and the profile of this trip.

So a word to the wise around the world ... If you hear that a Superpower with one of the largest Nuclear Arsenal in the world is about to invade another country. Then make certain that the news is coming from sources who have actual credibility. Because if you say that the sources are Washington DC or London, then the world will laugh at you and wouldn't have any respect for your intellectual acumen.

Tread carefully and don't be fooled by those bumbling idiots sitting in Washington DC or London.
Now that the American fascists have decided to focus their full attention on China, other countries around the world will push and demand more against the US regime. This means the US regime will either have to focus less on China and focus in other regions to keep influence or keep full focus on China and give up other regions. An empire needs to control the world, so they can’t give up other regions as China can fill the vacuum left.

The evil empire is being stretched thin as a multipolar world emerges.

The empire’s debt levels have reached almost breaking point. The cost to run the empire have increased and the need to print money have increased. But world is not absorbing all the printed dollars thus causing massive inflation in the US. American working class and middle class are being decimated as a result and is causing crime increase and social unrest.

But the American elites don’t care as preserving the empire is the most important in their mind.

We are witnessing the collapse of the murderous American empire whichever way you look at it. They know it deep down. This is why they are in a panic.

Putin saw the collapse of the Soviet Union, he is determined to get revenge against the Americans. This is the time to turn up the heat into maximum against the empire. Don’t give it any strategic space.

Biden once used the Nord Stream project as a bargaining chip to bribe Russia and wanted to lure them into the anti-China bandwagon.

But Putin frankly refused this offer without any hesitation.

1. The Nord Stream project is always a Russian asset, and those stingy Yankees don't want to spend a dime of their own money, and always using other people's assets as their own bargaining chips.

2. The cooperation with China is now the most essential thing for Russia's renaissance, and China is always supporting Russia with its own hard working money. Russia will never act as a suicidal cannon fodder for the US.

That's why the US always wants to overthrow Putin and to install a puppet for their own behalf.

Even Trump was the most pro-Russia POTUS, he also desperately needed Russia to help him to contain China, but he couldn't stop those elites from the establishment to keep sabotaging Russian businesses with Europe. Those elites from the establishment are the real owners of the US, and their own energy companies need to eat Russia's lunch in order to survive.

That's why unlike China, the US has nothing beneficial to offer to Russia, but only using the blackmailing/maximum pressure tactics to coerce them into submission.
US is seeing the shadows of China everywhere, in their bath room, their bedroom, on the moon, on planet Mars, and in Ukraine.....
Russians say, a Russian country without Ukraine is a small power but Russia with Ukraine is a superpower
The test case for India will begin very soon. What will India do however remains to be seen?

And for the final time I say again and again.
There is going to be no Invasion.
You are part of the quad now and will have to pick up a side. You expect the west to side with you over China but you refuse to do so over Russia?
And this is nothing to do with war with Ukraine. Whether it happens or not US expect all Quad members to stand behind it. India cannot stay neutral.
You are part of the quad now and will have to pick up a side. You expect the west to side with you over China but you refuse to do so over Russia?
And this is nothing to do with war with Ukraine. Whether it happens or not US expect all Quad members to stand behind it. India cannot stay neutral.
India is irrelevant on Russian issue.
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