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Recent content by Feyen

  1. F

    Protests against Turkey's 2020 Olympic bid

    They lost anyway. Unfortunately though, Istanbul is a nice city to visit for the olympics. Unlike Tokyo, which is on the other side of the world.
  2. F

    Why are Turks so nationalistic?

    Because I thought someone here stated that the Serbs never defeated the Ottomans?
  3. F

    Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

    Unfortunately, the Shah has been disposed, and mullahs have take the spot now.
  4. F

    Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

    Than Iran would stay neutral too. Iran has no reason to intervene in a war between a Islamic neighbor of its and India. Perhaps Iran would even support Pakistan in a humanitarian way, as in helping refugees or other ways.
  5. F

    Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

    It depends on what Pakistan will do a in a possible Iran-Arab (GCC) conflict. If Pakistan would covertly or overtly support the GCC in such situation, I don't think the scenario of Iran supporting India against Pakistan would be completely implausible, in despite of Iran's relatively modest...
  6. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    Find me a source or quote of Parsis who don't consider themselves to be Persian? I can do the same thing, and proof that they do.
  7. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    You are speculating now. They see themselves as Persians. Nothing more is relevant than that.
  8. F

    George Friedman's prediction about Turkey, Japan and Poland

    George Friedman is a joke. Turkey, Japan and Poland will always remain second class international powers.
  9. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    Nobody talked about dual loyalties. I just stated that he was Persian by ethnicity, which isn't an opinion, but an fact.
  10. F

    Why are Turks so nationalistic?

    Weren't the Ottomans defeated in the Siege of Belgrade in 1456?
  11. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    Sam is an Persian name, and many Parsis consider themselves to be Persians. They still celebrate the Persian New Year, and see themselves as the children of Cyrus the Great. Therefore, Parsis are Persians. Even Freddy Mercury considered himself to be an Persian, and not an Indian.
  12. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    He still was a Persian by ethnicity.
  13. F

    Azerbaijan and Pak discuss perspectives of cooperation in defense industry

    That is why Iran should have military ties with India.
  14. F

    So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

    Religion should be destroyed in Iran.
  15. F

    Saudi security is a red line | Pakistan

    Lol. Your women are living in a open jail. Compare the amount of Iranian women you see on the streets in Iran, and the amount of women in Pakistani on the streets. Let alone the fact that most of our students are women. Women are also represented in various sectors of Iran's society. Iranian...
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