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We are not Semitic but we should adapt Semitic culture. Semitic culture is more conservative especially with regard to segregation of men and women and veiling. Hence it is closer to the spirit of Islam. In an Islamic home there should be a prayer room (Musalla) and Wudu area. It is surprising that well to do Pakistanis build such large and fancy homes but don't bother to make such religious facilities. In Islamic culture, there is a curtain to separate all gatherings of men and women. So when you invite guests to your home, women sit in separate area and men sit in separate area divided by curtain. This is Islamic/Semitic culture which unfortunately is still alien to most Pakistanis. Let's take a minor example of dress. We should adapt Sunnah style dress and discard the prevalent style of shelwar kameez in Pakistan which is the "qomi libas". In Sunnah style it is to wear Qamees (not kameez). Qamees is longer, looser like frock. And we should adapt Silwar that is much looser and not the tight pyjama type one. Furthermore, gentlemen should keep Zulfain and wear skullcap or Amama sharif and prefer white color clothes. Should wear woolen shawls and should not wear un-Islamic European style dress. Our women should wear burqa and cover their face with modest colors that don't attract attention. Dress is very important element of identity.

We have to encourage polygamy on the social level since it is already accepted legally.

Another thing about Semitic/Islamic culture is learning how to use weapons and having some basic martial training. Our Arab and Afghan brothers have kept alive this tradition, they train with weapons from a young age and it is part of their culture.

Vedic/Hindu culture is very feminine and makes our people soft. Their culture is all about music, dancing. Our male youth have become very feminine and they are not tough or manly as a result of this.

You need to swallow the fact that the country doesn't need you. Its the other way round. Pakistan is not an Islamic state.This mullah dream of Islamizing Pakistan to this extent will never come true. I don't know what kind of crap you've been listening to which gives you idea such as how the Muslim world is the target for all the injustices children n earth and how the kuffar are trying to turn your children into whatever the hell you think. You know why the rest of the world is doing so well while we are sitting in the gutter ? That's because they stopped pointing fingers and realize the problems instead of pinning it on others. Your idea of a house sounds more like a curtain store than a house. We are not living in the 7th century anymore, youre praising afghans and Arabs for handing weapons to their children. Wow and surprise look what kind of condition both of these people are , the only reason the Arab world is still relevant right now is because they have oil under their feet.

Please go to Afghanistan if you want such a backward society or better yet just join the Islamic state.
We are not Semitic but we should adapt Semitic culture. Semitic culture is more conservative especially with regard to segregation of men and women and veiling. Hence it is closer to the spirit of Islam. In an Islamic home there should be a prayer room (Musalla) and Wudu area. It is surprising that well to do Pakistanis build such large and fancy homes but don't bother to make such religious facilities. In Islamic culture, there is a curtain to separate all gatherings of men and women. So when you invite guests to your home, women sit in separate area and men sit in separate area divided by curtain. This is Islamic/Semitic culture which unfortunately is still alien to most Pakistanis. Let's take a minor example of dress. We should adapt Sunnah style dress and discard the prevalent style of shelwar kameez in Pakistan which is the "qomi libas". In Sunnah style it is to wear Qamees (not kameez). Qamees is longer, looser like frock. And we should adapt Silwar that is much looser and not the tight pyjama type one. Furthermore, gentlemen should keep Zulfain and wear skullcap or Amama sharif and prefer white color clothes. Should wear woolen shawls and should not wear un-Islamic European style dress. Our women should wear burqa and cover their face with modest colors that don't attract attention. Dress is very important element of identity.

We have to encourage polygamy on the social level since it is already accepted legally.

Another thing about Semitic/Islamic culture is learning how to use weapons and having some basic martial training. Our Arab and Afghan brothers have kept alive this tradition, they train with weapons from a young age and it is part of their culture.

Vedic/Hindu culture is very feminine and makes our people soft. Their culture is all about music, dancing. Our male youth have become very feminine and they are not tough or manly as a result of this.
I agree with weapons training and martial arts. Our Vedic ancestors also partook in this, it is not just unique to the Semites. Today's Vedic culture is not what it used to be.
Now what happens in the home is private. The State should not invade into the home. The public sphere is another matter.
As long as the dress does not go against Islam wear what you want. Of course to dress in Sunnah is always better. But Topi is not Sunnah. Turban is. Face covering is not obligatory for women.
Can I ask you in the Prophet's mosque was there a curtain which separated the sexes?
Once again you prove that you are a secularist liberal from Lahore that is totally divorced from pure Islamic culture and customs. You always say "mulla this" and "mulla that". This is your excuse and code-word for wanting Pakistan to be secular and Europeanised. In our culture, we do not say "mulla this and mulla that", we respect Ulama e Karam, Awliya e Karam, Pirs, Shaikhs, Alims, Muftis, Khatibs, Mubalighs, Zakirs, Rabbanis, etc. We love the 7th century because that is the century of Risalat Maab صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم and Maula Sher-e-Khoda عليه السلام

We don't want to live in such luxury as Western countries. We don't mind living plain and simple lifestyle. Imaan is more important to luxurious first world lifestyle.

Then why do you even bother living ? Unless you've found a way to make a time machine (what are the chances its going to be made by a Muslim lol) and return to the the 7th century you've clearly declared every part of this world to imperfect for you. Such a shame that you seem educated but yet like every other jaahil you use coupled words like secularist Lahori or liberal kuffar and what not. Also before you bring up culture I don't care what argument you throw at me. There is nothing known as Islamic culture. Nothing like that ever. Have you heard of the term Christian culture ? No, because a religion can not have a culture directly. The "islamic culture " you talk about is Arabic culture under Islamic influence. It seems your mind can't be changed. Youre inside some bubble where you think I'm some kafir liberal trying to test your Imaan or whatever . But I just want to ask you some questions.

Do you support blasphemy killing ?
Do you support polygamy ?
Do you support what the IS stands for ?
Do you think the Islamic world is under threat by some zionist conspiracy ?
Do you think public be headings and lashings are something that have a positive effect on society of the 21st century ?
Do you believe in basic humanitarian laws ?
Do you believe that music countries are only a place for Muslims ?
Do you believe in scientific findings and evolution ?

Please do answer them.
make up your mind first you said we are moving away from our culture and should preserve it. when you are told that for us south asain vedic practices are also the part of culture now you want it gone and force arab culture on us.

Our culture doesn't matter, and we have a lot of racism in our so 'culture' as well.

What Allah (SWT) says in Quran and what His Messenger (PBUH) taught us - only that should matter to us. Islam is a system and Quran is a manual (per se) for all mankind. Look at Islam that way, and it will gradually come to you what is all about. And what Allah says can not be disputed. It may be misinterpreted by humans but not disputed. But first, strong belief in Allah is required.
Once again you prove that you are a secularist liberal from Lahore that is totally divorced from pure Islamic culture and customs. You always say "mulla this" and "mulla that". This is your excuse and code-word for wanting Pakistan to be secular and Europeanised. In our culture, we do not say "mulla this and mulla that", we respect Ulama e Karam, Awliya e Karam, Pirs, Shaikhs, Alims, Muftis, Khatibs, Mubalighs, Zakirs, Rabbanis, etc. We love the 7th century because that is the century of Risalat Maab صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم and Maula Sher-e-Khoda عليه السلام

We don't want to live in such luxury as Western countries. We don't mind living plain and simple lifestyle. Imaan is more important to luxurious first world lifestyle.

I'm glad that you agree about weapons training.

Also, I am talking from a social aspect. I also agree that the State's role should be limited and not interfere in people's private affairs. Islam actually prefers smaller government and freer market with maximum civil liberties and no taxes. Unfortunately, most Muslim countries have over bloated bureaucracies, excessive socialism, and the State is too powerful and authoritarian which goes against the spirit of Islamic liberty. Original Islamic societies especially in time of Khulafa e Rashideen رضي الله عنهم afforded maximum autonomy to tribes and different communities to manage their own affairs.

Topi (cap) is also Sunnah. In fact, the Islamic way to wear Amama sharif is that it should be wrapped around a topi so that it stays in place. Face covering is also very important. Even if you say it is not obligatory, it is highly recommended. The spirit of Islam is that there should be maximum segregation of men and women as possible. The word Hijab actually means curtain. People these days mistakenly think it means headscarf. The head covering of woman is called Khimar not Hijab. Hijab is an institution of curtain and segregation and screening of women from public.
But Topi on its own is not Sunnah no?
Again I ask you in the Prophet's (PBUH) mosque during his lifetime was there a curtain, purdah, cloth separating the male from the female?
Our culture doesn't matter, and we have a lot of racism in our so 'culture' as well.

What Allah (SWT) says in Quran and what His Messenger (PBUH) taught us - only that should matter to us. Islam is a system and Quran is a manual (per se) for all mankind. Look at Islam that way, and it will gradually come to you what is all about. And what Allah says can not be disputed. It may be misinterpreted by humans but not disputed. But first, strong belief in Allah is required.
i thought you agreed on ignoring me :p:
@The Sandman @Divergent1
Our culture doesn't matter, and we have a lot of racism in our so 'culture' as well.

What Allah (SWT) says in Quran and what His Messenger (PBUH) taught us - only that should matter to us. Islam is a system and Quran is a manual (per se) for all mankind. Look at Islam that way, and it will gradually come to you what is all about. And what Allah says can not be disputed. It may be misinterpreted by humans but not disputed. But first, strong belief in Allah is required.
Culture, tribe, family do matter. Allah has given us these things. Just we must purify them, that is all.
Culture, tribe, family do matter. Allah has given us these things. Just we must purify them, that is all.

Yes, agreed on the purifying required.

The issue is a big chunk of the 'borrowed' culture would disappear.
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Our culture doesn't matter, and we have a lot of racism in our so 'culture' as well.

What Allah (SWT) says in Quran and what His Messenger (PBUH) taught us - only that should matter to us. Islam is a system and Quran is a manual (per se) for all mankind. Look at Islam that way, and it will gradually come to you what is all about. And what Allah says can not be disputed. It may be misinterpreted by humans but not disputed. But first, strong belief in Allah is required.
No response to the quoted post other than this?
well mate i think we need to strike a balance between our south Asian heritage our islamic values and addition of western values to stay relevant to the modern world while keeping our heritage alive.
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Yes absolutely. Anyone who defiles the symbols of Islam ought to be executed.

Do you support polygamy ?
Yes absolutely.

Do you support what the IS stands for ?
What do they stand for?

Do you think the Islamic world is under threat by some zionist conspiracy ?

Do you think public be headings and lashings are something that have a positive effect on society of the 21st century ?
Yes absolutely. Severe crimes deserve severe punishment

Do you believe in basic humanitarian laws ?
Such as?

Do you believe that music countries are only a place for Muslims ?
What is a "Music country"? Do you mean Muslim country?

Do you believe in scientific findings and evolution ?
I believe in Allah and His Prophet اللهم صلى على محمد وآل محمد

IS stands for supposedly reestablishing the Islamic caliphate through their inhumane ways.

I didn't ask about the severity of the punishments or whatever. I have a smiliar belief that murdered should be given the death penalty. My question is do you think there is a positive outcome of people and children standing in a city and watching women being stoned and men being beheaded for uttering something against YOUR faith ?

Also what kind of weak imaan (or belief of any kind) do you possess that it is literally hurt by words ? Should everyone be allowed to behead anyone should their personal feelings be hurt enough .

By humanitarian laws I mean that no one should be treated any differently on the basis of their belief. Would you treat an Ahmadi and wahabbi the same way ?

And sorry for the stupid typo I meant just as you said, Muslim countries. Should only Muslims be allowed to live here and that too further of one kind ? (Barelvi, ahle-hadith, deobandi shia etc etc)

Also I'm afraid that last answer I couldn't understand very well seemed a bit ambiguous tbh. Its simple do you believe in what science has to offer and what it has found up till now and a much controversial topic, evolution ?
Topi in time of Prophet اللهم صلى على محمد وآل محمد is called Qalansuwa. Prophet and Sahaba used to wear it.

I don't know if there was such a curtain. Nevertheless, Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ordered that males should pray in the front rows of the Mosque and women should pray in the back rows. Furthermore, he encouraged women to pray in the seclusion of their homes and not in the Mosque. Women should therefore pray in the privacy of their home and not come to the Mosque.
Well you should find out. The one (PBUH) who knew Islam the best did not have a curtain between the men and women in his masjid. It was not due to a lack of technology.
Of course men in the front and women in the back.
He did not forbid women coming to mosques and women came during his blessed life (PBUH). Indeed they still came during the Khilafah and even today in many Semitic countries they still come. So why do you say they should be forbidden? Do you know Islam better than he(PBUH)?
We need Islamic culture. If Arabs and Afghans have Islamic culture, we Pakistanis are no less Muslim than them. We have to de-Hinduise ourselves and become fully Islamic. Polygamy is Islamic culture it should not be restricted to Arabs only. We should practice it also. Our women should wear burqa like Afghan and Arab women. Our children should be sent to learn how to properly recite the Holy Qur'an and we should protect Madrassah culture.
first of all show your true flags you are calming to be a saudi living in Canada.why my country interests you so much

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