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  1. uk29

    Whiteness of Shaheen Shah Afridi put under the spotlight by world's biggest alt-right website

    To think of it we bhaiyyas need another set of Bhayyaiys to act as a buffer for persian Pashtuns and balochs
  2. uk29

    Indian Army used artillery & heavy mortars on LOC targeting Civilian Population

    Will mard e momin join the fight ? Or like imran would cry " India bad, hindutva , nazi, rss,genocide , kashmir, freedom , plijjj hlp uss"
  3. uk29

    Another batch of Chinese medical supplies arrives in Pakistan

    No amount of sucking will help you get more ...
  4. uk29

    Real situation in india amid lockdown

    We can request pakistan to provide 100 billion dollars for our poor ... :( Also mask made up of undergarments ...
  5. uk29

    Whiteness of Shaheen Shah Afridi put under the spotlight by world's biggest alt-right website

    This guy looks like average person of my town tbh
  6. uk29

    Sanofi will donate 100 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to 50 countries

    Are chinese undergarments mask still comming ?
  7. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Still better then having no quality of their own and being depended on others for literally everything ... Those who have something to loose generally are little cautious ... Unlike "others" On topic i am not even angry such people should be deported asap who do not respect laws of the land...
  8. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Hindus are smart and think with their brains ... Unlike "others" ...
  9. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Why should i care about dearborn ... I am sitting in a city with 90 % hindus ... I'll do whatever i like bro
  10. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Nahhh ... We choose our enemies wisely ... Plus majority of indians in these countries support right wing politicians ....
  11. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Eductated indians prefer US,Canada... No sanddunes for educated ones...
  12. uk29

    Trump tweets Thank You PM Modi

    Kashmir mediation to ab gyooo ..
  13. uk29

    A Homeland for Indian Muslims

    Since we were going on hypothetical scenarios , i thought i might add my input ... I don't care about karachi we have mumbai anyways Although good old fashioned reconquista for south asia would be good Aaj ..abhi aaajau
  14. uk29

    Indian Muslims Have Lost Faith In National Institutions And ‘Secularism’!

    Sometimes i think partition was blessing in disguise ... Could you imagine 600 million muslims in india ... I sure cannot... In fact muslims divided political power into 3 blocks... so in the end it really helped us
  15. uk29

    A Homeland for Indian Muslims

    Cool in exchange can we have lahore for sikhs Karachi for sindhi hindus Peshawar for our afgan bros Do that and we have a deal !
  16. uk29

    A Homeland for Indian Muslims

    What about west up bro ? Nice place for you guys to settle ... I am all up for giving one district of muzaffarnagar to 200 million muslims of india ? You guys up
  17. uk29

    Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin effective in treating coronavirus: French study

    You guys watch cold fusion video for more detail on this topic...seems most of the doctors are recommending it ...
  18. uk29

    How to fight Corona virus INDIAN style

    Mullah in action ... Disrespecting other religions ...
  19. uk29

    ‘Lockdown reaches those who imposed curfew on Kashmiris’

    I agree we indians are facing Allah's wrath ... Specially Kashmir where there are 27 cases ( highest percapita wise ) in all indian states...
  20. uk29

    India, radicalisation is being flaunted as a badge of honour - India the Hindu Fundamentalist State

    So tell me what does erdogan abd his akp represent ? Don't know ? Ask any turkish guy living in Istanbul ... Seective much ?
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