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Northern Cyprus: The new destination for Turks fleeing Turkey


Nov 7, 2016
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Northern Cyprus: The new destination for Turks fleeing Turkey

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Turks call northern Cyprus baby land, a term deriving from motherland. Whenever there is some progress in peace talks among the divided communities of the island, some in Turkey start talking about the threat of losing the “babyland.” “We should not lose at the table what we gained by our blood,” they would say. Giving compromises in peace talks would be considered politically controversial and sensitive, resulting in consequences at the ballot box on the mainland.

So you would think those living in Turkey would be knowledgeable about northern Cyprus. On the contrary: I was very surprised to hear that many in Turkey did not know where Cyprus was located and were ignorant of facts such as the language that is being spoken and which currency is used in the northern part. That was the sad truth which surfaced from a survey conducted by the north’s Tourism Ministry.

But some mainland Turks know Cyprus so well that they are now even migrating to the northern part. There is a serious rise in the number of Turks who are settling or buying property, according to Turkish Cypriot officials. This is not surprising in view of the fact that a serious number of people who feel their lifestyle is threatened by the current administration have been looking for ways to emigrate.

While they would not say it on the record, Turkish Cypriots do admit that Turks come to northern Cyprus to flee the oppressive atmosphere of Turkey.

It is not just about the political environment which, in contrast to Turkey, is devoid of tension. I think Turks are also attracted by the many attributes of “civilized” life in the northern part.

I realized that while in traffic in northern Cyprus. I took part in a visit organized by daily Hürriyet to promote tourism on the island. Due to some separate interviews I conducted on the island, I had to catch up with a crowded group of journalist and travel agents which were travelling by bus. Each time I got in the car in a hurry, the drivers always did their best to get me the fastest to where I wanted to go – albeit always without violating traffic rules. But not only that: They would also give way to pedestrians. And unbelievable as it may seem to mainland Turks, they would also give way to cars at intersections.

Running late, I was getting a bit anxious. How was I going to catch the group if we were going to continue like that?

But after a while, I realized that I was acting like the “beast I was in Istanbul’s jungle.” Their attitude was the normal one; mine was wrong.

That’s when I realized better why some Turks chose to come settle there. The civilized concepts like “tolerance, courtesy, respect for others,” which had long been a source of nostalgia for us were part of daily life on the island. People had smiling faces, and they were nice and polite to each other.

That again made me realize something else. Our prejudice that “Turkish Cypriots live a comfortable, nice and easy life thanks to money coming from the mainland,” had led to confusion in our minds about the characteristics of the Turkish Cypriots. We confused slow work and joie de vivre with laziness.

Indeed, Turkish Cypriots do have the same attributes as Mediterranean people. Their work pace is slow, they are fond of good food, drink and music. But in addition to these, there is also respect for differences. There are many divisions in political life, but it is devoid of tension and conflict. Violence, from domestic violence to the terror attacks that have become part of our lives in Turkey, is non-existent in northern Cyprus. Women can walk alone at any time of the day and night without fearing for their lives. There is gender equality.

I expect many more from Turkey will continue to go to northern Cyprus to breathe in not just the fresh air but also the fundamental freedoms and attributes of a normal civilized life that we have been longing for.
Women can walk alone at any time of the day and night without fearing for their lives. There is gender equality.

I never knew women's safety was an issue in Turkey.

Having visited and stayed in the country for over 2 weeks in 5 different cities, I never once came across any negative news against women.

In fact, people were very polite and courteous towards women wherever I saw.

And no they weren't just shopkeepers but general people walking around.
This looks pretty exaggerated


Turkey was a fantastic experience for me. People were open-minded, very cultured, respectful and even decent with each other.

Didn't come across one brawl, street fight or any 'dark alleyway' action.
Yeah and when the Greeks massacre them it's the "beasts of Istanbul" that along with all those rude and barbaric people from the mainland that ride in to save them. Next time, and with that spineless Akinci it's almost a guarantee, the Greeks mount a massacre we should let them do it completely before we kick their sorry Enosis infected asses again. Arpalari fazla gelmeye basladi bu donme itlerin. Kaltak kari, sevmiyorsa siktirsin gitsin ama kolay degil tabi parayi Istanbul da kazaniyorken. Kaltak
I dont know what this woman is talking about, reading her article one might think Turkey is Mordor itself.

Our prejudice that “Turkish Cypriots live a comfortable, nice and easy life thanks to money coming from the mainland,”

And sorry to say this, nobody should get offended but its indeed true that North Cyprus's weath is largely due to support from mainland.
TRNC has a GDP per capita 15000$ while Turkey has 10000$ how is this possible for a sanctioned enclave that is only recognized by Turkey?
I tell you how, by Turkish companies operating there and tourism sector whose visitors are 80% Turkish nationals.
I dont know what this woman is talking about, reading her article one might think Turkey is Mordor itself.

And sorry to say this, nobody should get offended but its indeed true that North Cyprus's weath is largely due to support from mainland.
TRNC has a GDP per capita 15000$ while Turkey has 10000$ how is this possible for a sanctioned enclave that is only recognized by Turkey?
I tell you how, by Turkish companies operating there and tourism sector whose visitors are 80% Turkish nationals.
i disagree her on the women isue. as TRNC relying on mainland thats true but don't forget TRNC has a booming tourism industry much better then the greek part. where majority of the tourist are coming from the UK who buy alot of houses. it has also a casinos it is like las vegas out there...
i disagree her on the women isue. as TRNC relying on mainland thats true but don't forget TRNC has a booming tourism industry much better then the greek part. where majority of the tourist are coming from the UK who buy alot of houses. it has also a casinos it is like las vegas out there...
No 80% of tourists are from Turkey.
Next time, and with that spineless Akinci it's almost a guarantee, the Greeks mount a massacre we should let them do it completely before we kick their sorry Enosis infected asses again.

Are you out of your mind? Just because few exceptions (those whom we are all disgusted) you cannot let even a single innocent die. What honour there is in your proposal? Yeryüzünde herhangi millet yaparda ben bu hareketi bize yakıştırmam. Sakin olalım.
I never knew women's safety was an issue in Turkey.

Having visited and stayed in the country for over 2 weeks in 5 different cities, I never once came across any negative news against women.

In fact, people were very polite and courteous towards women wherever I saw.

And no they weren't just shopkeepers but general people walking around.

Its easy not noticing woman being harassed when you're not a women. Talk to a women, its not always something that obvious to us man. There is still a lot of violence towards women in the country.
If indeed the Turkish Cypriots believe they are better off without us then I say we deliver them to Greeks so that they are reminded as to who will always have their back. Zaten yapamayacagimizi dusundukleri icin boyle simariyorlar, affedersin ama bizim millet s.k gibidir ne kadar oksarsan o kadar kalkar. Arada bir tokatlayacaksin ki akillari baslarina gelsin

Our Turkish Cypriot brothers are not our subjects or slaves. If your family keeps quiet when you're wrong, then they're not good family and some cant even deal with some minor criticism then that might be a reason why people decide to leave a country for better of worse.
If indeed the Turkish Cypriots believe they are better off without us then I say we deliver them to Greeks so that they are reminded as to who will always have their back. Zaten yapamayacagimizi dusundukleri icin boyle simariyorlar, affedersin ama bizim millet s.k gibidir ne kadar oksarsan o kadar kalkar. Arada bir tokatlayacaksin ki akillari baslarina gelsin
To be honest they WOULD be better off with an economic union that includes the rest of the Cyprus.

Let's just stay realistic. They are separated from elsewhere by water and are neighboring each other.

North's population is also low compared to the south and their sectors are the same. Difference in GDP is also big.

Their economy would grow A LOT if they would be united economically.
To be honest they WOULD be better off with an economic union that includes the rest of the Cyprus.

Let's just stay realistic. They are separated from elsewhere by water and are neighboring each other.

North's population is also low compared to the south and their sectors are the same. Difference in GDP is also big.

Their economy would grow A LOT if they would be united economically.
Nah they'd just be reduced to a second class minority who's elites would be treated as Europeans in return for upholding the second class treatment on the population. I really hope they go for this option, I will laugh my *** off when they eventually beg the "motherland" for "solidarity"

Our Turkish Cypriot brothers are not our subjects or slaves. If your family keeps quiet when you're wrong, then they're not good family and some cant even deal with some minor criticism then that might be a reason why people decide to leave a country for better of worse.
Never said they are our slaves, but if they genuinely think we are holding them back I say "**** off and have a nice day".
Nah they'd just be reduced to a second class minority who's elites would be treated as Europeans in return for upholding the second class treatment on the population. I really hope they go for this option, I will laugh my *** off when they eventually beg the "motherland" for "solidarity"
Why are you always generalizing?

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