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Russian aggression towards Ukraine could jeopardise Indo-Pacific stability, says US after Quad meeting

We are Indians and remain Indians . We have a independent stance made clear by India's stance on the Ukraine issue at the UN.
We remain in the Quad and are perfectly happy to leave it if the choice is to tow any other countries line or to remain independent.
Other countries of Quad can always ask India to leave if they feel aggrieved by our independence.
There are lots of US special forces and Blackwater guys in Ukraine. These folks may provoke a controlled and limited arm conflict with Russia in order to kill Nord Stream 2. There goes the next 20 years of Germany economics planning.
Ukraine got some of the most arable land in the world, and it once represented 1/4 of the industrial base of the USSR.

It was also pretty much a historical heartland area for the East Slavs.

Even those top think tanks in the US always believes that Russia needs to take back Ukraine in order to restore its former glory.

And now they are using Ukraine as a bargaining chip to force Russia to jump into their anti-China bandwagon.
Do you know what Ukraine means?
It means “Grenzland”.
The area was settled by the Nordic people. The Slav in contrast came from the area of present day Moskow.
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