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RED ALERT: Putin Threatens to Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS If Ukraine Joins NATO

RED ALERT: Putin Threatens to Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS If Ukraine Joins NATO Through Their TAKEOVER and ATTACKS Crimea

Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened French President Emmanuel Macron during their meeting yesterday against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis that if Ukraine joins NATO and tries to regain Crimea by military force, Europe will automatically be forced to enter the war against Russia.

Putin also said that the combined European military capacity is superior to the Russian one, but in return, the Russian nuclear power exceeds the rest.

"You won't even have time to respond to us," he added.

Putin's statements are very strong regarding nuclear weapons. Europe does not possess even 10% of Russia's nuclear power.

According to the statistics of the Institute for International Peace and Security in 2020, the number of Russian nuclear warheads reached 6,375, while the number of European nuclear warheads reached only 505, 290 of which are owned by France and 215 by Britain.

“I want to stress it one more time,” Putin said. “I’ve been saying it, but I’d very much want you to finally hear me, and to deliver it to your audience in print, TV and online. Do you understand it or not, that if Ukraine joins NATO and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means, the European countries will be automatically pulled into a war conflict with Russia?”



Well that escalated quickly.
you both are wrong and just don't get it. it ultimately boils down to one thing. TIME. Time is money and right now, Russia has the luxury of time. Saber rattling at ukraine all naturally keep it away from nato but ultimately, talk of nuclear attacks while amassing conventional forces will lead to european and american markets getting hit. Being one of the major suppliers of energy, Russia remains fairly immune to getting hit since production is state controlled, but in europe and america, investors will turn bearish and stop investing in european and american markets and may even turn to investing in (you guessed it) Chinese markets.

It's all about who has the time to stare the other down and right now it looks like Russia has the time.

Russia has time until 2024 when the current gas pipeline contract with Ukraine expires. My point was Putin could have waited until Nordstream 2 was operational.
The article depicts the utterly pathetic state of Western hysteria. This methodology is a typical characteristic of Western psychological warfare to sway public opinion on their side, despite the fact that it is riddled with rotten lies.

The Russian President's choice of words were deliberate, in order to shock the audience in the West to wake up to the horrifying reality of the situation. The doctrine of the indivisibility of security is firmly based on mutual security, not one sided. By any stretch of the imagination, this point cannot be regarded as being unfair. Which means, in layman's terms, that by meddling in Ukraine in toppling a democratically elected government there, then installing (Western backed) in its place a government which is openly hostile to Russia, following it up with the potential inclusion of a hostile state into NATO. Puts Russia's security in direct danger.

If NATO does deploy it's forces and/or establish military bases in Ukraine. This will put Russia under direct threat from NATO and that is unacceptable to Russia. It is the equivalent of Russia backing nationalist group that topples a democratically elected government in Mexico, which is hostile toward America and then Russia establishing military bases, nuclear and conventional missiles on America's doorstep. Would America not deem such an act unacceptable?

The behavior of some in the West, toward this ongoing situation, shows how the West has departed from rationale and reason to impose it's will on others by deceptive narrative, lies and the use of military force.
Putin had previously threatened Europe and the United States with nuclear weapons on Syria. Sometimes you can get results with the power in your hand, but when the other side sees the rest, it will be your own disaster to do what you say.

In addition, the new world war, which was postponed with the lie of the pandemic, seems inevitable if the world is not occupied with another lie. If there was no pandemic lie, 2021 would be the year of the world war and it was still going on.
Anyone who has even a grain of sincerity in Imaan, will tell you that it is the West who is the criminal, the deceiver, the liar and one filled with hubris.

On the other hand, Russia is the state that actually stands on firm moral grounds.

Dare those duplicitous, blind and deceivers of the West to listen and watch what was foretold back in 2007:

In fact, the purpose of USA is to make hot spots in Europe, cooperate with the US dollar interest rate increase in 2022, and let the US dollar return to USA. Therefore, Russia does not want to fight, France does not want to fight, Germany does not want to fight, and the EU does not want to fight. Only USA, Britain and the Ukrainian government controlled by USA want to fight.
The EU is not a fool. When the EU was founded in 1993, its GDP was higher than that of USA, and the euro began to challenge the status of the dollar. But the EU was inexplicably involved in the Yugoslav war, the euro continued to depreciate, and now the EU's GDP accounted for only 70% of that of the USA, the euro has also lost its ability to challenge the dollar. The EU is not a fool, how can the EU fall into the same pit. The war cannot be fought, so China is not even interested in withdrawing overseas Chinese from Ukraine.

BTW: USA just wants Europe and Russia to go to war, and USA is not prepared to fight Russia itself. USA has only 3000 people in Ukraine, and its investment is symbolic. After Afghanistan and Iraq, USA has no time and money to spend with Russia. If USA recklessly participates in a war again, even if USA wins Russia, it will lose the hegemony of the world.
EU gdp was not higher than US gdp in 1993. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/EUU/european-union/gdp-gross-domestic-product
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