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  • It is possible that Osama was part of CIA but why is doctor's crime defined as helping CIA? In fact he has helped Pakistan by uncovering the place of hated Osama!
    I have no problem with jailing who has committed treason against Pakistan, My question is why Osama is considered as Pakistan's interest?
    I am following all around media, not the only Iranian one. If Osama was not in Pakistan, So why the government of Pakistan did not officially reject the US claims?
    Jailing that doctor, who uncovered the Ben laden standing, raised my concerns more about evidence of Taliban branches in Government of Pakistan.
    Very interesting. personally your statement is my hope for beloved Pakistan. In my opinion, Talebani way of thinking could easily destroy the future of Pakistan. Ok, let to have a flash back, Do you think an ideologist like a Taliban supporter and secularist can both live together? I don't think so. Because most probably the secularist will be executed not late than the second day of that shared life.
    although there is no evidence to prove you are a girl, I want to ask you a question. tell me more about female living quality in Pakistan, oh, something important! do you support extremist like Taliban! what is their position in today's Pakistan. are they beloved by majority? what is female's attitude about that?
    barely notice Iranians on Youtube as much as Pakistanis and Turks!!!
    I am not sure to get your opinion, could you please re-state the sentence for me?
    Yes, That is true. unfortunately I can't reject your statement about internet quality here.
    Soheil! Are you kidding! You should provide me some reasoning type things for that kind of claim!
    Yes, I do. Why is it important for you, RayKalm? What about you? where do you live? to be honest, females are rarely interested in defense topics. It is nice to meet you here. There is a girl among Iranian members, her name should be Melika, she may understand your feelings better than guys here.
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