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Recent content by S Hussain

  1. S

    Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitab

    There is uproar of a traitor Shia making a film about our holy prophet , Al Bayt and the Sahaba, but little attention is paid towards Saudi Arabia and what these heretics are doing to the world. My post was deleted when I provided evidence of the fact the Saudi heretics were changing the...
  2. S

    Israel, Cyprus kick off joint military exercise

    These Greeks have a hatred towards Muslims. They have something in common with Israelis. Don't understand Turkeys rationale of thinking they have something to gain from Israel.
  3. S

    Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

    The Afghan Taliban ran from Tora Bora and let the Chechens to do the fighting. They are known for their treachery. Most of the Afghans would run on the border in a conventional war. They only beat the Americans because they were able to show stamina during guerilla warfare.
  4. S

    Victoria Nuland: ‘Russia-China axis not good for India… US can help with defence supplies’

    What do you expect from the Americans. They are proud of the Hindu Zionist nexus
  5. S

    Why Pakistan is coming down hard on Iran

    The PKK have similar organisations or sister organisations in Iraq and Syria. They all have the same agenda and similar backers. I think it would be naïve to suggest the Iranians are wrong in saying the Zionists are using Iraqi Kurdistan for operations against Iran,
  6. S

    Iran operation against Mossad in Iraq

    Target these Zionists wherever they are.
  7. S

    India, Japan ask Pakistan to take action against terror networks operating from its territory, comply with FATF commitments

    These Japanese are like Jews. All they care is about money. They also see themselves as being superior to other Asians.
  8. S

    Why Pakistan is coming down hard on Iran

    The Zionists are openly backing the PKK against Turkey. I can't understand Turkeys policy when it comes to the Zionists.
  9. S

    Why Pakistan is coming down hard on Iran

    I think it works both ways. There have been plenty of attacks against Iran from Zionist funded and backed groups from Pakistan. I think that it is also India's agenda to cause friction and misunderstanding between Iran and Pakistan.
  10. S

    Foreign envoys urge Pakistan to condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine during emergency UNGA session

    The head of Ukraine is Zionist dog and holds a dual nationality with Israel. He has voted against the recognition of a Palestinian state. These Jews truly are Nazis and fascists.
  11. S

    ‘We are happy to fight you’: tensions rise on Afghan-Pakistani border

    Time to kick the Afghans out of Pakistan. Let the Taliban take care of them.
  12. S

    Colin Powell, dies of Covid complications at 84

    THESE JEWS AND Christians are friends amongst themselves. Good riddance you black snake
  13. S

    John Bolton wants U.S. to get tough on Pakistan after fall of Afghanistan

    Bolton is a rabid Islamaphobe. He also wanted to attack Iran. Its time for the regional Islamic countries to join forces.
  14. S

    Featured Hindu American body opposes joint production of drones by Pakistan, Turkey and Russia

    These Hindus have got powerful backing from the Zionists in the West. Unfortunately for us the Western democracies take notice of these vile Hindus.
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