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What do Chinese think of Pakistan?

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Thanks for sharing.
Already we know the friendship and hospitality of Pakistan toward Chinese. The increasing awareness of ancient Pakistan influence on Chinese Buddhism will bring the affinity of our two nations into a new height. May I add another ancient interaction between China and Pakistan? The caravan passed the Gilgit-Baltistan along KKH/Karakorum Highway, one of the ancient silk routes. During their journey, our ancestors crafted great art carving on rocks.


Indeed. I will be opening thread on this to educate our members on this. It would be nice if you could contribute? I will tag you when I open it.
Indeed. I will be opening thread on this to educate our members on this. It would be nice if you could contribute? I will tag you when I open it.

Brilliant attempt... need to build better/deeper context. Ancient Pak and China angle... dark ages for both civilisation need to be factored in...then the re-birth of both.

However, one thing, my young brother, you need to fill is the deep introversion and filial connections of the Chinese character. Dig deeper... you are an analyst. Dig deeper and find the pulse/nuance.

But first read the Tao!

I know you will come up with something original.

Sino-Pak Relations are at beginning of such depth that it might turn out to be the defining factor in the 21st Century Power Equation. Please, broaden your perspective and elevate your perception.

Walk in the park and a week or two distance from PDF will do wonders. Learn to See/Percieve. The Cardinal Rule of Analysis is always to ask...what have I missed/ what have I overlooked? Without paralysis...one must challenge one's self.

I know you shall amaze me!

Hint: Chinese Civilsation will be the catalist/impetus for the revival of Pak Civilisation!
The Communist Party is famous and very well known for its radical non-interventionism. I'm not convinced that China will interfere in Pakistan to secularize social groups or parts of the society at all. I do believe however that certain state institutions and government agencies will be modernized and more efficient due to Chinese help. But interfering in internal matters of Pakistan? This would be a no-go for Chinese foreign policy. They always boast internationally with their rejection to intervene in other countries domestic policies. I doubt they will change this integral part of their foreign strategy when it comes to Pakistan. One reason might be that Pakistan is the wrong candidate for doing so because of its social dynamics and religious worldview. Such an undertaking is bound to end in disaster and Peking is not ready to sacrifice billions of USD (CPEC). Besides, this non-interventionism principle is a special distinguishing mark of China in comparison to USA. They won't risk losing this credibility not even for Pakistan.

Please correct me, if I'm wrong.
I'm not convinced that China will interfere in Pakistan to secularize social groups or parts of the society at all.

i dont get your post at all.

From where did you got the idea that China intends to secularize Pakistani society or interfere in its affairs?
The Communist Party is famous and very well known for its radical non-interventionism. I'm not convinced that China will interfere in Pakistan to secularize social groups or parts of the society at all. I do believe however that certain state institutions and government agencies will be modernized and more efficient due to Chinese help. But interfering in internal matters of Pakistan? This would be a no-go for Chinese foreign policy. They always boast internationally with their rejection to intervene in other countries domestic policies. I doubt they will change this integral part of their foreign strategy when it comes to Pakistan. One reason might be that Pakistan is the wrong candidate for doing so because of its social dynamics and religious worldview. Such an undertaking is bound to end in disaster and Peking is not ready to sacrifice billions of USD (CPEC). Besides, this non-interventionism principle is a special distinguishing mark of China in comparison to USA. They won't risk losing this credibility not even for Pakistan.

Please correct me, if I'm wrong.

China will work with any political party in power in Pakistan or in any country so I don't think the CPC cares who's in charge. Works pretty well so far worldwide. you don't win anything by picking sides. China can have good relationships with both Iran and Saudi Arabia for example at the same time, NP's.

i dont get your post at all.

From where did you got the idea that China intends to secularize Pakistani society or interfere in its affairs?

attempting to secularize Pakistan will only backfire as Muslims take their faith very seriously unlike the Christians in the west. It should be up to the Pakistani people if they want to be more secular or religious.
I think a very important reason is the security of Pakistan.
I'd love to go to Pakistan, but I have two concerns
1, security
2, if I am protected by the PK military or police, I think it is a waste of Pakistan's tax, I think it would not be right for PK

Because before the Chinese people who travel to Pakistan, because our two countries are very friendly,
By the police protection, when they return, wrote a travel notes, the netizens criticized them to occupy the Pakistani police resources. told you can go to Pakistan to invest, But it is better not to travel, waste police resource like(http://bbs.tianya.cn/post-worldlook-1760751-1.shtml?_t_t_t=0.032534082098642836 you can google translate or you can search"浪费"means "waste", I think you will know the reason

You know like me a lot of Chinese want to go, but I think for this reason not go.

not we do not like go to PK
I heard Chinese people think positively of Pakistan, because the Chinese government has a very good relationship with the Pakistani government.
From my first hand experience Chinese people treat us like their friends. On the other hand I have heard two such cases where Chinese shopkeepers refused to sell things to two Indians when they got to know they are from India.
Both the Chinese and Pakistani governments have a very good relationship.
Both the Chinese and Pakistani governments have a very good relationship.

Better like that, I'm sorry I was not live in China. But any problem that threat to Pakistan will be problem for China, both share land border. Strong and stable friendly Pakistan means good situation for China.
Better like that, I'm sorry I was not live in China. But any problem that threat to Pakistan will be problem for China, both share land border. Strong and stable friendly Pakistan means good situation for China.
no problem my friend.

Where are you from?

Are you a Chinese living in Indonesia?
China is fast heading to be the biggest source of tourists in the world. Also typical Chinese tourists tend to spend more money therefore leaving behind more 'tourist dollars'.

Given that Pakistan has such a close relationship with Pakistan we should be aiming at grabbing 10% of that market. That would mean over 1 million tourists per year. That would create lot of jobs in Pakistan and create a viable industry that also would help to reinforce our relationship with China.

I think Islamabad should be the hotspot for Chinese tourists given it's amenable environment. From their Taxila, Sirkap, KKH, wider Gandhara region with it's Buddhist sites and M2 link to Lahore with it's cultural sites would be ideal launching pad for this initiative.

Forget India my friend. As far as Chinese go - talk Buddhism > talk Pakistan. Buddhism was 'exported' from a region in Pakistan called Gandhara along what is now the Karakorum Highway to China. Refer to map below. You will notice capital of Pakistan - Islamabad at bottom right of the map. This is where Buddhism took off to to China. There are fantastic sties in this regin of Pakistan. India does not have anything like this. Only Nepal the homeland of Buddhism can match. The problem is most historical literature about this subject was written by English during British India days and they used the word 'India' because it coveed everything from Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal, modern India, Pakistan in one colony.


Also, the ancient Gandhari language (related to Potohari, Hinko and Dardic) was the language of the Buddhist Kingdom of Khotan in the Tarim Basin, China as well as Kharosthi being the official script of Khotan/Tarim Basin and of various kingdoms/states of the Indus Basin.

Not to mention the ancient trade links between Indus Valley and China.
CPEC actually looks like a modern continuation of this
Tidy up quickly your country against "Terrorism" first and foremost; and all social ills, just like what we are doing now
You are going to see massive investments and tourism flourishing in Pakistan, our dearest Friends
Help Make Pakistan Great!

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