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Is this intolerance or pinnacle of Jew-Sanghi conspiracy?

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Why are they using Islam flag and cheering for Pakistan?
Did you see them cheering for Pakistan?

An undated video with no proper source is being used to peddle lies and you are falling for it? Or you have separate standards for certain community?
This looks like it is next to the BMC HQ and Court near Xaviers College in Bombay - I doubt this is after the cricket match. This is probably after some court verdict. When is it from?
Did you see them cheering for Pakistan?

An undated video with no proper source is being used to peddle lies and you are falling for it? Or you have separate standards for certain community?

I donot have any separate standards based on community.
Why are you posting such protest against govt..?
Religion is closely associated to the video I have posted.Both carry different motives.
Had Hindus really been oppressing minority why their population is closer to 200 million with above 20% decadal growth rate & Hindus have lower?
Why not? They are protesting? They are attacking police, had it being muslims, many posters would have gone bonkers over it.

Really how is religion closely related to that video? Posting some random video speaks volumes about your intent.

I donot have any separate standards based on community.
Then how did you come to the conclusion that it was a celebration after some cricket match without any proper source? Would you have done the same had it involved some other set of people.

real face of ******* ** peace is coming out from behind the niqab! Morons giving awareness to Indian masses themselves!
Real face of Tolerants?
Did you see them cheering for Pakistan?

An undated video with no proper source is being used to peddle lies and you are falling for it? Or you have separate standards for certain community?
Bro, you are on the same page as well. Your signature, threads opened by you, posts by you - all show your hatred towards one community too. Don't try to play a victim's card please.

I agree with what you are saying in this post though. Just stating you are no saint yourself.
Bro, you are on the same page as well. Your signature, threads opened by you, posts by you - all show your hatred towards one community too. Don't try to play a victim's card please.

I agree with what you are saying in this post though. Just stating you are no saint yourself.
Not community:disagree: A particular set of ideology? Yes

And I have posted articles with credible sources and not some random videos and then act ignorant about the content.
First of all this is azaad maidaan riots which happened in 2013 by muslim who rallied to condemn rakhine and assam riots, and this is how they protested.
In this some female police women was seriously hurt in stomach by these cowards.
Some 80 people were charge sheeted and case is going on i suppose.

After these riots MNS carried out big rally to condemn it.
Not community:disagree: A particular set of ideology? Yes

And I have posted articles with credible sources and not some random videos and then act ignorant about the content.
What if a particular set of ideology represents a whole community?

What are your thoughts about this statment- Eating beef is more important to me than respecting religious beliefs of other people. However, dare you say anything or do anything against my religious belief....
If that is your yardstick then the below video is also related to religion. No?
Yes definitely if they are affiliated by religion...
But I don't see them calling for attention by holding flags or banners or may be they are fighting for different cause.
What if a particular set of ideology represents a whole community?

What are your thoughts about this statment- Eating beef is more important to me than respecting religious beliefs of other people. However, dare you say anything or do anything against my religious belief....
No it doesn't, you may want to claim it is but many from that community will disagree with your statement unless you want to label them non-Hindus(The Sickulars).

In a secular country, you can't force your beliefs on others. I am not forcing my religious beliefs on you, so why do you want to force yours.

Yes definitely if they are affiliated by religion...
But I don't see them calling for attention by holding flags or banners or may be they are fighting for different cause.
LOL They are wearing their religion and you chose to ignore that part.
No it doesn't, you may want to claim it is but many from that community will disagree with your statement unless you want to label them non-Hindus(The Sickulars).

In a secular country, you can't force your beliefs on others. I am not forcing my religious beliefs on you, so why do you want to force yours.

LOL They are wearing their religion and you chose to ignore that part.
Okay then they are terrorist..:tup:
In a secular country, you can't force your beliefs on others. I am not forcing my religious beliefs on you, so why do you want to force yours.
So, what if, for example, I want to make a sketch of prophet? would you be OK with that?
So, what if, for example, I want to make a sketch of prophet? would you be OK with that?
So you want to compare beef eating with drawing sketch of Prophet?

Ok so tell me why are Sanghis not outraged when beef is consumed in North east, Goa or Kerala? Are your feelings not hurt then? If a sketch of Prophet is drawn in any part of the world, muslims still feel outraged. So your comparison looks rather childlike. Come up with something better.
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