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Valentine’s Day Celebrations Banned All Across Pakistan: IHC

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There are some very conservative families who care about "honor". What if some random person sends flowers to the daughter/sister of that family ? There would be honor killings of innocent girls. Don't underestimate the stupidity of most young boys/men !!
I agree
But I believe we are relying too much on an already broken system to fix on its own. Democracy wasn't a bad system until you put actual humanity and the general ratio of 50% sheep into it.

Unless people want themselves to fix it
The best leader be it a dictator or democrat cant do diddly squat about it
Now it will go a bit on tangent but I think it is a good discussion.
Democracy works for western countries especially Europe and most because EU countries are mostly single race or homogeneous countries, Germany is for Germans, Sweden is for Sweden...small variations are there but that is it. High level of education and similar mindset helps them converge and elect mostly the right people.. But even in Europe, Belgium: the capital of EU with sizeable French speaking population in Wallonia and Dutch in Flanders region do not agree with each other and they have had a hung parliament for long. We in USA elected Trump :) with only 40% votes...For Pakistan Chinese model of govt is really suited..we need to mix meritocracy + democracy. We cannot simply allow BA-pass with fake (or even genuine degrees are equally worthless) degrees to get elected to the parliament with 90% of them with evil-intentions of corruption and embezzlement.
I have started to study Chinese and Malaysian system and I see those systems have a lot of positives in them especially the Chinese system... which ensures the continuity of the policies and no abrupt changes. Pakistan needs good policies and their continuation for at least two decades as in China, S/pore and Malaysia...
What the fvck does flying an airplane have to do with boycotting a freakin' shitty commercial Valentine's Day? How do you even make the comparison?

Who the hell are you to lecture others what they should or shouldn't celebrate?

LOL at flying is a Western invention. Let's not even get into this debate because flying is clearly not a Western invention. You have been smoking some real high end stuff.

What are you going to say next? JF-17 is a Western invention?

Direct this idiot to Abbas ibn Firnas - first glider flight!
Other day I was sad when Israel passed a bill to stop saying Azdhans and WHAT we doing not less than Jews. Our pesdo left wing start cry and posting filth on actions of ban Hijab ban burqa ban Adhans in west even in China and hypocrites feels good when we ban someone other religious festival. Pathetic
Pakistani liberals are hypocrites.
i agree, in today's world everything is about commercialism. I have no problem with valentines day if people keep it to themselves, i mean there is nothing wrong with giving gifts to your wife (im not married) or your mother or sister, but it is wrong to openly display your "love" to show off because it is inappropriate according to Pakistani society. Plus, why do people give gifts to their girlfriends only on valentines day, don't they love their mothers and sisters too? I don't support boyfriend/girlfriend culture, its better to get married if a person can't control his/her 'jawani'.

It is lack of education. Everyday is a day of love in Islam for mother, father, wife, children. We do not need a designated day to express love for our loved ones. The day we get this through to the nation, valentine's day and likes of mother and father day commercial ventures will die a quick death.
Now it will go a bit on tangent but I think it is a good discussion.
Democracy works for western countries especially Europe and most because EU countries are mostly single race or homogeneous countries, Germany is for Germans, Sweden is for Sweden...small variations are there but that is it. High level of education and similar mindset helps them converge and elect mostly the right people.. But even in Europe, Belgium: the capital of EU with sizeable French speaking population in Wallonia and Dutch in Flanders region do not agree with each other and they have had a hung parliament for long. We in USA elected Trump :) with only 40% votes...For Pakistan Chinese model of govt is really suited..we need to mix meritocracy + democracy. We cannot simply allow BA-pass with fake (or even genuine degrees are equally worthless) degrees to get elected to the parliament with 90% of them with evil-intentions of corruption and embezzlement.
I have started to study Chinese and Malaysian system and I see those systems have a lot of positives in them especially the Chinese system... which ensures the continuity of the policies and no abrupt changes. Pakistan needs good policies and their continuation for at least two decades as in China, S/pore and Malaysia...
Not too much of a tangent
But how did they education ? It did not happen out of thin air.
People educated people, went out of their way to spread it
why not also throw out multi national food corporation. macdonalds, subway, pizza hut etc destroy local bussinesses. The food is also contaminated with chemical preservatives to prolong shelf life.
we are going to have a rise in diabetes and cancer very soon.

once you clean up the food/drink and educate people about diet, nutrition, exercise, sunlight vitamin d, then thier head is detoxified then they can think straight.

diseases will be reduced less burden on the family emotionally and economically.

a healthy population can contribute more and longer.
It WILL drive it underground. No one can fight against the forces of reality no matter how much their strongly held ideologies may demand otherwise.
Unfortunately for you Pakistan is strong and here to stay In Sha Allah.

Islam Zindabad! Pakistan Zindabad! Pak Fauj Zindabad!
Guys in Pakistan do do that. Guys all over the world do that because they are sexually attracted to females. This is a biological drive. No normal straight guy approaches a girl without any feelings of sexual attraction of some kind. Otherwise he's not normal.

there is a reason why Pakistan has turned into a filthy playground of child molestation and sexual perversions. There is ad on every wall offering cure for male impotency. We have become a sick and disgusting society full of sexual frustrations.

Lack of sexuality is prime reason of rising terrorism. What are these kids blowing themselves up for? Obviously the Hoors of Paradise..they cant have women in this life..so they decide to blow themselves up and try it in the after life...
Not too much of a tangent
But how did they education ? It did not happen out of thin air.
People educated people, went out of their way to spread it
Nice point but now I must leave as I'must sleep it is too late..
How confident are you that your parents and her parents who will act as a medium will keep your(and girl's) interest and happiness as primary objective in their mind...

Parents would know more than the child what's in the child's best interest since they are the ones who have knowledge through experience being parents themselves not to mention they would know you better since they raised you. On the other hand both girl and guy's judgement would be clouded by sexual attraction to each other and thus they would not be able to clearly determine their long term compatibility.
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