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  • Well she is the type i lIke, my ex she is a nurse lookes exactly like her, Does she have green eyes btw?
    its a wonder you can communicate with that kid Axa, and he still didnt insult you..very interesting..i think it was my charm :)
    Actually I don't like war because it is war, but rather to rescue our brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered. I don't care about the consequences on our side.
    No you are pretty much correct. School is $hit mostly. However our college education is top notch.
    I love wars, as long as they are similar to the scenarios are being generated in my head, where the enemy gets crushed and we are safe and not a single missile hits us. :p
    Yes, there were many incidents in which clashed interrupted between Jordanian and Syrian army, because the latter were firing at Syrian refugees who were trying to cross the border toward Jordan. I live in Northern Jordan near Syria, and I think the we are closer to war than any time before.
    Had a test today that I sucked in mostly that's why I don't give a damn about other people's opinions.
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