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RED ALERT: Putin Threatens to Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS If Ukraine Joins NATO

Issue is multi-fold. He backs down it gives the west more time to reinforce and build an effective Ukranian Army armed to the teeth and make it out of reach for Russia to mess with. This in-turn would be bad for China, and their seeing it happen in Taiwan as well. If Russia wants to avoid the same fate, they'll need to strike a multi-front attack and dismantle the current Ukranian regime. They'll also have to ignore the civilian casualties as its collateral damage.

West has been arming Ukraine for the last few years. Earlier the public opinion in Ukraine was divided. Now Russia no longer has any good will left in Ukraine. It will be difficult to occupy a piece of land when the people are hostile.
West has been arming Ukraine for the last few years. Earlier the public opinion in Ukraine was divided. Now Russia no longer has any good will left in Ukraine. It will be difficult to occupy a piece of land when the people are hostile.

Who said you have to occupy city centers? Do what the American's did take a few central points reinforce it and take the countryside and cut off supplies squeeze them to death.
Who said you have to occupy city centers? Do what the American's did take a few central points reinforce it and take the countryside and cut off supplies squeeze them to death.

Ukraine had already cut of water to Crimea and Russia could not do anything.
In fact, the purpose of USA is to make hot spots in Europe, cooperate with the US dollar interest rate increase in 2022, and let the US dollar return to USA. Therefore, Russia does not want to fight, France does not want to fight, Germany does not want to fight, and the EU does not want to fight. Only USA, Britain and the Ukrainian government controlled by USA want to fight.
The EU is not a fool. When the EU was founded in 1993, its GDP was higher than that of USA, and the euro began to challenge the status of the dollar. But the EU was inexplicably involved in the Yugoslav war, the euro continued to depreciate, and now the EU's GDP accounted for only 70% of that of the USA, the euro has also lost its ability to challenge the dollar. The EU is not a fool, how can the EU fall into the same pit. The war cannot be fought, so China is not even interested in withdrawing overseas Chinese from Ukraine.

BTW: USA just wants Europe and Russia to go to war, and USA is not prepared to fight Russia itself. USA has only 3000 people in Ukraine, and its investment is symbolic. After Afghanistan and Iraq, USA has no time and money to spend with Russia. If USA recklessly participates in a war again, even if USA wins Russia, it will lose the hegemony of the world.

This post is counter to reality and has many fallacies..

1. Russia wanted to change dynamic by pressuring with attack on Ukraine because they felt NATO was bordering them and bluff was called it didn't work.. US, Uk and Ukraine are in defense and it is russia that wants to launch operation into Ukraine and besides the Americans never left Iraq with pro-US gov't.. They are still there..

2. US doesn't want EU and Russia to fight because Russia will beat EU hence it is fruitless and besides why sacrifice your allies it doesn't make sense

3. US is playing long term goal to reclaim hegemony by winning ww3 and journey will start from East Europe 2050s-2060s
NATO should stop expanding
Russia is only self defence
The United States and the West pursue their own absolute security, in fact, it is not safe.
NATO should stop expanding
Russia is only self defence
The United States and the West pursue their own absolute security, in fact, it is not safe.

NATO has expanded already they can't go further meaning if they just move 1cm forward east it is inside Russia and most of the expansions happened 1997 - 2006 that is 25 years spand 16 countries joined during Putin reign and where was he in that time..

The expansion occured while he was not paying attention the last to be added was Ukraine 2014
West has been arming Ukraine for the last few years. Earlier the public opinion in Ukraine was divided. Now Russia no longer has any good will left in Ukraine. It will be difficult to occupy a piece of land when the people are hostile.
Russia can destroy the main population centers without landing a single foot on Ukrainian soil.
putin is aware of the situation that the us would not defend Europe from nukes. us would defend the British with nukes, not the EU. The EU is a competitor to the us.

cia runs Washington and the Kremlin. EU is not yet controlled, as they would be with some far Reichers in the EU. The cia wants the far reichers to command the EU. Social Democrats and conservative CDU/CSU Christian Union of Merkel is the old guard of Europe. Wanting a successful independent EU.

The global order of Washington and London is the Entente established in the early 20th century. London employed zionists, such as Rothschild, and promised Israel to the jews for their full support of London. Washington joined with Wilson, who started the Federal Reserves eventual replacement gold and silver with fiat. The conspiracy to change what is money and the conspiracy of the Entente, were the two main conspiracies of the 20th century, the second leading to two world wars, and the first, a way to finance endless wars. If there was fiat money during WWI/II (and the US rigged system to destroy competition to the dollar/pound, and thus the pound more valuable than other currencies through threats and rigged systems), the British empire would never have ended.

The imperial overstretch would have been impossible with fiat money. Silver and gold end empires, as it limits how much you can spend. Paper keeps it endless. It is why the US empire did not end with the loss in Vietnam (US went fiat currency and inflation), it is why the US empire did not end with the pull out in Afghanistan. The only way to end the US empire is the same way to end the british empire, end it with silver currency. There is not enough silver in these economies to finance endless wars, the debt in fiat can keep going and going for a long time. And when the US fiat empire of banking and finance was ending in 2008 - China and other countries saved the US empire with investments. Libertarians took down bear sterns. US would have had to go to gold and silver if the dollar was allowed to collapse, and end the empire in 2008, yet China saved the US. So the US cia invented bitcoin to corner the market on new money. The US knew that China saved the empire and needed something US controlled to be the replacement of dollars and fiat currency. bitcoin is to replace the dollar if and when it collapses. So bitcoin would finance a million years of endless wars from the US since the US and trump supporters own most of bitcoin. Silver and gold are distributed around the world, the US does not corner gold or silver. A currency back on silver would end the endless wars.

In the decade and a half before the war British overseas investment doubled from 2 to 4 billion pounds. 100 years ago that was a lot of money.
World War One ended this with staggering speed. The costs of the horrific war in Europe were immense. As it dragged on, the British government forced their banks and private citizens to sell off most of their foreign investments to buy government debt. By 1916 Britain’s French allies were bankrupt, and the British had to foot the bill for their struggle, and what was left of the Russian fight as well. The British went from owning the world to owing the whole world money. And they owed the most money to private bankers in the United States.
By mid 1917 the gig was up. British credit in New York was essentially dead. Some like to snarkily point out that the United States was only involved in World War One briefly, and that we didn’t do much fighting. This is true to an extent, US soldiers didn’t suffer nearly as long as the Europeans did. But without the infusion of US government money the war would have ended in 1917 with a German victory and British bankruptcy.
The British ended up winning, but their empire was dead. It didn’t look like it of course. They even picked up some new territory between the wars, but the financial underpinnings of the British Empire were gone. Without its informal empire, british formal empire was doomed. This is where the imperial overstretch really came in. In 1914, British national debt had been 635 million pounds. By 1919 it was 7.4 billion pounds, and a lot of it was owed in US dollars, a currency that kept getting stronger against the pound. This debt load left Britain with less money to govern the empire, and at the same time, the need to squeeze more money out of the empire. This was not a sustainable situation.
Before World War One, most Indian nationalists would have been content with what Canada had, a slow devolution of power while remaining in the Empire. The financial pressures of the war, and the brutal repression that came with that pressure ended that possibility. In April 1919 British soldiers murdered at least 400 peaceful demonstrators in a single day, making the best case for independence imaginable.
A similar pattern was repeated from India to Ireland to Egypt to Iraq and many more. The impoverished British empire got brutal because it had fewer options, and therefore made its problems worse. Looked at this way, it becomes clear that both of the standard explanations for the fall, imperial overstretch and the nationalism of the colonized can be tracked back to the British Victory in world war one. The British lost their empire because they won two wars with the Germans.
By the outbreak of World War II, the British didn’t even pretend to be able to fight the Germans by themselves. Their strategy from the beginning was to hold on until the Americans could save them. The United States didn’t pretend that the British were capable of paying for the second world war, which is a sad fact of the Lend Lease program that is left out of most high school history classes. The British lost their empire by choosing to fight that first war with Germany.There is nothing worse for the country on top than war. Which kind of makes you wonder why the United States of today is so eager to fight them doesn’t it?

Watch the allies of London and who they pay service to. The London and zionist alliance goes back to the Balfour Declaration. Jews saved London during WWI by working on Wilson. Jews work for the British project of controlling the globe. So allies Netanyahu and Bennett, are allies of London. These individuals work in lockstep.

Israel’s unholy alliance with American evangelicals tested by election​

Netanyahu's Unholy Alliance With Europe's 'Anti-Semitic' Far Right​

Zionists have wanted to turn the EU into far Reicher nazis, to putinize and trumpize the EU. Jews on the BBC have said that Europe needs to have the neo-nazi far Reichers as the governing majority. This is their project. Because both putin and trump are servants of the Khazar Chabad, who are allied with the cia. Both trump and putin are handled by the cia.

The hatred of continental Europe by the cia goes back to the 1950s. And it is the UK and US goal to weaken continental Europe. Europe's GDP once was larger than the US. The US export of the ills of the financial crisis of 2008 ended that. The Marshall Plan was done by a patriot and ally of Europe, before the cia existed and took over the US.

Europe in the Christian parties and the social democrat parties is a threat to the future of a US dominated globe. The US has plans that go out decades. A successful EU could rival those plans.

So Europe, don't expect Washington to shed a tear if putin nukes Europe. putin is in on it with the Chabad cia. Yeltsin hand picked putin, and Yeltsin was a cia asset. Figure that one out right and you figured out putin.

This is how much of the cia views Russia:

Ex-CIA agent and creator of ‘The Americans’ says US and Russia aren’t that different​

putin is more cia than biden. Even though biden is 100% on board with the cia plans. The biden brand is the brand of controlled opposition to the cia. If the voters hate the cia endless wars, the cia wants voters voting for the biden brand of the cia, which is planned failure. If you are a flag waving "patriot", the cia wants you voting for trump.
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you see there are three cias.

There is the old cia, the dinosaurs of the 1950s. These were allied with Rothschild and MI6, being the new kid on the block. These are long gone.

Then there is the bush cia, a faction that took over. The early bush cia faction were supposedly responsible for the kennedy assassination, so they would be allied with the Russian mobs working in the USA. This faction took over formally with bushs appointment to director of the cia. And has since been controlling the cia. Very allied with jewish/russian mob groups and Chabad jews.

Then there is the opposition cia, ex cia, etc... who believe trump is fighting the deepstate. These either are dupes or are controlled opposition or both. trump is controlled by the bush cia. Control of the Federal Reserve is the most important appointment of trump, and trump picked a bush agent.

The trump-cia links are Powell and the Chabad. And the trump-putin links are the Russian mob, cia and Chabad. The Chabad are the most successful in Russia, these indivudual are like the Rockfellers and Rothschilds combined, and at their greatest influence.

How Trump became Russian Mafia’s Bitch​

First published March 28, 2017

by Ian Greenhalgh and Gordon Duff

Consulting and security firms with nation-state clients are now putting out an alarm.

America has entered a “constitutional crisis,” the government is wrong somehow, terms like “deep state” or “rigged election” are floating out there. In truth, few grasp what has really happened and fewer still know how to tell the story.

What is here needs to be understood in order to be survived. To begin with, we are only continuing the tale begun in Damascus in 2014 when we informed a regional security conference there that ISIS is a creation of organized crime and has only a veneer of Wahhabist extremism, just enough to feed the willing press assets who have been tasked to continue the subterfuge.

Most get all of this now, how ISIS is fake terrorism reported by fake news to fake countries with fake governments and fake economies based on fake money.

Our context begins with the news of the day, minor players, press conferences and phony congressional investigations. Past this, there is an equally phony FBI investigation and for the first time, most readers will get more than empty accusations and bumper sticker analysis. We are actually going to tell you where it all comes from, who did it and why you should care so sit tight, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

It is clear to most Americans that Rep. Devin Nunes is involved in “monkey business” of some kind, secret midnight meetings and blatant misuse of his position to scuttle inquiries into President Trump and those around him, official criminal investigations Nunes learned of while questioning FBI Director Comey recently. Those questions and many more will be answered, answers none want to hear, not Comey, not Nunes and certainly not Trump.

The truth, the real truth presents a dark picture of something more than a simple constitutional crisis or Washington “corruption as usual.” When threats pouring out of the White House, “we will have your family killed,” taken from court documents filed against Trump, and backed up by our informants as well, something Trump utters several times a day, one of his most common patterns of speech, what we are going to demonstrate for you should make you afraid.

There are, in the United States, no organizations capable of protecting themselves against those you will learn about here. We will paint a very dark picture, one of a world few would have accepted as possible only a few short months ago. Today things are different, lies, threats, and bullying are the law of the land. So is murder and corruption, not the fake news conspiracy theory version. The dead here are really dead, the threat real as well.

Key sources have told VT how mob bought-and-paid-for Justice Dept. and FBI officials have scuttled investigations into not just Trump, Epstein and Sater, but their bosses – men so powerful no-one can be protected from them, least of all, a president. (continued)

Semion Mogilevich​


Mogilevich was born in 1946 in Kiev’s Podol neighborhood. In 1968, at the age of 22, Mogilevich earned a degree in economics from Lviv University.
In the early 1970s, Mogilevich became part of the Lyuberetskaya crime group in Moscow and was involved in petty theft and fraud. He served two terms, of 3 and 4 years, for currency-dealing offenses.
Alleged Russian organized crime boss, believed by European and the United States federal law enforcement agencies to be the “boss of bosses” of most Russian Mafia syndicates in the world.
Mogilevich is believed to direct a vast criminal empire and is described by the FBI as “the most dangerous mobster in the world.” He has been accused by the FBI of “weapons trafficking, contract murders, extortion, drug trafficking, and prostitution on an international scale.”
Mogilevich’s nicknames include “Don Semyon” and “The Brainy Don” (because of his business acumen). According to US diplomatic cables, he is said to control RosUkrEnergo, a company actively involved in Russia–Ukraine gas disputes, and a partner of Raiffeisen Bank.
In 1994, the Mogilevich group obtained control over Inkombank, one of the largest private banks in Russia, in a secret deal with bank chairman Vladimir Vinogradov, getting direct access to the world financial system. The bank collapsed in 1998 under suspicions of money laundering. Through Inkombank, in 1996 he obtained a significant share in Sukhoi, a large military aircraft manufacturer.
He lives freely in Moscow and has three children. He is most closely associated with the Solntsevskaya Bratva crime group. Political figures he has close alliances with include Yury Luzhkov, the former Mayor of Moscow, Dmytro Firtash and Leonid Derkach, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine.
Oleksandr Turchynov, who was designated as acting President of Ukraine in February 2014, appeared in court in 2010 for allegedly destroying files pertaining to Mogilevich. Shortly before his death, Alexander Litvinenko claimed that Mogilevich has allegedly had a “good relationship” with Vladimir Putin since the 1990s.
See Appendix B for more on Mogilevich and his criminal empire.

Mikhail Fridman​

Mikhail Maratovich Fridman, born 21 April 1964 is a Russian entrepreneur, business executive, and philanthropist. With Russian and Israeli citizenship, in 1988 he co-founded Alfa-Group, a large multi-national conglomerate.
In 1990 he co-founded Alfa-Bank, which is now the largest private bank in Russia. Fridman currently sits as chairman of the supervisory board of Alfa Group Consortium, and he is also on the boards of Alfa-Bank[ and ABH Holdings, which is the Luxembourg-based holding company of Alfa-Banking Group.
Fridman has been a member of numerous public-facing bodies, including the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Public Chamber of Russia, and the Council of Foreign Relations in the United States. Also a philanthropist and active supporter of cultural initiatives, he co-founded both the Russian Jewish Congress, the Genesis Prize, and the Genesis Philanthropy Group, supporting Jewish communities across the FSU.
Based for years out of Moscow and often spending time at corporate headquarters in cities such as Amsterdam and Hamburg, Fridman is unmarried and has four children. Based in Paris, France with his ex-wife as of 2003, in the autumn of 2015 Fridman became primarily based in London, and as of 2016 was in the process of remodeling the Athlone House to be his primary residence.

Tevfik Arif​

Born in May 1953, a Kazakh real estate developer and investor. He is the founder of the Bayrock Group. Arif is believed to live in Turkey.
Tevfic with Ivanka and Donald Trump
Tevfik Arif was born Tofic Arifov in Cambul in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic in May 1953. He received an international relations degree from a Moscow university. Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Arif worked for the USSR’s Ministry of Commerce and Trade for 17 years. He served as the deputy director of its Department of Hotel Management.
Following the independence of Kazakhstan, Arif and his brother secured ownership of ACCP, a chromium plant in Aktobe that had headquarters in the British Virgin Islands. The brothers developed ties to the Kazakh Trio — Alexander Mashkevitch, Patokh Chodiev, and Alijan Ibragimov. They later established offshore real estate companies to fund high-end developments in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.
Arif moved to Turkey in 1993. In 1999, Arif partnered with the Rixos hotel chain to open the Labada luxury hotel in Antalya, Turkey. In 2001, Arif moved some of his businesses to the United States and founded the Bayrock Group, a real estate development company.
He began developing property in Brooklyn, first redeveloping Loehmann’s Seaport Plaza, a waterfront shopping center in Sheepshead Bay. Arif was originally the sole employee of Bayrock, later hiring Felix Sater as managing director.
Tevfik’s son Arif ‘Effendi’ Arif with President Erdoğan at the 9th Yalta conference in Ukraine on 14 September 2012, organized by oligarch Viktor Pinchuk.
After moving the Bayrock Group to Trump Tower, Arif developed a relationship with billionaire businessman Donald Trump. Trump provided a licensing deal for the Trump SoHo hotel in a joint venture between the Bayrock Group and the Sapir Organisation.
In 2007, Bayrock traded future profits from Trump SoHo and other projects in exchange for $50 million in financing from Icelandic company FL Group. The arrangement led Bayrock’s finance director to file racketeering lawsuits, alleging that money was diverted to people outside the company, including Salvatore Lauria, an associate of Sater’s.
Trump and Bayrock later developed the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Fort Lauderdale. Arif also worked to introduce Trump to investors from Russia. Through Bayrock, Arif collaborated with Trump on projects in Turkey, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Arizona, Colorado, New York, and Florida.
Arif is most likely an underboss and frontman for Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the man who has turned Turkey into his personal criminal fiefdom. Who, with Rex Tillerson of Exxon, now Trump’s Secretary of State, has stolen a trillion dollars of Middle East oil since 9-11.
An astounding article came out today proving once and for all that not only should Trump have never been allowed to run for president, but as early as the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 90s, should have been in prison.
VT has, for the last year, tied Trump and his closest associates, Jeffrey Epstein and Felix Sater to criminal organizations so powerful they supply ISIS with Stinger missiles and, according to FBI reports, materials to make nuclear weapons as well.
Now we find that Felix Sater has for years been the most important FBI informant in history and has tied now-President Trump to a massive criminal organization said to control the government of Russia and now slowly bring America into its pocket as well.
Although Trump has more than once denied knowing Sater, there is no doubt they worked closely together for several years in the early 2000s, Sater occupied an office in Trump Towers just one floor below Trump.
Today’s Senate hearings are all that’s left of America’s independence, as the head of the House investigation has, according to our sources, joined the mob payroll during a secret late-night visit and has quashed all future hearings.
The story that broke today in whowhatwhy.org parallels VT’s own investigation provides useful insights and analysis but misses a few key components as well; because of their importance, we are going to cover them early on.
Since 1991, the Russian mafia, including the bulk of Russia’s KGB and hundreds of Spetsnaz assassins sought a home in the US.
Let’s make a short historical diversion here, to make a crucially important point. Although Jewish prison gangs existed since Tsarist times, it was under Communism that the Jewish Mafia became powerful. After Stalin consolidated his power in the wake of Lenin’s death, he began a series of purges that lasted throughout the 1930s.
In these purges, he removed a large proportion of the Jews from positions of power and influence and sent them off to the Gulags.
This was the founding act of the Russian mafia as we know it today. Stalin allowed these Jewish criminals to largely run the gulags, it was the simplest way to maintain control over what was a colossal population of inmates spread across vast areas of the Russian Far East.
Drawings from the Gulag by Danzig Baldaev. Conditions in the Gulag were incredibly harsh and brutal – the world’s worst prisons bred the world’s most dangerous criminals. Russian Mafia wear tattoos, a legacy of their prison roots. The various tattoos have different meanings, denoting rank, number of kills etc. The Russian Mafia is as widespread and diversified as it is powerful and dangerous.

The story essentially starts in 1983 as mob boss and attorney Roy Cohn and his protege underboss Donnie ‘Kiddie Hands’ Trump were using mob money, mob concrete and mob labor to build a headquarters for the global criminal organization Cohn has spent 20 years building.
Trump Tower was equipped with brothels, opium dens, gambling rooms, and plush accommodation, it populated itself with professional gamblers, thugs and fraudsters while becoming home to a menagerie of wealthy crime figures. Trump Tower became Ground Zero for a worldwide criminal enterprise that included Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring and Donald Trump’s ‘property developing’ that was largely a front for laundering mob money.
Into this criminal underworld of glamour, extortion, cocaine, and depravity would walk a new cast of characters, career criminals bent on continuing their chosen vocation in a new land. They were the former inmates of Russia’s prison system, released by Gorbachev as part of his Glasnost reforms.
In 1989, 71,000 Soviet Jews had been given permission to emigrate to Israel, only 12,117 actually went to Israel, the remainder instead chose to move to the USA. Among them was a criminal hardcore that settled in the Brighton Beach area of NYC and soon reached out to the Greek Mafia in Astoria and the Five Families down in Little Italy.
The Pussy Grabber in Chief with his mentor, the notorious homosexual Jewish mob lawyer Roy Cohn. Cohn made Trump in the way a Rabbi forms a Golem from clay, facilitating all of his early business dealings through his ability to bribe or coerce anyone who stood in the way.
These newly arrived Russian Jewish Mafia members were able to forge ties between the Jewish Mafia in Russia and the organized crime world in the USA, and they were thus in place and prepared when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and a new era of oligarchs, corruption to the highest levels (including President Yeltsin and his prime ministers) and wholesale looting of the post-Soviet Russian economy.
The Russian Jewish Mafia needed to find a way of laundering the vast wealth they were stealing from Russia so they went looking for partners in the US criminal underworld. They found him in the shape of Donald Trump.
As fate would have it, by 1991, according to his own omission made in his autobiography, Trump was flat broke; an utter failure as a legit businessman, his earlier successes thanks to the mob backing of Roy Cohn seemed but a distant memory. However, Trump soon rose like a phoenix from the flames, his businesses began to enjoy huge cashflow, Trump-branded hotels and casinos became highly profitable.
It was all due to the influx of immense sums of cash from the Russian Jewish Mafia, money stolen from the Russian economy, transferred from the Alfa Bank of oligarch Mikhail Friedman and laundered into the legitimate economy by the Trump organization.
However, Trump had made a deal with the devil and while it brought him great wealth, it also cost him his soul. The Russian Jewish Mafia now owned Donald Trump, they had made him their ‘Suka’ or bitch, from now on, he would do their bidding, he had no other choice as he knew who he was dealing with – men so ruthless and powerful that no-one could stand in their way, men who would wipe out entire families just to make a point, who valued loyalty above all else.
If Trump ever dreamed of betraying them, he would soon learn that ‘Suka’ has a dual meaning, it also means ‘rat’ as in, someone who sells out and becomes an informer to the authorities. In the Gulags, Suka did not last long once discovered and invariably met horrific ends.
In the Gulags, Suka met hideous deaths at the hands of the Jewish Mafia.
This marriage between The Trump Organization and the Russian Jewish Mafia that began as a money-laundering operation to enable the asset-stripping of the post-Soviet Russian economy has grown and has now become the biggest security concern, not just for the United States but the entire world, a concern that dwarfs ISIS a million times over. Trump, his tattered empire and all those around him were hijacked by the most powerful criminal organization known to mankind, they became vassals of the Russian Jewish Mafia, their wealth dependent on them, their continued survival contingent on remaining in their good books.
This organization sold nuclear missiles through Ukraine, stole 350 ‘matched’ nuclear pits from the US stockpiles at Pantex, this is an organization that not only ate Trump but took control of Israel’s Mossad, India’s RAW security agency and ran roughshod over the FBI and it’s British and French equivalents. This is the real ‘Deep State’, a product of Russia’s Gulags, a nuclear-armed crime ring capable of threatening world leaders, collapsing markets and staging any level of terror attack anywhere, any time.
This is what is now controlling the United States through its iron grip on Trump – they have the orange one by the balls, he is their Suka, their bitch. The Russian Jewish Mafia has made the entire United States population it’s bitches, they are slowly turning the US into one giant Gulag and I can’t think of anything worse to be than a bitch in a gulag…

From the whowhatwhy.org article:


рамп и его деньги (Trump and his Money)
As Trump lost access to traditional lines of credit, his desperate need for financing led to sources that are murky, at best, including monies traceable back to the former Soviet Union — a circumstance that may explain Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns.
According to two pages of Trump’s 2005 tax returns, purportedly sent anonymously to reporter David Cay Johnston, Trump appeared to make an enormous amount of money that year — earning more than $153 million, which put him into a tiny class of super-rich Americans, probably numbering in the dozens.
Trump’s windfall seems to have developed around the same time that investors from countries of the former Soviet Union started opening the cash spigot.
A 2013 indictment of the illegal high-stakes card games’ organizers, brought by US Attorney Preet Bharara, alleged not only high-stakes illegal gambling and the laundering of approximately $100 million dollars, but also extortion, as ring members used threats and force to strip ”money and property” from clients.
One of the operation’s leaders, Alimzhan “Taiwanchik” Tokhtakhounov, an alleged international crime boss and admitted friend of top Mogilevich lieutenant Vyacheslav “Yaponchik” Ivankov (who, as noted, was found living in Trump Tower at one point), managed the ring from afar; he could not legally enter the US as he was already wanted on charges of trying to bribe ice-skating judges at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. Tokhtakhounov has often been tied to Boss of Bosses Semion Mogilevich.
Bharara, whom Trump recently fired — after accepting the resignations of other US attorneys leftover from the Obama administration — is not the only big name who was involved in investigating the goings-on in Trump Tower. Former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch also played a part. Lynch, first a prosecutor and then the US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, would have had knowledge of an FBI operation that involved Sater, the Russian mobster-turned-cooperating-witness.
“If he (Sater) were sitting in a room right now, I really wouldn’t know what he looked like.” – Donald Trump, 2013 deposition
While Sater has recently been the subject of some news coverage — his name came up during the March 20 House Intelligence Committee’s public hearing on Russia, when Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) asked FBI Director James Comey about him — no thorough exploration of the Bureau’s dealings with this key informant has been published.
Until now.
The Joke of American Justice
We know that since 1983, Trump Tower has been bugged, a Headquarters for gambling, child prostitution, fraud, extortion, and murder. We also know that by 1992, the Gulag Mafia and KGB had taken over NYC organized crime and with it control of NYCs political scene as well, including the NYPD and the NY State Legislature in Albany.
What isn’t told is that with this they also picked up key members of Congress, fed to them by their partners in the powerful Turkish and Israeli lobbies, control of key committee chairs in both parties. These Senators and House Representatives they controlled allowed them to subvert and eventually penetrate the FBI, the Justice Dept. the Securities and Exchange Commission, the DEA, the Dept. of Labor and the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.
The Gulag Mafia was allowed to establish banks, open investment houses, write their own regulations, even investigate their own wrongdoing. When sued, and Trump and his associates have been sued countless times for endless failed projects, plaintiff attorneys were threatened or bought or, often as not, mob-owned judges, like out of a Godfather film, simply threw cases out of court.

Where that didn’t happen, Felix Sater’s FBI handlers began phony criminal investigations putting the force of the Justice Department behind the Gulag Mafia’s reign of terror that continues to this day.
The reason behind all of this, as explained above was money laundering, Ponzi schemes, pump-and-dump frauds and the seemingly endless series of real estate investment scams to carry the Trump, Bayrock, and Kushner names.
The FBI and Dept. of Justice with Trump lieutenant Felix Sater as an informant, could have brought it all down – except for one thing: while the FBI and Justice Dept. turned Felix Sater, Sater, aided by the powerful AIPAC lobby in Washington, actually turned both the FBI and Justice Depts and put those assigned to the case on the payroll of the Russian Mafia.
So we have a situation where the FBI agents who investigated Trump became his personal security guards during the campaign and on-demand, made gratuitous pronouncements about his innocence.

The US Attorneys involved, except for Loretta Lynch and recently fired Preet Bharara went to work for law firms controlled by, now wait for it – the Gulag Mafia. This is where our quite excellent story comes up short, where it is easily seen that individuals like Dept. of Labour head Acosta, the man who saved Trump and Epstein from decades in prison for child rape and murder, moved into a cabinet post, the extent of what these others have done is too frightening to be published until now.
Our sources tell us that while the FBI and Justice Dept. protected Sater as a key informant, they, in actuality sabotaged case after case against Trump and his Gulag friends, keeping them briefed, giving names of potential witnesses, many of whom suffered unusual fates and ran investigations over a cliff.
Every document, every source, every bit of information the FBI and Dept of Justice have accumulated in over 30 years of investigation of one of the largest criminal organizations worldwide have for years now been turned over the moment they were received.

From the whowhatwhy.org article:

Much Less Than Six Degrees of Separation

While all this high-stakes maneuvering between the US and Russia over Ukraine was unfolding, the DOJ and FBI were hard at work to prevent the Sater-Trump story from becoming widely known.
WhoWhatWhy has learned that a number of key law-enforcement figures associated with Sater’s role as a government informant have continued protecting him — which has inevitably helped to keep under wraps the criminal goings-on in Trump Tower. One of these figures even went on to work for Trump.
FBI Special Agent Gary Uher not only investigated (alongside fellow Agent Leo Taddeo) the early “pump and dump” case that originally snared Sater, he also apparently served as one of Sater’s handlers. After Uher retired from the Bureau’s New York office in 2011, he went into the private security business with another former FBI agent, in a firm named XMark — which became one of a small army of private security firms that guarded Trump during the presidential campaign. (Neither Uher nor Taddeo responded to requests for comment.)
In fact, both XMark and Uher personally began receiving payments from the campaign as soon as Trump announced, in June 2015. Uher’s name surfaced in the press a handful of times, sometimes in allegations that he roughly handled protestors at Trump rallies. Yet until now, no one has pointed out that before he went to work for Trump, Uher ran Sater.
It is not clear how Trump and Uher would have even known each other were it not for the man both knew in common — the man Trump was consistently vague about during the campaign — Felix Sater.
As for Taddeo, in July 2016, as talk of possible efforts by the Kremlin to help Trump’s campaign continued to pick up steam, the Washington Post ran a story that downplayed the possibility and quoted the ex-agent, now in the private sector: “This is not Putin trying to help Trump,’’ he said. The article identified Taddeo as “a former FBI special agent in charge of cyber and special operations in New York”.; it did not tell readers he had been Sater’s former FBI handler when Sater worked with Trump.
The paths of other central characters in the case are also curious.
Two of Loretta Lynch’s colleagues at the Eastern District US Attorney’s office, Leslie Caldwell and Kelly Anne Moore, left government service to join the law firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, and both represented Sater at his 2009 sentencing hearing. Caldwell returned to government work in late 2013 when she was tapped to serve as Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division — the number three position at the Justice Department.
Moore is still at Morgan Lewis. That firm was hired post-election by Trump to sort out ethical issues concerning possible conflicts of interest — which considering this history takes on a whole new meaning. (Neither Caldwell nor Moore responded to requests for comment.)
Trump’s announcement that he had retained Morgan Lewis as ethics counsel was clearly meant to blunt calls for disinvestment or use of a blind trust for the oversight of his businesses. Curiously, on the same day that Trump made the announcement, the Moscow office of Morgan Lewis was named “Russia Law Firm of the Year” for 2016 by an industry association.
By entrusting Morgan Lewis with addressing his conflicts — and presumably demanding confidentiality agreements in the process, as is his practice — was Trump insulating himself from the release of information that would reveal the true nature of his financial relationship with Sater, Bayrock, and others?
Such revelations — which could have exposed Sater’s criminal history, his interactions with Trump, the full scope of Bayrock’s financial arrangements with the Trump Organization, and perhaps the true source of Bayrock’s financing — all would be covered by the attorney-client privilege.
Since publishing this article, USA Today published their own findings on Trump. The issue with all three pieces is timing and the oft mentioned constitutional crisis that Rep. Devin Nunes, the idiot he is, has no idea he is pushing Americans into. There is no easy way out of this kind of thing, not a new constitutional convention when the failings of the old one make even thinking about it a disaster.
We have ended up with an illegal standing army, we now have virtual royalty, we have a central bank, we have a national police force, we have a congress based on reapportionment that is well outside any equality protections. The constitution has failed us despite pronouncements by George Soros to the contrary. Soros just doesn’t get it.
To top-level decision-makers, and some of those are still in governments, the hierarchy of non-state players, secret societies, terror groups, rogue intelligence agencies, banking cartels and, as described in detail above, multi-generational organized crime, when paired with multi-national corporations, overshadows any world government and enfeebles as well.
In any nation controlling as few as a dozen people can turn a government and this is large and powerful nations like the United States. In the US, the “lockstep” enforced discipline of the GOP made this easy, a party made up of Wall Street, defense and oil industry types who filled congress with hillbillies and hacks.
When Americans look to the likes of Senator’s McCain and Graham for leadership and judgment, terms like “insanity” and “desperation” come to mind. Neither is sound with McCain the more intelligent of the two. Graham is purely delusional and endlessly corrupt with McCain beyond redemption and they are, on the GOP side, the best of the lot.
Our hypothesis on what it takes to control a government is significant. What can be done, in each case, has been done. There are no independent leaders out there with what may be very few exceptions. Watchers continue to focus on Putin and we are among them. He is by far the most consistent though by American standards “heavy-handed” domestically. Not so much to make excuses but in the “real world,” seeming weak is a disaster, those around you wait for signs and descend like jackals.
This is what kept Assad from disassembling his family’s hold on Syria, something we know he planned. The disaster Syria faces today would quite well have been a thousand times worse if he had allowed extensive reforms. This is simply how things are, like leaving the door of the chicken coop open.
The Trump issue is in the US is unprecedented. The electorate, by a moderate but firm majority never supported him. He lost the popular vote by millions. His own base is falling apart, now more a sign of American failures, insanity, extremism, and decades of propagandization.
The options? Military overthrow? Impeachment? Assassination?
Each becomes more likely as “business as usual”in Washington is threatened by bad leadership and signs Trump may not only be a psychopath but unpredictable as well. Unpredictability might well get him murdered or it might save him if we are to judge by Machiavelli.
What is clear is that there is a dual game here. Trump’s moves thus far are to disassemble American democracy, destroy American health care, education, push cities into ruin and bring back the Eisenhower 1950s. This makes him simply a Republican, this is where they always go, nothing is new.
Destroying the dreams of John Kennedy, making America a place where decent people are ashamed, has become too easy. America’s failures are humanity’s failures for sure.

The Western media opposition to putin is designed to make those seeking liberty and freedom see putin as counter to the cia. When the reality is the opposite, putin and trump are the same brand for two different nations. Same allies, same handlers, same ideology, same mob connections, same deception to make it seem as through putin and trump were fighting the deep state.

It can't get anymore clear that trump and putin are of the same diabolical cloth. Such a Russia and America should not succeed at anything. And the British are even worse. No wonder the EU is being threatened with nuclear annihilation.

When the US cia want the dollar to collapse, biden to fail, and the Democrats to lose; as is by cia deign and the Dems go along with this agenda. You want those plans to fail. You want the dollar to stay, you want the Dems to win and you want the cia plans crushed. Which is why you want China to back Latin American silver producers and crash the dollar with silver, which goes against cia plans.

The cia does not want to damage their imagine in controlling the EU, so have to openly oppose Russia and support the EU and Ukraine, while supporting cia putin behind closed doors. The Russian window to take over the USSR and Russian Empire is when putin is the "bad guy" supporting China and Iran and opposed to the EU. Once Russia openly defects to London and Washington, it would be next to impossible for Russia to invade the EU and fight the EU. Entente Russia wants the Russian Empire. So the annexation of the Crimea during this covert Russian time, when the EU is fooled into believing that putin and Washington are enemies, is the prime time to annex whatever part Ukraine Russia wants to annex. putin is fully aware of this. If the Baltic States were not in NATO, putin would have wanted to annex them. NATO is saving the world from British, US, and Russian plans to carve up the globe between these allies.
USA is too greedy.

Despite internally they are collapsing.

They are still busy with world domination.
This proves that Putin has over played his hand and has cornered himself.

Putin is looking for a face saver to withdraw. Will Germany and France deliver it?
I think Ukraine will join NATO down the line but they will not attempt to retake Crimea..

Putin realizes withdrawing will boost the Americans and re-energize them...

But nonetheless Putin will withdraw with a bitter taste of what coulda and shoulda
you both are wrong and just don't get it. it ultimately boils down to one thing. TIME. Time is money and right now, Russia has the luxury of time. Saber rattling at ukraine all naturally keep it away from nato but ultimately, talk of nuclear attacks while amassing conventional forces will lead to european and american markets getting hit. Being one of the major suppliers of energy, Russia remains fairly immune to getting hit since production is state controlled, but in europe and america, investors will turn bearish and stop investing in european and american markets and may even turn to investing in (you guessed it) Chinese markets.

It's all about who has the time to stare the other down and right now it looks like Russia has the time.
the cia has been taking marching orders from the Russian mob since the 1960s. An serious researcher knows this, Meyer and the cia.

Donald trump is owned by/allied with the Russian mob and their Chabad allies.

From the mainstream news:

Interestingly, all these (Russian mobsters) have connections to the Chabad movement. Felix Sater was honored as Man of the Year in 2014 by the Port Washington Chabad house. The same Chabad house’s website lists Tevfik Arif, who is not Jewish, “among its top 13 benefactors.”

Read much more here on what I have discussed in full:

There are many articles showing these connections from mainstream news. And the alt left media shows the same things, even in more depth.

The cia is an arm of the Russian mob and the Russian mob is an arm of the cia. These groups have been friends since the 60s and perhaps before. The bush faction of the cia is Russian mob conected, Chabad connected, zionist connected. And putin has the same connections. The cia keep putin and trump at a distance so no direct connections are made by the media. However, follow the money and friends and you have trump and putin working for the same groups and same goals.
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