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  • He said an Arabic poem and said that the Pakistani people stay firm with the Syrian people against Al-Assad.
    And why it got closed? For what reasons?

    Well, the thing is that we got two Iranian flags that are loved by the people. The current Iranian flag, which is officially recognized by the Islamic republic regime, and one which is preferred by some Iranians because it somehow resembles Iranian beliefs. Both flags are very Iranian in my opinion, but since they've become highly related to political sides too I prefer not to put up an Iranian flag in my profile. That's why. Any other ideas?
    But you choose only a very little range of Pakistani women. Why don't you open a thread about Pakistani girls here then?

    Well, because I have nothing good to put in there. If you have something good, give it, I'll put it. LOL
    You changed it now. The previous one looked fake as hell with too much make up on her. lol

    Why you choose only pretty girls as your display picture? profile picture? avatar? whatever? Why so? :P
    Well, the question is not whether believing in God is factual or not, that's not what I meant to say. I said prophecies are like superstitions, and I said many of such prophecies haven't come true. So your reasoning that because some of them have come true is obviously flawed. Even if all of them have been true so far, it doesn't necessarily prove that the next one must be true as well.

    Anyway, you always upload pics of hot girls, but this time you failed. The girl in your avatar has put too much make up on her face. FAILED! :P
    bhai mugh se 10 rupee jurmana lele tyara khet main gir gya lollollolol
    Bahrainis have the right to protest whatever they want, SA has the right to suppress these protests like we did March last year. Our government has an obligation to protect its own citizens, and having an Iranian base in Bahrain(20km from border and oil refineries) is a major security threat that we must do anything to prevent from happening. No one in their right mind can deny that Bahrain will act as a military base for Iran if the revolution succeeds if they don't outright annex them, In fact these protests carried Iranian flags and picture of Khomaini. Not to mention the Bahrains have great living standards and exceptional freedoms compared to Syrians. That's a few of thousands of reason why Bahrain can't be compared to Syria.
    Nope, I'm an atheist, but I might best fit into the category of agnostics. I don't believe in a personal God, but neither do I reject the possibility of God's existence. There is only one way that I consider myself a Muslim and that's when I feel that the Muslims are mistreated, that's when I feel I must stand by them.

    But many of them have not come true either. So how do you distinguish the reality from superstitions yaar? (notice that I've learned Pakistani slangs too. lol).

    Please find it on somewhere else. I'll have to use VPN's to open youtube which makes youtube slow for me to watch long videos.
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