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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

#RIH: Rebels Have Stomped Two More Iranian-Paid Refugees

Names: Abbas Ali-Zada and Isma'eel Mousawi
Nationality: Afghans

To the depth of Hell. Deliver our greetings to Santa Claus and any other 'oppressed' refugee you meet there.

Source (Farsi): Tasnim
Alloush gave a speech during Ramadan of 2013 attacking Shia...
He said that in Ramadhan 2013, when foreign Shiites from Lebanon and Iraq and the local 'resisters' imposed a siege on the Eastern Ghouta, destroyed | killed too many.
Ghoutanis consider Alloush as their only hope, therefore he felt very responsible and made that speech due to psychological stress.
Here is a recent video in which he explains how he is going to behead the Shiites of Ahlulbayt (as) :
Summary :
Few seconds from a recent interview in which Zahran Alloush talked about the 'mazloumeen | مظلومين'.
In the other part of the interview (not included), he even says he doesn't have a problem in adopting the FSA flag since Al-Shahada is considered 'terrorism' while "Ya Zainab" | "Ya @Antaréss" is 'resistance' or 'counter-terrorism'.
Congrats to the non-existent, too 'Islamic resistance' and 'death to Israel' by the way.
Congrats to the Arab 'leaders' as well, congrats for selling Al-Quds, Baghdad, Damascus and Sanaa'.

Let's forget about Ramadhan and Eid Al-Fitr (2013). Few days after that, a famous incident took place, have you ever heard of it ? Do you ignore the Ghouta Chemical Attack 2013 and criticize the 'bloodthirsty speech' Alloush made ? That's not a surprise because you personally cried for the soldiers that were executed by Jabhat Al-Nusra (terrorists, of course). But are there really no Alawite | Shiite civilians being killed by the Rebels 24/7 that I see you feeling sorry for soldiers ? I mean what kind of 'genocide' is that ?

But wait, I am pretty sure you have got a list of delusional massacres committed by the Islamic Front (specifically Jaysh Al-Islam) against the minorities since Rebels are 'committing genocide against the minorities' as far as you and the known as @Syrian Lion (RIP) have been telling people here. Why don't you turn to the audience and show them some 'massacres' committed by Jaysh Al-Islam ? Do you know any ? Other than the Adra Massacre HOAX which the so-called SOHR, RT and Al-Alam mentioned...You'll never find anything.
Maybe it's not obvious who is killing who so you'll dig up to make the best out of it.
By the way, do not bring me any conspiracy theory with regards to the Chemical Attacks 'cause I already had had enough of them and don't care for your opinion. I'm replying JUST in case people want to know the answers.
Oh you thought SNHR...
Enjoy this masterpiece :
Saudi airstrike in Yemen massacred at least 70 people in a wedding
A 'Twitter Human Rights Organization'-based thread. Such trolls don't get to babble about SNHR.
My friend, i am neutral in this scenario
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." - Desmond Tutu.
My neighbour who served as a Diplomat in Syria during 2002-2006 was in tears yesterday when we were talking about Syria.
But..why ? Everything is fine in Damascus..I mean there are still pool-parties being held in Bab Touma or Barada.
Compare to how the country was 10 years ago, and how is it today?
We know it, we all know it but I truly get the same feeling when I look at Iraq :

But this doesn't change the fact that Saddam Husain massacred the Shiites and made them suffer.
FSA for its worth has shown that it cannot compete with Al Nusra or ISIS on the battlefield.
Well thank you so much sir. This means because the oppressed are too weak and cannot win, therefore you'd rather help the oppressors against the oppressed ? What can I say .
This is just the beginning. You will see, what happens, when fly sized poisonous drones slaughter jihadists left and right. You will see the power of science and technology. Russia became a science and technology power house under Peter the Great. China became a science and technology power house under Mao Ze Dong. Jihadists are stuck in the dark ages and get slaughtered left and right :victory:and have no way to fight back.

You idiot, they are dropping dumb bombs on civilians and in the process contributing to the "jihadi" factory that eastern syria has turned into.

I thought the savagery of the Shahiba and foreign mercs was bad enough, now the Syrians are getting bombed mercilessly from moscow drunkards too? unbelievable.

HE hears the prayers of the oppressed/helpless ones. The russians don't know who they are truly dealing with.
I never said I cared about the Syrian population. On the contrary, I have posted multiple times that we do not care about civilian deaths. We consider them acceptable collateral damage.

Russia is in Syria to protect Russian interests. Nothing more or nothing less. If your civilians suffer and die, we don't care. Using human shields against Russia is not a viable strategy.

dude pls behave the way your talking is not right
dont spoil the name of the Russia and Syria
Idiots cheering for drunk bears will see an end to this bullshit soon enough. You think syrians will take this and have a good laugh at the drunks? Theres a limit to this bull. First the SAA killing their own people, then the Shahiba,then the foreign mercaniries/hezbollah. And now drunk russians?

Once the brigades start getting flooded with new gear,stingers and grails they'll start plucking the drunks by the dozens. And those drunks poor enough to parachute into rebel territory. They'll get their 15 mins of fame on live-leak.
You know, we like the Americans. They know how to dance and always make things interesting. They have style and panache and are always in control of their emotions.

You guys are like a mob of #deathtoxxx children who lack emotional control and cant hold a conversation properly without having it devolve into name calling/religious sentiment. Boring.

At least make this fun for us if we are going to be here a while

Syrian strikes will intensify, Russia says - Toledo News Now, News, Weather, Sports, Toledo, OH

- A Russian lawmaker said on Friday that his country's air attacks in Syria could last for three or four months.
- Russia says its airstrikes in Syria will only intensify
- Yet even as Russian airstrikes target U.S.-backed rebels, Al-Akaidi said he's given up hope that America will intervene. “I don't think President (Barack) Obama is sincere,” he said. “The Americans let us down, and I don't trust them.”
I am not a royalist, i am a Iranian nationalist. I side with Assad because he is secular and unlike the mullahs his lands are under real occupation by Israel so it his right to ''resist''. Israel is wrong on Syria war it needs to rethink its strategy.
Secular my ***:
1) Sectarian corrupted dictatorship.
2) Best friend of Ayatulas and Hezbollah.
3) Sponsor and creator of modern Islamic terrorism (Mughniyeh, Islamic Jihad Organization, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad...).

Not talking him being a crazy psyhopath murderer.

15 million? 150 million? Don't matter. Russia has high technology. Jihadis do not have high technology. No matter how many jihaidis the two headed eagle will kill them all without a single Russian casualty, no matter how long it takes.

Your own video shows dumb WW2 style bombs. What a high technology. :rolleyes:

Before Russia invaded Afghanistan it was regular third word country. They murdered 1 million people another 5 turned to refugees (not including internal). As result from now on Afghanistan is Taliban and opium nest.

Same Russia is doing in Syria now. By helping Assad in his crazy indiscriminate bombings they killed over 250,000 turned 12 million to refugees, destroyed country and created ISIS and Nusra. Now they intervened directly and murdering last secular opposition.
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bdslph:i am not sure if you bomb 4 months that will be enough

That depend of Russian mood
Now the game is soft,but when they start to throw vacuum bombs or something more interesting, game will be over because Syria,Iraq,Jordan are on flat terrain ,desert with sand and dust what is perfectly for testing of new hardware,weapons and tactics on a real moving targets,in this case some idiots from theater group ISIS or ....shake d..k .
bdslph:i am not sure if you bomb 4 months that will be enough

That depend of Russian mood
Now the game is soft,but when they start to throw vacuum bombs or something more interesting, game will be over because Syria,Iraq,Jordan are on flat terrain ,desert with sand and dust what is perfectly for testing of new hardware,weapons and tactics on a real moving targets,in this case some idiots from theater group ISIS or ....shake d..k .

yes hopefully we see quick end of war
You know, we like the Americans. They know how to dance and always make things interesting. They have style and panache and are always in control of their emotions.

You guys are like a mob of #deathtoxxx children who lack emotional control and cant hold a conversation properly without having it devolve into name calling/religious sentiment. Boring.

At least make this fun for us if we are going to be here a while

Syrian strikes will intensify, Russia says - Toledo News Now, News, Weather, Sports, Toledo, OH

- A Russian lawmaker said on Friday that his country's air attacks in Syria could last for three or four months.
- Russia says its airstrikes in Syria will only intensify
- Yet even as Russian airstrikes target U.S.-backed rebels, Al-Akaidi said he's given up hope that America will intervene. “I don't think President (Barack) Obama is sincere,” he said. “The Americans let us down, and I don't trust them.”
good stuff, Russia should indiscriminately bomb all jihadis and their supporters in Syria, don't leave a single pro rebel person alive.
3) Sponsor and creator of modern Islamic terrorism (Mughniyeh, Islamic Jihad Organization, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad...).
None of them are terrorists. By your definition of terrorism, IDF is the number 1 terrorist.

May u get what u ask for others.

Why are you guys jumping up and down? Russia is targeting the same terrorists that U.S is claiming to have targeted in past year, maybe you are worried that Russian strikes will be effective?

ISIS is not the only terror group in Syria, there is also Nusra, JMWA, Jund al-Sham and Ahrar al-Sham. Perhaps the only ones who are not terrorists (or not entirely terrorist) are FSA (genuine ones), no matter how weak and isolated they are.
None of them are terrorists. By your definition of terrorism, IDF is the number 1 terrorist.

Why are you guys jumping up and down? Russia is targeting the same terrorists that U.S is claiming to have targeted in past year, maybe you are worried that Russian strikes will be effective?

ISIS is not the only terror group in Syria, there is also Nusra, JMWA, Jund al-Sham and Ahrar al-Sham. Perhaps the only ones who are not terrorists (or not entirely terrorist) are FSA (genuine ones), no matter how weak and isolated they are.
Well I am jumping up and down just the way are when it comes to yemen. So much u cry over the so called civilians getting killed there. Then why do u have an issue with me worrying about the civilians here.
Also add hiziz and others to the list of ur terrorists.
Only if u guys and ur Russian masters and ur American friends were serious about fighting isis.
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