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Whiteness of Shaheen Shah Afridi put under the spotlight by world's biggest alt-right website

Very understandable. This is a common tactic that dudes use to establish initial contact with girls. By attaching themselves with a good looking guy , they may single friendliness , high stature and position. Unfortunately, many of those dudes don't have the necessary skills to take the queen home and make mistakes.
Now , everybody makes mistakes but you gotta have something to make her forgiving which brings me back to the original point i.e looks and/or money.

Looks , height, muscles, status, money---->in that order

if you have the first three...women are ready to forgive even if you fumble around when it comes to game or charisma...(conservative girls prefer tall good looking guys who are a bit naive and with zero seduction skills)
nothing special , also native people of pakistan have pakistani features , I can tell mostly a dark sindhi from indian and light north paksitan from european or Turk , because we are racially pakistani for the most part.
You having a laugh?

IK at his prime was the closest thing mankind have seen to a living Greek god. Dude can piss over any western male super model or Hollywood star.

View attachment 622895

Imran in his prime was really great. Nabbing a good looking 20 year old woman who had a very high position in british society when you are yourself a 40 year dude is certainly a remarkable feat.

Wasim Married a no name nobody , although she is good looking.

Shoaib settled with an Indian , albeit a very famous Indian that most Indians would have loved to marry.

Hassan settled with an Indian.
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Imran in his prime was really great. Nabbing a good looking 20 year old woman who had a very high position in british society when you are yourself a 40 year dude is certainly a remarkable feat.

Wasim Married a no name nobody , although she is good looking.

Shoaib settled with an Indian.

Hassan settled with an Indian.

I am loving the nascent Human Bio Diversity talks in this forum..keep it up

Shoaib meaning the guy who married Sania Mirza or Shoaib Akhtar?

Who is Hassan?
I am loving the nascent Human Bio Diversity talks in this forum..keep it up

Shoaib meaning the guy who married Sania Mirza or Shoaib Akhtar?

Who is Hassan?

Shoaib malik.. He married an Indian , albeit a very high ranking and world famous player that many Indians would have loved to marry.

Hassan Ali. A Pakistani fast bowler.

I am loving the nascent Human Bio Diversity talks in this forum..keep it up

Shoaib meaning the guy who married Sania Mirza or Shoaib Akhtar?

Who is Hassan?

Something that might interest you.

Amir , married a British born Bengali woman.
The Muslim Viking meme turns out to be real !!!...Do read the comments if you go over to their site


Peachey Carnehan's Worst Nightmare

Peachey Carnehan's Worst Nightmare
• 200 WORDS • 129 COMMENTS

Kipling’s insanely brilliant short story “The Man Who Would Be King,” which he wrote at age 22, is about two British sergeants who journey to pagan Kafiristan in Afghanistan to introduce civilization in the form of modern warfare. But Daniel Dravot (Sean Connery in John Huston’s 1975 movie), upon becoming king of Kafiristan, notices that Kafiris are blonds who sit upon chairs like Europeans, and resolves to civilize them rather than pillage them, much to the dismay and disgust of Peachey Carnehan (Michael Caine)..

[Spoiler alert]

This turns out to be a bad idea:

John Huston wanted to direct his movie version in a fair part of Turkey, but American drug war politics got in the way. Huston, Connery, and Caine wound up in a dark part of Morocco, which vindicated the use of Caine’s dark Indian model wife as Dravot’s wife Roxanne

Dravot : Peachy, I’m heartily ashamed for gettin’ you killed instead of going home rich like you deserved to, on account of me bein’ so bleedin’ high and bloody mighty. Can you forgive me?

Peachy Carnehan : That I can and that I do, Danny, free and full and without let or hindrance.

Anyway, the new 19 year old 6’5″ Pakistani cricket star looks like Peachey Carnehan’s worst nightmare:

CC World Cup 2019: Shaheen Shah Afridi creates history, breaks 4 records and equals Tendulkar’s in one match against Bangladesh

No, Danny, he’s not like you and me!
This guy looks like average person of my town tbh

Pakistani Bhayya population percentage
Similar to India,,ekdum bhayya domination.

Pakistani Punjabis, Sindhis etc are racially different to their indian counterparts. The ONLY similarity is language. That's it.
To think of it we bhaiyyas need another set of
Bhayyaiys to act as a buffer for persian
Pashtuns and balochs
I know,,,too phattu to fight ur own wars :D
Anyway,,gotta sleep,,baki nxt week aram se.

Pakistani Punjabis, Sindhis etc are racially different to their indian counterparts. The ONLY similarity is language. That's it.
Yeah yeah bhayyaforever. :lol:
Shoaib malik.. He married an Indian , albeit a very high ranking and world famous player that many Indians would have loved to marry.

Hassan Ali. A Pakistani fast bowler.
I am loving the nascent Human Bio Diversity talks in this forum..keep it up

Shoaib meaning the guy who married Sania Mirza or Shoaib Akhtar?

Who is Hassan?
pakistani people dont have to look like anyone else , pak people look good in their own way, it would be matter of time before pakistan will carve out its niche on global beauty , having a niche is much better than being B copy of someone elese, I am someone who has visited many countries and lived in pakistan all my life.
Pakistani Bhayya population percentage
Similar to India,,ekdum bhayya domination.
old census
I am saying that Pak sex offenders in UK are the non-white looking ones among them....having more white blonde Pashtun emigres would mean image and status of Pakistan would increase by leaps and bounds
Pretty sure sex offenders are the ugliest , pieces of shyt who cant get any. Thats the same for any place.
Pakistani Punjabis, Sindhis etc are racially different to their indian counterparts. The ONLY similarity is language. That's it.
Yes because for thousands of years there existed a line east of which people became different then west ...
There was a story that at a house between border of india and pakistan a mother gave birth to two sons .. .black and another white .. black one was raised on eastern room while whiter one on western room... "True story"

pakistani people dont have to look like anyone else , pak people look good in their own way, it would be matter of time before pakistan will carve out its niche on global beauty , having a niche is much better than being B copy of someone elese, I am someone who has visited many countries and lived in pakistan all my life.

old census

Also, Pakistani Punjabis and Sindhis are racially different to indians of the same name. The ONLY similarity being language. As a Pakistani Punjabi, I have FAR more in common with a Pakistani Balouch, Pathan or Kalash. I have nothing in common with or feel ANY connection with an indian Punjabi.
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