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NATO drone strike kills up to 50 militants in eastern Afghanistan: police

Why i havent heard of drone Attacks on Afghanistan before?

A drone a day keeps the Terrorists away!

Love you Predator

Probably because its repetitive and not breaking news like in Pakistan. We be having hundreds of threads for each Apache attack reported in Afghanistan.

If there were 50 militants at some place, ISAF would have mobilized troops and they would have taken them out with Choppers.

Most likely they killed another funeral procession and are now claiming tall tales as they have done repeatedly in previous attempts that were eventually exposed.

Would have taken too long. Hence you got a drone observing and armed with weapons.
How many militants are left is the question. We're going in circles, the militancy hasn't been stopped and most of the original Taliban are likely dead, new generations of Taliban are filling their rank and that is were the focus should be in preventing recruitment. I don't think NATO can fully succeed in doing that considering their very presence fuels the recruitment, regional powers like Pakistan and Iran will have to repair Afghanistan along with Afghan partners of course.
How many militants are left is the question. We're going in circles, the militancy hasn't been stopped and most of the original Taliban are likely dead, new generations of Taliban are filling their rank and that is were the focus should be in preventing recruitment. I don't think NATO can fully succeed in doing that considering their very presence fuels the recruitment, regional powers like Pakistan and Iran will have to repair Afghanistan along with Afghan partners of course.

Pakistan is having a tough time managing militancy in Pakistan and is hardly in any shape to focus attention else where..
Ḥashshāshīn;3325718 said:
How do you know if they were militants and not civilians?

They have been using ultra high tech militant detection technology developed by ex communist Afghan rebels back in the 70s , which identifies anyone in pashtun belt as a possible militant.

If these were indeed terrorists, could this have something to do with the recent visit of DG ISI to US? Urging the US to step up in Kunar, and eliminate the threat there as well first, then NWA?
I didn't saw any Pakistani crying for their 9 shaheed countrymen in the recent attack on PAF airbase!

You're seriously calling the nine terrorists that were killed shaheed?

Only 2 of our soliders died
What does it take to make phone call to a random news channel to accept a strike.

What does it take to make a phone call to claim attacks against Pakistani military base? Claimed by the Pakistani Taliban. Confirmed by Pakistani govt. So it be the same thing. We claimed we killed Taliban, Taliban confirms it.
Ḥashshāshīn;3325718 said:
How do you know if they were militants and not civilians?
The correct terms are 'combatant' and 'non-combatant'. The word 'civilian' usually denote someone who is not an official military personnel, however, that does not mean the civilian cannot be a combatant. If a civilian pick up arms and commit to battle, then he is a combatant but not a soldier.

There are situations where a soldier is not a combatant, such as the chaplain or a medic. In fact, a medic is allowed to carry arms and can still be considered a non-combatant. A military police officer is not a combatant even if he is armed, however, if he is ordered into a combat unit he loses his non-combatant status.

And if you think am making this sh1t up...

Chaplains At War
Because of this provision, chaplains were not permitted to carry arms. However, during World War II, many chaplains felt they ought to have been able to have weapons. Medical personnel were allowed arms to protect the sick and wounded from marauders and a few chaplains argued that this exception plausibly applied to chaplains as well. In addition, some chaplains felt they should have been able to protect themselves in the event an enemy soldier refused to respect the Geneva Cross worn by protected personnel. The Chief of Chaplains sent several letters amongst the Chaplain Corps reminding the men to avoid weapons scrupulously. If they were captured while armed, the enemy might have used this breach of the Conventions as an excuse to withdraw the immunities afforded to all chaplains.
Learned anything?
Taliban already accepted the strike, I believe it should be an end of conspiracy theories in this topic! :)

Nope, nothing ends the conspiracy theories.

NATO is doing nothing, every operation they do perform apparently only kills civilians
Every taliban attack that bombs a market full of women and children is western propoganda
Every attack in Pakistan is a RAW/CIA/zionist plot.

No wonder half of Pakistan thinks the taliban are some sort of hero despite the murder of so many Pakistanis.
Afghans happy that foreign power is killing their own people. Some things never change.
no, they are not our people, they are terrorist just like your TTP. The Taliban are killing more and more of us everyday, making Afghanistan equal to dust. They are simply taking Afghanistan to even lower the stone age by their actions.
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