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‘We are happy to fight you’: tensions rise on Afghan-Pakistani border

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More needs to be done to secure the border:


Afghan Taliban would not crack down on TTP bases in Nangarhar province, east of Kabul.

“In the beginning, Pakistani authorities believed the Taliban would serve Pakistan’s interests and [not] allow militants to use its soil against Pakistan. But it does not seem to be the case any more,” he said, adding that the extremists were emboldened by the Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan and aspired to do the same in Pakistan.

Pakistan started fencing the porous border in 2014 to contain cross-border terrorist attacks and smuggling. It says it has fenced more than 90% of the border, but Hussain said militants were able to enter Pakistan and carry out attacks where the border remained unchecked and unfenced.

In at least three separate incidents, Talib fighters have been seen breaking the fencing and threatening Pakistani soldiers in border areas.

In one widely shared video from 19 December, a Talib commander in Nangarhar is heard saying to Pakistani soldiers: “If you come a step further, I will fight you here. We are happy to fight you.” A similar incident was recorded last year on 30 December in Nimruz, a province in south-west Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s defence ministry spokesperson said in a video posted to Twitter in January that Pakistan had no right to fence the border and divide ethnic Pashtuns living on either side.

Amid mounting clashes and tensions on the border, Pakistan’s national security adviser, Moeed Yusuf, visited Afghanistan for two days on 29 January. Both countries announced plans to form a high-level committee to address the issue.

Drawn by the British empire, the 2,640km (1,640-mile) land border between Afghanistan and Pakistan has been perpetually disputed.

Abubakar Siddique, an author and expert on Pakistan and Afghanistan, said that after the Taliban – an Islamist group – seized power, many in Pakistan thought they would not behave as an Afghan nationalist group. He said people were wrong to make such an assumption.

“The anti-Pakistan sentiments are high in Afghanistan because of Islamabad’s perceived role as a main driver of instability. In addition, no Afghan government has ever formally accepted the Durand Line as a permanent border, which remains a highly emotional issue,” he said.

“Their actions along the Durand Line aim at gaining domestic legitimacy. The Taliban also want to do away with the almost universal perception that they are a Pakistani proxy group.”

The Taliban are not only seeking domestic legitimacy amid a humanitarian crisis – a more porous border benefits their financial interests.

A Pakistani government official posted on the Afghan border anonymously told the Guardian that “as many of the areas have been fenced, we have seen a decrease in human and drug smuggling. Of course, the Taliban benefit from these illegal businesses and now the smugglers use different routes where there is no fencing.”
Time to kick the Afghans out of Pakistan. Let the Taliban take care of them.
This is western propaganda to divide us. Don't fall for it.
There's a video, this is a ground reality, the Talibans/Afghans are not your allies, they are a snake which you are trying to tame.

Never consider anyone but your own as your ally. Muslims are not your own by the way, your countrymen are, this has been proven time and time again all around the world.
It's like trying to explain stuff to kids

Afghanistan is always going to be a mess
The Taliban are afghans and the afghans are always going to act like namak harams

The situation will always have to be managed

However the strategic threat posed by the Kabuli regime and Indian presence has been destroyed
Kabuli regime collapsed
The Indians ran for their lives destroying two decades of Indian expenditure and planning
The U.S tucked tail and left

Afghanistan is always going to be a dump and our efforts will center on limiting the crap coming out of Afghanistan

Our strategic planners will not hit the Taliban BECAUSE THATS WHAT OUR ENEMIES WANT YOU BUNCH OF IDIOTS

the lar aur bar's, the liberals, the Indians, the Balochi terrorists, the Northern Alliance, the Americans they all want Pakistan to attack the Taliban and the Taliban to hit back

Strategically we have won, there will be some fall out for that victory in the form of baloch and TTP attacks and we will hit back

But under no circumstances will be go all out against the Taliban
Think of who it benefits most if Pakistan and Afghanistan have a war. It won’t benefit Pakistan. It certainly won’t benefit Taliban. There’s only 1 winner if that happens. That’s our terrorist neighbour to the east.

And their masters in the west.
Pop corns going off here and there we can manage till the fencing is completed. We don't want to start another never ending border problem on the Afghan border too. Imagine then how many more soldiers we have to station their and ultimately they have to come from the Indian border weakening that side of the defence. Thats what Indians are setting the trap for us and am sure with spending few millions dollars by the India, even if we have to move 100,000 that will be a bargain deal for the enemy.
Just put Bounty on the TTP leaders and their are plenty of Afghans without the money and jobs they will do the PA job. Raise few Afghans hit squads and speed up the TTP and BLA demise process without involving ourselves with drones or air strikes. There is already venom in the Afghans thanks to the Northern alliance and if we attack their country and that may lead to Taliban been pushed towards India again. Pay what ever need to be paid to the local Taliban's commanders so we can complete the fencing and after that the line on the sand is drawn.
Afghanistan is always going to be a mess
The Taliban are afghans and the afghans are always going to act like namak harams

The situation will always have to be managed
So Pakistan is willing to tolerate a restive western border...as a price of doing business to make sure Indians don't use Afghanistan. This suits India fine. A restive border is better than a peaceful one.
Jahan sa nhi banny say rhy 1 km apni taraf andar bana do , this is the best way to deal with the criminal Afghanis
War is like oxygen to Afghans. Because fighting is the only thing they are good at and nothing else.
No war , means no purpose for their sorry lives.
Until the time , glorifying of savagery is discouraged in their culture, coming out of one-war and then creating another , will continue.
So Pakistan is willing to tolerate a restive western border...as a price of doing business to make sure Indians don't use Afghanistan. This suits India fine. A restive border is better than a peaceful one.
Peaceful border with Afghans is not possible for Pakistan
I do not trust the source sponsored by Mi6 . these low level Commanders are not a real threat . and especially when the TTP is in majority in Kunar , Nooristan and some parts of Paktia . it will be dealt with diplomatically through dialogue.
Its not in our interest to open a new front just because some tom, dick, harry or RAMU sponsored article wants us to do so.
So Pakistan is willing to tolerate a restive western border...as a price of doing business to make sure Indians don't use Afghanistan. This suits India fine. A restive border is better than a peaceful one.

It's the difference between a strategic threat and a manageable nuisance

It is VERY predictable and expected that once Afghanistan fell and once we started targeting TTP or BLA etc leadership and once their base of operations were shaken because of the fall of the NDS there would be considerable fall out

As horrible as it sounds, their attacks are little threat to Pakistan or our strategic interests,

Of course FC being targeted is horrendous but at the same time, Pakistan will hit them back much much harder

With the fence up, Kabuli regime fallen and two decades of Indian investment and planning destroyed and ISI going through it's hit list

The westerner border can be managed, this is the reason why China put it's knee on India's neck on the LAC

India not only got completely out thought in Afghanistan, but it got humiliated by China, the real threat of being stuck between a hot LOC and hot LAC led to a calm on the LoC whilst Afghanistan collapsed and Pakistan concentrated on our western enemies

To fan boys of all varieties, they think that a terrorists l attack or a INCREASE of terrorists attack on our western border is Some sort of end of the world or we have miscalculated the fall of Afghanistan and are now being hit

When in reality it is completely predictable that this would happen and its up to is to hit back hard

You can even see Pakistani planning in action in hindsight with the timing of fence building, Chinese action on LAC, Fall of Afghanistan, Pakistani purchases of drones and other equipment, all timed together
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