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Bangladesh Airforce inviting tender for 8 MRCA

Thanks for saying positive. But, decision was made by our military top brass, and not by india.

Where I said about who discussed and who didn't? I said that russian planes are good and it is a right choice.
170+ million people with ample % of military enthusiasts

on the other hand, we're worried about India keeping itself together..... India's realization of their reality (especially on the eastern side) makes us feel sad about India.... we are very enthusiastic and friendly people.... we can help India survive as a state (which we are actually doing right now).....
See forget about the conspiracy... the line that struck me was operation safety of sukhoi aircraft and experience that's to be shared with Malaysia.... with the numbers of crashes we have seen recently.... I wonder who's teaching whom and what? Malaysia going to teach how to maintain the aircrafts properly or India gonna teach them how to not do that and get your planes to crash.
The thing that links India and Malaysia is how we make fun of and treat Bangladeshis....and deservedly so.

Attrition rates of Su-30 are very low in India when flying hours are taken into account.

Of course its tough arithmetic for you lot....hence why we see BD people earn what they do even outside BD.
how is what you just said remotely related to what i said?
anyways i am wondering how many flight hours each of those airframes have seen till now on average....

i've also read somewhere here that HAL has been basically giving off starndard spares contributing to failures.... i dont remember much but could you confirm?
how is what you just said remotely related to what i said?

Oh I thought we are going to make wingding comments from our stereotypes?

anyways i am wondering how many flight hours each of those airframes have seen till now on average....

Depends on the induction date.

i've also read somewhere here that HAL has been basically giving off starndard spares contributing to failures.... i dont remember much but could you confirm?

Sounds like something picked up from a random rumor blog. Nope can't confirm that, because its not true.
Long range maritime fighters? What do you need it for? Are you going to war with Australia?
There is no split in BD. Jamatis are just 2-4 percent of population.Even they are patriotic in their own ways. AL-BNP rivalry is very normal. It is no more or less than Congress-BJP rivalry.But when it comes to putting the national interest first, all are same be it AL,BNP or Jamat supporter.There is no religious,ethnic or linguistic fault line in BD.Do not confuse political dispute with divide/fault line.

This is the best ever post found in PDF BD section so far. Reflects majority opinion!
so are these 8 maritime fighters gonna be operated by AF or the Navy? as far as i know su-30mk2 is the maritime strike version. but were we not buying the su-30sme?! i'm confused now..... o_Oo_O
LOL, I can post all the videos of BD labourers being kicked, punched and abused by Malaysians, but its going way OT....you can go to any malaysian forum and ask them what they think of Bangladeshi people yourself. You are the bottom of the hierarchy wherever you flee to....end of story.

Don't compare yourselves to Malaysian Indians who are citizens and earn tens of times what the average BD migrant (legal or illegal) does....not even in the same league.

Oldest ones are approaching 5000+ hours on airframe now.
Bound to retire already ain't it? 6k is supported airframe life isn't it? On those particular airxraft.
so are these 8 maritime fighters gonna be operated by AF or the Navy? as far as i know su-30mk2 is the maritime strike version. but were we not buying the su-30sme?! i'm confused now..... o_Oo_O
I guess, the planes will be under Navy. However, I believe, BN may hire trained BAF pilots until its own pilots are trained and ready to operate.
Only 30? You are underestimating the Indian potential to disintegrate. In 1947,there were 565 princely state within the current border of India!! Those states were hurriedly glued togather by the marwari rat Vallabhbhai patel by using expired superglue.:P
So, do not expect it to last long.:P

No matter what the Indian online warriors here claim, the moment India decides to touch Bangladesh, it will start the massive balkanization of that artificial country. :D
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