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NATO drone strike kills up to 50 militants in eastern Afghanistan: police

Sher Malang

Aug 3, 2010
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About 50 militants were killed on Saturday afternoon when a NATO pilotless plane carried out an attack in Afghanistan's eastern province of Kunar, the police said. "The drone targeted four suspected vehicles in Shinallai area of Chapa Dara district at around 1 p.m. local time Saturday, killing 50 militants, including 13 insurgent's local commanders," police chief of the district, Najibullah Khan, told Xinhua.

Khan said a Taliban shadowy police chief for the district named Hattiqullah and another Taliban leader named Turabi were among the killed. The Taliban insurgent group, which launched in May this year's spring offensive against Afghan and NATO forces, has yet to make comments. The Kunar province bordering Pakistan, has seen increasing militancy despite continued military operations there.

Separately, a soldier with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) lost his life in an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan on Friday, the ISAF confirmed Saturday. Currently over 130,000 NATO-led ISAF troops have been serving in Afghanistan since the Taliban regime was toppled in late 2001.

In another development, militants killed the head of a district prison in the country's southern province of Helmand Saturday afternoon. "Head of Gereshk district's prison, Ismail Khan, was killed when a sticky bomb attached to his vehicle went off near the prison compound at around 1 p.m. local time shortly after he get in his car," police chief of the district, Guli Khan, told Xinhua.

Earlier, Saturday a bomb explosion hit the vehicle of a local elder named Mohammad Ali, killing his driver and injuring four anthers including Ali in Nahrin district of northern Baghlan province.

Source: NATO drone strike kills up to 50 militants in eastern Afghanistan: police | The Nation
Fantastic! Good job! :tup: I hope there were no civilian deaths. Can this be confirmed by any independent source?
Ḥashshāshīn;3325718 said:
How do you know if they were militants and not civilians?

Seriously haven't you watched any single drone strike video till now?

Fantastic! Good job! :tup: I hope there were no civilian deaths. Can this be confirmed by any independent source?

Currently only xinhua and the nation is reporting this, I hope too no civilian is killed.
Horrific... My condolences to the Afghan people.

This is most likely a botched op being covered.
I have never heard of drone strikes in Afghanistan.
This is new info. for me... did Afghan govt. refused for ground operation?
Why i havent heard of drone Attacks on Afghanistan before?

A drone a day keeps the Terrorists away!

Love you Predator
That's interesting, most of the militants don't even travel in large group formations, so there is some doubt. If however they're militants then a quite a strike.
Ḥashshāshīn;3325732 said:
If you can't answer there is no need to give a witty comment. I am asking you about this incident, not generally.

All drone attacks in this region is done under one command!

My heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased & May There Soul Rest in Peace...

Who are killed did you read it?

That's interesting, most of the militants don't even travel in large group formations, so there is some doubt. If however they're militants then a quite a strike.

If the attack has happened the video will probably come online within a month or 2.

Against militants sophisticated guerrilla attacks in that mountainous and harsh environment drones are counter productive.
Kunar province was a safe heaven to a number of Terror groups, Al-Qaeda,Taliban,Tehrik E Taliban,Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, NATO has left their out posts after repeated attacks from insurgents. (Reports are now quoting that Again some of the out posts are occupied). NATO must avoid Civilian casualties in Drone strikes.
I wonder what will conspiracy pakistanis say.

Before the conspiracy was US is allied with Taliban in Kunar and Nurisitan and are attacking Pakistan.

Now, with this massive drone strike. I wonder what the spin will be?

Perhaps, ISI took control of the drone and targetted those enemies?
Maybe an errand American missile killed them?

Zaid Hamid, we need you :D
Who are killed did you read it?

My Bad (I was also accessing a Thread in which Army Men was killed and posted the wrong comment here :what:). Post Edited.
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