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  1. Wine&Steak

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    As a believer in God, I Sincerely hope & Pray for peace both in Ukraine & Gaza. Logging out.
  2. Wine&Steak

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Tell a lie 1000 times & see if it sticks. Just 1 month ago, folks were gloating over the heroism of their Killers. Now they say it is Israel that killed themselves. Trying to cry their way out of destruction. I think Israel wants to takeover Gaza before talking about their hostages.
  3. Wine&Steak

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Right out of ***.
  4. Wine&Steak

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    If that happens Israel will finish the Jobs Saudi started with few Nuclear bombs from subs - "Samson Option" I think Hezballah fears this also.
  5. Wine&Steak

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Above is Good movie script. :-)
  6. Wine&Steak

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Saintly guys
  7. Wine&Steak

    Emergency Cash-Saving Measures Enacted to Stop US From Defaulting on Trillions in Debt

    I don't like to give advice, but I am going to here. Don't fall for Russian news, or even your own countries news about USA. Disclaimer : I do have a vested interest in USA doing good, but worst case, I could always move to India. (1) US can never default, The money borrowed is mostly...
  8. Wine&Steak

    (CHINA) Two dams collapse in Inner Mongolia, flooding farmland

    True, the Chinese hyper nationalists laugh& rejoice at other people's suffering. They even attacked India in ladakh killing 40 Indian soldiers, when India was fighting Corona virus from China, and pakistanis joined the sadism. Though me/others would not take into such sadistic pleasure, Karma is...
  9. Wine&Steak

    Erdogan says Turkey interested in improving relations with Israel

    Dude you just whined a lot of pity party, look at us Muslims, look at our condition etc (1) if Turkey has a right to takeover the seat of eastern orthodox church in constantinople, Israel has every right to take over Dome of the rock (2) Most of the Muslims killed in syria, Iraq, Iran, libya...
  10. Wine&Steak

    BIG News: UAE is now giving Citizenship to Foreigners

    I know what the UAE plan is. Israelis will start industries and use Indian labour in a controlled UAE environment. These industries will pay tax, generate money to UAE. I think Jared gave this secret to sheik. Israel will also not upset it's population demographics by doing this. Maybe chinese...
  11. Wine&Steak

    Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

    You don't understand. Pakistan is a nearly failed state. Exploding population, no future, lost its way, history of bad leaders, oversized influence of religious leaders,. They want to taken down other Muslim countries with them in the direction Afghanistan went. Last dance, cry of the...
  12. Wine&Steak

    Apple’s M1 MacBook Air has that Apple Silicon magic

    iphone only 36% now ? When I was there around 2010-2015 time, in the Trains it looked like it had a 90% market. maybe I am wrong. One disconcerting feeling was - everyone staring at iphone 100% of time, no one looking at surrounding.
  13. Wine&Steak

    Apple’s M1 MacBook Air has that Apple Silicon magic

    I have not seen a country with as many Apple fanboy zombies as Singapore. Anytime I go over there, in their Trains, all of them have a iphone staring at it all the time. you are just an Envious. go preach in front of the Merlion about the inferiority of Apple products. or in front of the...
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