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  • Please post drone related news in the Drone Sticky in the Pakistan War section instead of starting new threads every time.
    The Asians would never tolerate any disruptions of their way of life, especially the Japanese. That is why the immigrants know better to abuse the tolerance of the Christian nations.
    The white race won't die for at least a couple of centuries, they will simply keep dwindling(Like the Japanese, they have a very high standard of life and are dwindling as we speak). It is inevitable, because white people usually have high standards of life and want no more than a few children (1-2), because they want to give them the best that they can afford.

    While in Asian countries(Russia excluded) they have much higher birthrates, move to the free nations where they are paid for every child that they have and just keep mass reproducing.
    No one goes to Japan and SK because the immigrant people take advantage of the tolerant and accepting Europe and America(Now we are slowly seeing the back-lash), they feel that they have the right to demand more and more in the name of tolerance and welfare, while in Japan they would forever be outsiders and unwelcome. Can you imagine a mass population of Arabs demanding Sharia law in Japan? I can't.
    I don't know how you came up with that being multiculturalism but that is what White people have been saying for decades now. Interbreeding between races has become so standard, that it is barely even noticed anymore. I don't believe there is anything wrong with inter-race marriages.

    You just have to look at Israel to see it. There are white, brown, black, and even Asian Jews living in Israel. But in the end, a Jew is a Jew, no matter the skin color.
    Multiculturalism is about how a society accepts foreign cultures like in Britain, without question or demand of assimilation. For example, Bangladeshis bringing their backward culture to Britain and refusing to assimilate, fight against assimilation and demand their own society within the society.

    If you want a non Jewish example, look at America. They, somehow, got it working for the most part.
    I understand it completely. Perhaps you think it is about races mingling with each other, it's not.
    Multiculturalism should not be tolerated because in the name of freedom and tolerance, gaps are created between the society and the nation.
    Either united you stand or divided you fall, you know this by now.
    I'll tell you in a definite way; Multiculturalism is a failure and it is detested by most in Israel. If you live in Israel, be Israeli. If you live in Canada, be Canadian.

    How'd you come up with that predictions? And what does 9.11 have to do with it? Are you making a reference to the covenant?
    On the contrary, it's those fools that use the name "Jew" falsely that advocate Multiculturalism. Israel is against it, only the tiny minority support it and they are reviled here as they are everywhere else.

    Tell me of your predictions, if you do not mind.
    Israel already is a regional power, and a global one. What we do, who we let live, what is allowed to happen, affects the entire world.
    I want to be clear, i`m very against Multiculturalism in any nation. Wherever you are, you must accept their way of life and be a part of it. Canada, for example.
    I am very against Mufti-Culturulalism, and her ideas go against mine. She is a Palestinian sympathizer, so you should be loving her.
    By the way, why do people referring to you as a "she"? Are you female or just too lazy to correct others?
    Alright, fair enough.

    You used to spend more time on PTI related threads at first, now you're more into Arab-Persian-Syrian etc threads. Do you still support PTI?
    That's fine lol, I was just thinking something along the lines of " May God start to help Pakistan 'openly' '" or something would be a bit more...better..
    Hi, your signature reads "May God continue to help Pakistan"....
    Do you really think He is helping us right now?
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