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  1. M

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    The 18-month long negotiations between Dassault and India over the Rafale MMRCA deal may be heading to a conclusion, if information pieced together from various sources is to be believed. On the Indian Air Force’s 81st anniversary last week, Dassault used the local media to congratulate...
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    Friendship That Won’t Bloom

    This is a unfortunate Incident, Let us remember we cant have conflict with all our neighbors, we need to have effective border management. We have to co-operate with Bangladesh in order check infiltration. BSF could have exercised Restraint in this Issue at least.
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    US, India should try to keep Lanka away from China's sway

    IPKF Intervention was not a entire failure one, In that operation India snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Vadamaruchi offensive was called off when it was on the verge of success , It provided many valuable lessons about modus operandi of LTTE which was later used to counter them.
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    Indian Army admits carrying out covert ops in Pakistan.

    It was because of this thinking, you were not able to either make peace with them or destroy them. Why you always talk about post 2014? What is stopping you now? Coalition Support fund will not arrive after 2014. Whether you support them over the table or under the table we don't care"...
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    US, India should try to keep Lanka away from China's sway

    Our foreign policy is basically flawed right from our Independence, Regarding the issue of Srilanka. It is mixed with politics, Our Government was forced to amend the policies many times due to pressure from various parties in TN. This has affected our creditability in International Issues...
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    M-777 gun offers army hope

    The last artillery guns which was inducted was on 1987, Modernization of artillery must be our top priority. Future wars are going to limited that too our wars are going to be fought in Mountains. Artillery proved to be a crucial factor for Indian sucess in Kargil war
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    GRAPHIC:: Damn on TTP khawarij-Last Breath of Police Officer killed by TTP

    Kind attention Irfan Baloch: Dont want to quote the entire post since it is little bit big while freeing their criminal friends from last jail break, they have reportedly had the time to behead 5 shia's and also took away women with them during the entire operation in that place You mentioned...
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    Two Kashmir Youth Killed by Indian Army in kashmir

    Just like TTP beheaded your soldiers in North Waziristan!!! what a joke?
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    Pakistan May Speed AF Procurements Despite Economy

    Leave aside the LCA Story, IAF can offer delays in Rafale deal also since Pakistan has not inducted J-10B. I don't believe that J-10B will be inducted by 2014. I want to know whether first prototype of J-10B which is said to be or which is going to be built according to Pakistan requirements has...
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    Uttarakhand: big and unusual role for the Air Force's C-130J

    my guess is that atleast 20 C-130J hercules aircraft will be procured from Lockheed martin but not more than that because IAF is looking Medium Role Transport Aircraft produced in a joint venture with Russia as AbdingonBody pointed out.
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    Will you apologize to Muslims you killed?

    your brother hood nations should have seen those ethics when they invaded other countries. History very well says what these guys have done when they have won a war? What they will do immediately after they have won a war. Personally i feel Iraq war was wrong, but I dont regret for the afghan...
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    Infiltration bid foiled along LoC, JCO killed

    We very well know you will have the pot boiling in kashmir but dont think your own army will be relieved from the FATA front. If you open more front in Assam we will open in Balochistan. After 14 Years of covert warfare you were able to maintain Status Quo, but we split your nation into two in...
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    IAF needs 39 squadrons for 2-front war, has only 34'

    4 Saab 2000 3 ZDK-3 I think the Saab 2000 includes the one which was destroyed in Kamra attack.
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    IAF needs 39 squadrons for 2-front war, has only 34'

    Then what exactly LCA block 1? One of our member has quoted in a earlier thread, Since LCA block 1 was not tested BVR missile yet, It was not inducted into IAF. IAF should atleast go for more Force Multipliers such as Phalcon AWECS so that we can build our Operational doctrine around these...
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    IAF needs 39 squadrons for 2-front war, has only 34'

    Regarding to A2G capabilities IAF should opt for any other 4.5 Generation Aircraft, you very well know the fact even Tejas Block 1 has not received its Final operational Clearance. I am not sure whether we can Induct HAL Tejas Block 2 before 2018. IAF should have finalized MRCA Earlier. IAF...
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    IAF needs 39 squadrons for 2-front war, has only 34'

    In order to have 45 Squadrons IAF has to Induct Dassault Rafale immediately. IAF must also opt to purchase another 4.5 generation aircraft like Mig-35 or Gripen NG with dedicated ground attack capablity. If Mig-35 is bought logistics would be a easy task for IAF. In my opinion Dassault...
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    India’s nuclear logic

    I wonder how suddenly a US SOURCE is accepted by you on CERTAIN issues? India has already made it very clear that it will not distinguish between tactical and Strategical types of Nuclear weapons. In order to avoid NASR type threats India has to go for MEADS air defence system which will be...
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    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    Drone strikes are creating sleepless nights for militants, The Policy of Washington is very clear, Drone attacks will continue with or without the support Drone attacks occurred in 2012 is the best example.
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    NATO drone strike kills up to 50 militants in eastern Afghanistan: police

    Kunar province was a safe heaven to a number of Terror groups, Al-Qaeda,Taliban,Tehrik E Taliban,Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, NATO has left their out posts after repeated attacks from insurgents. (Reports are now quoting that Again some of the out posts are occupied). NATO must avoid...
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    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Please don't blame India for each and everything, It was with the same Taliban you signed a peace deal in swat, It was the same Taliban whom you called as patriots after 26/11 attacks. Still now no credible evidence has been given Either to India or to the World that RAW is supporting Tehrik E...
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